996 research outputs found

    Continuous Nearest Neighbor Queries over Sliding Windows

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    Abstract—This paper studies continuous monitoring of nearest neighbor (NN) queries over sliding window streams. According to this model, data points continuously stream in the system, and they are considered valid only while they belong to a sliding window that contains 1) the W most recent arrivals (count-based) or 2) the arrivals within a fixed interval W covering the most recent time stamps (time-based). The task of the query processor is to constantly maintain the result of long-running NN queries among the valid data. We present two processing techniques that apply to both count-based and time-based windows. The first one adapts conceptual partitioning, the best existing method for continuous NN monitoring over update streams, to the sliding window model. The second technique reduces the problem to skyline maintenance in the distance-time space and precomputes the future changes in the NN set. We analyze the performance of both algorithms and extend them to variations of NN search. Finally, we compare their efficiency through a comprehensive experimental evaluation. The skyline-based algorithm achieves lower CPU cost, at the expense of slightly larger space overhead. Index Terms—Location-dependent and sensitive, spatial databases, query processing, nearest neighbors, data streams, sliding windows.

    Distributed Indexing Schemes for k-Dominant Skyline Analytics on Uncertain Edge-IoT Data

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    Skyline queries typically search a Pareto-optimal set from a given data set to solve the corresponding multiobjective optimization problem. As the number of criteria increases, the skyline presumes excessive data items, which yield a meaningless result. To address this curse of dimensionality, we proposed a k-dominant skyline in which the number of skyline members was reduced by relaxing the restriction on the number of dimensions, considering the uncertainty of data. Specifically, each data item was associated with a probability of appearance, which represented the probability of becoming a member of the k-dominant skyline. As data items appear continuously in data streams, the corresponding k-dominant skyline may vary with time. Therefore, an effective and rapid mechanism of updating the k-dominant skyline becomes crucial. Herein, we proposed two time-efficient schemes, Middle Indexing (MI) and All Indexing (AI), for k-dominant skyline in distributed edge-computing environments, where irrelevant data items can be effectively excluded from the compute to reduce the processing duration. Furthermore, the proposed schemes were validated with extensive experimental simulations. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed MI and AI schemes reduced the computation time by approximately 13% and 56%, respectively, compared with the existing method.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 12 tables, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computin

    Probabilistic Skyline Queries over Uncertain Moving Objects

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    Data uncertainty inherently exists in a large number of applications due to factors such as limitations of measuring equipments, update delay, and network bandwidth. Recently, modeling and querying uncertain data have attracted considerable attention from the database community. However, how to perform advanced analysis on uncertain data remains an interesting question. In this paper, we focus on the execution of skyline computation over uncertain moving objects. We propose a novel probabilistic skyline model where an uncertain object may take a probability to be in the skyline at a certain time point, therefore a p-t-skyline contains those moving objects whose skyline probabilities are at least p at time point t. Computing probabilistic skyline over a large number of uncertain moving objects is a daunting task in practice. In order to efficiently compute the probabilistic skyline query, we propose a discrete-and-conquer strategy, which follows the sampling-bounding-pruning-refining procedure. To further reduce the skyline computation cost, we propose an enhanced framework that is based on a multi-dimensional indexing structure combined with the discrete-and-conquer strategy. Through extensive experiments with synthetic datasets, we show that the framework can efficiently support skyline queries over uncertain moving object and is scalable on large data sets

    Intelligent search in social communities of smartphone users

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    Social communities of smartphone users have recently gained significant interest due to their wide social penetration. The applications in this domain,however, currently rely on centralized or cloud-like architectures for data sharing and searching tasks, introducing both data-disclosure and performance concerns. In this paper, we present a distributed search architecture for intelligent search of objects in a mobile social community. Our framework, coined SmartOpt, is founded on an in-situ data storage model, where captured objects remain local on smartphones and searches then take place over an intelligent multi-objective lookup structure we compute dynamically. Our MO-QRT structure optimizes several conflicting objectives, using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm that calculates a diverse set of high quality non-dominated solutions in a single run. Then a decision-making subsystem is utilized to tune the retrieval preferences of the query user. We assess our ideas both using trace-driven experiments with mobility and social patterns derived by Microsoft’s GeoLife project, DBLP and Pics ‘n’ Trails but also using our real Android SmartP2P3 system deployed over our SmartLab4 testbed of 40+ smartphones. Our study reveals that SmartOpt yields high query recall rates of 95%, with one order of magnitude less time and two orders of magnitude less energy than its competitors

    Privacy Aware Parallel Computation of Skyline Sets Queries from Distributed Databases

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    A skyline query finds objects that are not dominated by another object from a given set of objects. Skyline queries help us to filter unnecessary information efficiently and provide us clues for various decision making tasks. However, we cannot use skyline queries in privacy aware environment, since we have to hide individual's records values even though there is no ID information. Therefore, we considered skyline sets queries. The skyline set query returns skyline sets from all possible sets, each of which is composed of some objects in a database. With the growth of network infrastructure data are stored in distributed databases. In this paper, we expand the idea to compute skyline sets queries in parallel fashion from distributed databases without disclosing individual records to others. The proposed method utilizes an agent-based parallel computing framework that can efficiently compute skyline sets queries and can solve the privacy problems of skyline queries in distributed environment. The computation of skyline sets is performed simultaneously in all databases which increases parallelism and reduces the computation time
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