3,803 research outputs found

    Trading Safety Versus Performance: Rapid Deployment of Robotic Swarms with Robust Performance Constraints

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    In this paper we consider a stochastic deployment problem, where a robotic swarm is tasked with the objective of positioning at least one robot at each of a set of pre-assigned targets while meeting a temporal deadline. Travel times and failure rates are stochastic but related, inasmuch as failure rates increase with speed. To maximize chances of success while meeting the deadline, a control strategy has therefore to balance safety and performance. Our approach is to cast the problem within the theory of constrained Markov Decision Processes, whereby we seek to compute policies that maximize the probability of successful deployment while ensuring that the expected duration of the task is bounded by a given deadline. To account for uncertainties in the problem parameters, we consider a robust formulation and we propose efficient solution algorithms, which are of independent interest. Numerical experiments confirming our theoretical results are presented and discussed

    Implementation of UAV Coordination Based on a Hierarchical Multi-UAV Simulation Platform

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    In this paper, a hierarchical multi-UAV simulation platform,called XTDrone, is designed for UAV swarms, which is completely open-source 4 . There are six layers in XTDrone: communication, simulator,low-level control, high-level control, coordination, and human interac-tion layers. XTDrone has three advantages. Firstly, the simulation speedcan be adjusted to match the computer performance, based on the lock-step mode. Thus, the simulations can be conducted on a work stationor on a personal laptop, for different purposes. Secondly, a simplifiedsimulator is also developed which enables quick algorithm designing sothat the approximated behavior of UAV swarms can be observed inadvance. Thirdly, XTDrone is based on ROS, Gazebo, and PX4, andhence the codes in simulations can be easily transplanted to embeddedsystems. Note that XTDrone can support various types of multi-UAVmissions, and we provide two important demos in this paper: one is aground-station-based multi-UAV cooperative search, and the other is adistributed UAV formation flight, including consensus-based formationcontrol, task assignment, and obstacle avoidance.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. And for the, see https://gitee.com/robin_shaun/XTDron

    Cost Adaptation for Robust Decentralized Swarm Behaviour

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    Decentralized receding horizon control (D-RHC) provides a mechanism for coordination in multi-agent settings without a centralized command center. However, combining a set of different goals, costs, and constraints to form an efficient optimization objective for D-RHC can be difficult. To allay this problem, we use a meta-learning process -- cost adaptation -- which generates the optimization objective for D-RHC to solve based on a set of human-generated priors (cost and constraint functions) and an auxiliary heuristic. We use this adaptive D-RHC method for control of mesh-networked swarm agents. This formulation allows a wide range of tasks to be encoded and can account for network delays, heterogeneous capabilities, and increasingly large swarms through the adaptation mechanism. We leverage the Unity3D game engine to build a simulator capable of introducing artificial networking failures and delays in the swarm. Using the simulator we validate our method on an example coordinated exploration task. We demonstrate that cost adaptation allows for more efficient and safer task completion under varying environment conditions and increasingly large swarm sizes. We release our simulator and code to the community for future work.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 201

    A Decentralized Control Framework for Energy-Optimal Goal Assignment and Trajectory Generation

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    This paper proposes a decentralized approach for solving the problem of moving a swarm of agents into a desired formation. We propose a decentralized assignment algorithm which prescribes goals to each agent using only local information. The assignment results are then used to generate energy-optimal trajectories for each agent which have guaranteed collision avoidance through safety constraints. We present the conditions for optimality and discuss the robustness of the solution. The efficacy of the proposed approach is validated through a numerical case study to characterize the framework's performance on a set of dynamic goals.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear at the 2019 Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, F

    Decentralized algorithm of dynamic task allocation for a swarm of homogeneous robots

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    The current trends in the robotics field have led to the development of large-scale swarm robot systems, which are deployed for complex missions. The robots in these systems must communicate and interact with each other and with their environment for complex task processing. A major problem for this trend is the poor task planning mechanism, which includes both task decomposition and task allocation. Task allocation means to distribute and schedule a set of tasks to be accomplished by a group of robots to minimize the cost while satisfying operational constraints. Task allocation mechanism must be run by each robot, which integrates the swarm whenever it senses a change in the environment to make sure the robot is assigned to the most appropriate task, if not, the robot should reassign itself to its nearest task. The main contribution in this thesis is to maximize the overall efficiency of the system by minimizing the total time needed to accomplish the dynamic task allocation problem. The near-optimal allocation schemes are found using a novel hybrid decentralized algorithm for a dynamic task allocation in a swarm of homogeneous robots, where the number of the tasks is more than the robots present in the system. This hybrid approach is based on both the Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization technique combined with the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) technique. Also, another major contribution in this thesis is the formulation of the dynamic task allocation equations for the homogeneous swarm robotics using integer linear programming and the cost function and constraints are introduced for the given problem. Then, the DPSO and SA algorithms are developed to accomplish the task in a minimal time. Simulation is implemented using only two test cases via MATLAB. Simulation results show that PSO exhibits a smaller and more stable convergence characteristics and SA technique owns a better quality solution. Then, after developing the hybrid algorithm, which combines SA with PSO, simulation instances are extended to include fifteen more test cases with different swarm dimensions to ensure the robustness and scalability of the proposed algorithm over the traditional PSO and SA optimization techniques. Based on the simulation results, the hybrid DPSO/SA approach proves to have a higher efficiency in both small and large swarm sizes than the other traditional algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization technique and Simulated Annealing technique. The simulation results also demonstrate that the proposed approach can dislodge a state from a local minimum and guide it to the global minimum. Thus, the contributions of the proposed hybrid DPSO/SA algorithm involve possessing both the pros of high quality solution in SA and the fast convergence time capability in PSO. Also, a parameters\u27 selection process for the hybrid algorithm is proposed as a further contribution in an attempt to enhance the algorithm efficiency because the heuristic optimization techniques are very sensitive to any parameter changes. In addition, Verification is performed to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with results of an exact solver in terms of computational time, number of iterations and quality of solution. The exact solver that is used in this research is the Hungarian algorithm. This comparison shows that the proposed algorithm gives a superior performance in almost all swarm sizes with both stable and small execution time. However, it also shows that the proposed hybrid algorithm\u27s cost values which is the distance traveled by the robots to perform the tasks are larger than the cost values of the Hungarian algorithm but the execution time of the hybrid algorithm is much better. Finally, one last contribution in this thesis is that the proposed algorithm is implemented and extensively tested in a real experiment using a swarm of 4 robots. The robots that are used in the real experiment called Elisa-III robots

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    Cellular Automata Applications in Shortest Path Problem

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    Cellular Automata (CAs) are computational models that can capture the essential features of systems in which global behavior emerges from the collective effect of simple components, which interact locally. During the last decades, CAs have been extensively used for mimicking several natural processes and systems to find fine solutions in many complex hard to solve computer science and engineering problems. Among them, the shortest path problem is one of the most pronounced and highly studied problems that scientists have been trying to tackle by using a plethora of methodologies and even unconventional approaches. The proposed solutions are mainly justified by their ability to provide a correct solution in a better time complexity than the renowned Dijkstra's algorithm. Although there is a wide variety regarding the algorithmic complexity of the algorithms suggested, spanning from simplistic graph traversal algorithms to complex nature inspired and bio-mimicking algorithms, in this chapter we focus on the successful application of CAs to shortest path problem as found in various diverse disciplines like computer science, swarm robotics, computer networks, decision science and biomimicking of biological organisms' behaviour. In particular, an introduction on the first CA-based algorithm tackling the shortest path problem is provided in detail. After the short presentation of shortest path algorithms arriving from the relaxization of the CAs principles, the application of the CA-based shortest path definition on the coordinated motion of swarm robotics is also introduced. Moreover, the CA based application of shortest path finding in computer networks is presented in brief. Finally, a CA that models exactly the behavior of a biological organism, namely the Physarum's behavior, finding the minimum-length path between two points in a labyrinth is given.Comment: To appear in the book: Adamatzky, A (Ed.) Shortest path solvers. From software to wetware. Springer, 201
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