313 research outputs found

    A QPTAS for Maximum Weight Independent Set of Polygons with Polylogarithmically Many Vertices

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    The Maximum Weight Independent Set of Polygons problem is a fundamental problem in computational geometry. Given a set of weighted polygons in the 2-dimensional plane, the goal is to find a set of pairwise non-overlapping polygons with maximum total weight. Due to its wide range of applications, the MWISP problem and its special cases have been extensively studied both in the approximation algorithms and the computational geometry community. Despite a lot of research, its general case is not well-understood. Currently the best known polynomial time algorithm achieves an approximation ratio of n^(epsilon) [Fox and Pach, SODA 2011], and it is not even clear whether the problem is APX-hard. We present a (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm, assuming that each polygon in the input has at most a polylogarithmic number of vertices. Our algorithm has quasi-polynomial running time. We use a recently introduced framework for approximating maximum weight independent set in geometric intersection graphs. The framework has been used to construct a QPTAS in the much simpler case of axis-parallel rectangles. We extend it in two ways, to adapt it to our much more general setting. First, we show that its technical core can be reduced to the case when all input polygons are triangles. Secondly, we replace its key technical ingredient which is a method to partition the plane using only few edges such that the objects stemming from the optimal solution are evenly distributed among the resulting faces and each object is intersected only a few times. Our new procedure for this task is not more complex than the original one, and it can handle the arising difficulties due to the arbitrary angles of the polygons. Note that already this obstacle makes the known analysis for the above framework fail. Also, in general it is not well understood how to handle this difficulty by efficient approximation algorithms

    On covering by translates of a set

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    In this paper we study the minimal number of translates of an arbitrary subset SS of a group GG needed to cover the group, and related notions of the efficiency of such coverings. We focus mainly on finite subsets in discrete groups, reviewing the classical results in this area, and generalizing them to a much broader context. For example, we show that while the worst-case efficiency when SS has kk elements is of order 1/logk1/\log k, for kk fixed and nn large, almost every kk-subset of any given nn-element group covers GG with close to optimal efficiency.Comment: 41 pages; minor corrections; to appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    A Divide and Conquer Approximation Algorithm for Partitioning Rectangles

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    Given a rectangle RR with area AA and a set of areas L={A1,...,An}L=\{A_1,...,A_n\} with i=1nAi=A\sum_{i=1}^n A_i = A, we consider the problem of partitioning RR into nn sub-regions R1,...,RnR_1,...,R_n with areas A1,...,AnA_1,...,A_n in a way that the total perimeter of all sub-regions is minimized. The goal is to create square-like sub-regions, which are often more desired. We propose an efficient 1.2031.203--approximation algorithm for this problem based on a divide and conquer scheme that runs in O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) time. For the special case when the aspect ratios of all rectangles are bounded from above by 3, the approximation factor is 2/31.15482/\sqrt{3} \leq 1.1548. We also present a modified version of out algorithm as a heuristic that achieves better average and best run times

    A Constant Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Packets on Line Networks

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