302 research outputs found

    Intelligent Traffic Management: From Practical Stochastic Path Planning to Reinforcement Learning Based City-Wide Traffic Optimization

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    This research focuses on intelligent traffic management including stochastic path planning and city scale traffic optimization. Stochastic path planning focuses on finding paths when edge weights are not fixed and change depending on the time of day/week. Then we focus on minimizing the running time of the overall procedure at query time utilizing precomputation and approximation. The city graph is partitioned into smaller groups of nodes and represented by its exemplar. In query time, source and destination pairs are connected to their respective exemplars and the path between those exemplars is found. After this, we move toward minimizing the city wide traffic congestion by making structural changes include changing the number of lanes, using ramp metering, varying speed limit, and modifying signal timing is possible. We propose a multi agent reinforcement learning (RL) framework for improving traffic flow in city networks. Our framework utilizes two level learning: a) each single agent learns the initial policy and b) multiple agents (changing the environment at the same time) update their policy based on the interaction with the dynamic environment and in agreement with other agents. The goal of RL agents is to interact with the environment to learn the optimal modification for each road segment through maximizing the cumulative reward over the set of possible actions in state space

    A survey on cost-effective context-aware distribution of social data streams over energy-efficient data centres

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    Social media have emerged in the last decade as a viable and ubiquitous means of communication. The ease of user content generation within these platforms, e.g. check-in information, multimedia data, etc., along with the proliferation of Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled, always-connected capture devices lead to data streams of unprecedented amount and a radical change in information sharing. Social data streams raise a variety of practical challenges, including derivation of real-time meaningful insights from effectively gathered social information, as well as a paradigm shift for content distribution with the leverage of contextual data associated with user preferences, geographical characteristics and devices in general. In this article we present a comprehensive survey that outlines the state-of-the-art situation and organizes challenges concerning social media streams and the infrastructure of the data centres supporting the efficient access to data streams in terms of content distribution, data diffusion, data replication, energy efficiency and network infrastructure. We systematize the existing literature and proceed to identify and analyse the main research points and industrial efforts in the area as far as modelling, simulation and performance evaluation are concerned

    Modelling and Design of Resilient Networks under Challenges

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    Communication networks, in particular the Internet, face a variety of challenges that can disrupt our daily lives resulting in the loss of human lives and significant financial costs in the worst cases. We define challenges as external events that trigger faults that eventually result in service failures. Understanding these challenges accordingly is essential for improvement of the current networks and for designing Future Internet architectures. This dissertation presents a taxonomy of challenges that can help evaluate design choices for the current and Future Internet. Graph models to analyse critical infrastructures are examined and a multilevel graph model is developed to study interdependencies between different networks. Furthermore, graph-theoretic heuristic optimisation algorithms are developed. These heuristic algorithms add links to increase the resilience of networks in the least costly manner and they are computationally less expensive than an exhaustive search algorithm. The performance of networks under random failures, targeted attacks, and correlated area-based challenges are evaluated by the challenge simulation module that we developed. The GpENI Future Internet testbed is used to conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of the heuristic algorithms developed

    Detecting Communities and Analysing Interactions with Learning Objects in Online Learning Repositories

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    The widespread use of online learning object repositories has raised the need of studies that assess the quality of their contents, and their user’s performance and engagement. The present research addresses two fundamental problems that are central to that need: the need to explore user interaction with these repositories and the detection of emergent communities of users. The current dissertation approaches those directions through investigating and mining the Khan Academy repository as a free, open access, popular online learning repository addressing a wide content scope. It includes large numbers of different learning objects such as instructional videos, articles, and exercises. In addition to a large number of users. Data was collected using the repository’s public application programming interfaces combined with Web scraping techniques to gather data and user interactions. Different research activities were carried out to generate useful insights out of the gathered data. We conducted descriptive analysis to investigate the learning repository and its core features such as growth rate, popularity, and geographical distribution. A number of statistical and quantitative analysis were applied to examine the relation between the users’ interactions and different metrics related to the use of learning objects in a step to assess the users’ behaviour. We also used different Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques on a network graph built from a large number of user interactions. The resulting network consisted of more than 3 million interactions distributed across more than 300,000 users. The type of those interactions is questions and answers posted on Khan Academy’s instructional videos (more than 10,000 video). In order to analyse this graph and explore the social network structure, we studied two different community detection algorithms to identify the learning interactions communities emerged in Khan Academy then we compared between their effectiveness. After that, we applied different SNA measures including modularity, density, clustering coefficients and different centrality measures in order to assess the users’ behaviour patterns and their presence. Using descriptive analysis, we discovered many characteristics and features of the repository. We found that the number of learning objects in Khan Academy’s repository grows linearly over time, more than 50% of the users do not complete the watched videos, and we found that the average duration for video lessons 5 to 10 minutes which aligns with the recommended duration in literature. By applying community detection techniques and social network analysis, we managed to identify learning communities in Khan Academy’s network. The size distribution of those communities found to follow the power-law distribution which is the case of many real-world networks. Those learning communities are related to more than one domain which means the users are active and interacting across domains. Different centrality measures we applied to focus on the most influential players in those communities. Despite the popularity of online learning repositories and their wide use, the structure of the emerged learning communities and their social networks remain largely unexplored. Our findings could be considered initial insights that may help researchers and educators in better understanding online learning repositories, the learning process inside those repositories, and learner behaviou

    Socially-aware congestion control in ad-hoc networks: Current status and the way forward

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    Ad-hoc social networks (ASNETs) represent a special type of traditional ad-hoc network in whicha user’s social properties (such as the social connections and communications metadata as wellas application data) are leveraged for offering enhanced services in a distributed infrastructurelessenvironments. However, the wireless medium, due to limited bandwidth, can easily suffer from theproblem of congestion when social metadata and application data are exchanged among nodes—a problem that is compounded by the fact that some nodes may act selfishly and not share itsresources. While a number of congestion control schemes have been proposed for the traditional ad-hoc networks, there has been limited focus on incorporating social awareness into congestion controlschemes. We revisit the existing traditional ad-hoc congestion control and data distribution protocolsand motivate the need for embedding social awareness into these protocols to improve performance.We report that although some work is available in opportunistic network that uses socially-awaretechniques to control the congestion issue, this area is largely unexplored and warrants more researchattention. In this regards, we highlight the current research progress and identify multiple futuredirections of research

    Automated Pattern Detection and Generalization of Building Groups

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    This dissertation focuses on the topic of building group generalization by considering the detection of building patterns. Generalization is an important research field in cartography, which is part of map production and the basis for the derivation of multiple representation. As one of the most important features on map, buildings occupy large amount of map space and normally have complex shape and spatial distribution, which leads to that the generalization of buildings has long been an important and challenging task. For social, architectural and geographical reasons, the buildings were built with some special rules which forms different building patterns. Building patterns are crucial structures which should be carefully considered during graphical representation and generalization. Although people can effortlessly perceive these patterns, however, building patterns are not explicitly described in building datasets. Therefore, to better support the subsequent generalization process, it is important to automatically recognize building patterns. The objective of this dissertation is to develop effective methods to detect building patterns from building groups. Based on the identified patterns, some generalization methods are proposed to fulfill the task of building generalization. The main contribution of the dissertation is described as the following five aspects: (1) The terminology and concept of building pattern has been clearly explained; a detailed and relative complete typology of building patterns has been proposed by summarizing the previous researches as well as extending by the author; (2) A stroke-mesh based method has been developed to group buildings and detect different patterns from the building groups; (3) Through the analogy between line simplification and linear building group typification, a stroke simplification based typification method has been developed aiming at solving the generalization of building groups with linear patterns; (4) A mesh-based typification method has been developed for the generalization of the building groups with grid patterns; (5) A method of extracting hierarchical skeleton structures from discrete buildings have been proposed. The extracted hierarchical skeleton structures are regarded as the representations of the global shape of the entire region, which is used to control the generalization process. With the above methods, the building patterns are detected from the building groups and the generalization of building groups are executed based on the patterns. In addition, the thesis has also discussed the drawbacks of the methods and gave the potential solutions.:Abstract I Kurzfassung III Contents V List of Figures IX List of Tables XIII List of Abbreviations XIV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.1.1 Cartographic generalization 1 1.1.2 Urban building and building patterns 1 1.1.3 Building generalization 3 1.1.4 Hierarchical property in geographical objects 3 1.2 Research objectives 4 1.3 Study area 5 1.4 Thesis structure 6 Chapter 2 State of the Art 8 2.1 Operators for building generalization 8 2.1.1 Selection 9 2.1.2 Aggregation 9 2.1.3 Simplification 10 2.1.4 Displacement 10 2.2 Researches of building grouping and pattern detection 11 2.2.1 Building grouping 11 2.2.2 Pattern detection 12 2.2.3 Problem analysis . 14 2.3 Researches of building typification 14 2.3.1 Global typification 15 2.3.2 Local typification 15 2.3.3 Comparison analysis 16 2.3.4 Problem analysis 17 2.4 Summary 17 Chapter 3 Using stroke and mesh to recognize building group patterns 18 3.1 Abstract 19 3.2 Introduction 19 3.3 Literature review 20 3.4 Building pattern typology and study area 22 3.4.1 Building pattern typology 22 3.4.2 Study area 24 3.5 Methodology 25 3.5.1 Generating and refining proximity graph 25 3.5.2 Generating stroke and mesh 29 3.5.3 Building pattern recognition 31 3.6 Experiments 33 3.6.1 Data derivation and test framework 33 3.6.2 Pattern recognition results 35 3.6.3 Evaluation 39 3.7 Discussion 40 3.7.1 Adaptation of parameters 40 3.7.2 Ambiguity of building patterns 44 3.7.3 Advantage and Limitation 45 3.8 Conclusion 46 Chapter 4 A typification method for linear building groups based on stroke simplification 47 4.1 Abstract 48 4.2 Introduction 48 4.3 Detection of linear building groups 50 4.3.1 Stroke-based detection method 50 4.3.2 Distinguishing collinear and curvilinear patterns 53 4.4 Typification method 55 4.4.1 Analogy of building typification and line simplification 55 4.4.2 Stroke generation 56 4.4.3 Stroke simplification 57 4.5 Representation of newly typified buildings 60 4.6 Experiment 63 4.6.1 Linear building group detection 63 4.6.2 Typification results 65 4.7 Discussion 66 4.7.1 Comparison of reallocating remained nodes 66 4.7.2 Comparison with classic line simplification method 67 4.7.3 Advantage 69 4.7.4 Further improvement 71 4.8 Conclusion 71 Chapter 5 A mesh-based typification method for building groups with grid patterns 73 5.1 Abstract 74 5.2 Introduction 74 5.3 Related work 75 5.4 Methodology of mesh-based typification 78 5.4.1 Grid pattern classification 78 5.4.2 Mesh generation 79 5.4.3 Triangular mesh elimination 80 5.4.4 Number and positioning of typified buildings 82 5.4.5 Representation of typified buildings 83 5.4.6 Resizing Newly Typified Buildings 85 5.5 Experiments 86 5.5.1 Data derivation 86 5.5.2 Typification results and evaluation 87 5.5.3 Comparison with official map 91 5.6 Discussion 92 5.6.1 Advantages 92 5.6.2 Further improvements 93 5.7 Conclusion 94 Chapter 6 Hierarchical extraction of skeleton structures from discrete buildings 95 6.1 Abstract 96 6.2 Introduction 96 6.3 Related work 97 6.4 Study area 99 6.5 Hierarchical extraction of skeleton structures 100 6.5.1 Proximity Graph Network (PGN) of buildings 100 6.5.2 Centrality analysis of proximity graph network 103 6.5.3 Hierarchical skeleton structures of buildings 108 6.6 Generalization application 111 6.7 Experiment and discussion 114 6.7.1 Data statement 114 6.7.2 Experimental results 115 6.7.3 Discussion 118 6.8 Conclusions 120 Chapter 7 Discussion 121 7.1 Revisiting the research problems 121 7.2 Evaluation of the presented methodology 123 7.2.1 Strengths 123 7.2.2 Limitations 125 Chapter 8 Conclusions 127 8.1 Main contributions 127 8.2 Outlook 128 8.3 Final thoughts 131 Bibliography 132 Acknowledgements 142 Publications 14

    Detecting Political Framing Shifts and the Adversarial Phrases within\\ Rival Factions and Ranking Temporal Snapshot Contents in Social Media

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    abstract: Social Computing is an area of computer science concerned with dynamics of communities and cultures, created through computer-mediated social interaction. Various social media platforms, such as social network services and microblogging, enable users to come together and create social movements expressing their opinions on diverse sets of issues, events, complaints, grievances, and goals. Methods for monitoring and summarizing these types of sociopolitical trends, its leaders and followers, messages, and dynamics are needed. In this dissertation, a framework comprising of community and content-based computational methods is presented to provide insights for multilingual and noisy political social media content. First, a model is developed to predict the emergence of viral hashtag breakouts, using network features. Next, another model is developed to detect and compare individual and organizational accounts, by using a set of domain and language-independent features. The third model exposes contentious issues, driving reactionary dynamics between opposing camps. The fourth model develops community detection and visualization methods to reveal underlying dynamics and key messages that drive dynamics. The final model presents a use case methodology for detecting and monitoring foreign influence, wherein a state actor and news media under its control attempt to shift public opinion by framing information to support multiple adversarial narratives that facilitate their goals. In each case, a discussion of novel aspects and contributions of the models is presented, as well as quantitative and qualitative evaluations. An analysis of multiple conflict situations will be conducted, covering areas in the UK, Bangladesh, Libya and the Ukraine where adversarial framing lead to polarization, declines in social cohesion, social unrest, and even civil wars (e.g., Libya and the Ukraine).Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201