7 research outputs found

    A tandem queue with server slow-down and blocking

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    We consider two variants of a two-station tandem network with blocking. In both variants the first server ceases to work when the queue length at the second station hits a `blocking threshold'. In addition, in variant 22 the first server decreases its service rate when the second queue exceeds a `slow-down threshold', which is smaller than the blocking level. In both variants the arrival process is Poisson and the service times at both stations are exponentially distributed. Note, however, that in case of slow-downs, server 11 works at a high rate, a slow rate, or not at all, depending on whether the second queue is below or above the slow-down threshold or at the blocking threshold, respectively. For variant 11, i.e., only blocking, we concentrate on the geometric decay rate of the number of jobs in the first buffer and prove that for increasing blocking thresholds the sequence of decay rates decreases monotonically and at least geometrically fast to max{ρ1,ρ2}\max\{\rho_1,\rho_2\}, where ρi\rho_i is the load at server ii. The methods used in the proof also allow us to clarify the asymptotic queue length distribution at the second station. Then we generalize the analysis to variant 22, i.e., slow-down and blocking, and establish analogous results. \u

    A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks

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    This paper presents a finite capacity queueing network model to evaluate congestion in protein synthesis networks. These networks are modeled as single server bufferless queues in a tandem topology. The model approximates the marginal stationary distributions of each queue. It consists of a system of linear and quadratic equations that can be decoupled. It is therefore a tractable and scalable method that is suitable for large-scale networks. This model proposes a detailed state space formulation, which provides a fine description of congestion and contributes to a better understanding of how the protein synthesis rate is deteriorated. This paper also generalizes the concept of blocking: blocking events can be triggered by an arbitrary set of queues. The numerical performance of this method is evaluated for networks with up to 100,000 queues, considering scenarios with various levels of congestion. Since tandem topology networks are of interest for a variety of application fields, the numerical efficiency and scalability of this model is of wide interest

    An analytic finite capacity queueing network model capturing blocking, congestion and spillbacks

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    Analytic queueing network models often assume infinite capacity for all queues. For real systems this infinite capacity assumption does not hold, but is often maintained due to the difficulty of grasping the between-queue correlation structure present in finite capacity networks. This correlation structure helps explain bottleneck effects and spillbacks, the latter being of special interest in networks containing loops because they are a source of potential deadlock. We present an analytic queueing network model which acknowledges the finite capacity of the different queues. By explicitly modeling the blocking phase the model yields a description of the congestion effects. The model is adapted for multiple server finite capacity queueing networks with an arbitrary topology and blocking-after-service. A decomposition method allowing the evaluation of the model is described. The method is validated, by comparison to both pre-existing methods and simulation results. A real application to the study of patient flow in a network of operative and post-operative units of the Geneva University Hospital is also presented

    Efficient algorithmic solutions to exponential tandem queues with blocking

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 西成 活裕, 東京大学教授 山西 健司, 東京大学教授 合原 一幸, 東京大学教授 森川 博之, 東京大学准教授 柳澤 大地University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Queueing Network Models of Ambulance Offload Delays

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    Although healthcare operations management has been an active and popular research direction over the past few years, there is a lack of formal quantitative models to analyze the ambulance o oad delay problem. O oad delays occur when an ambulance arriving at a hospital Emergency Department (ED) is forced to remain in front of the ED until a bed is available for the patient. Thus, the ambulance and the paramedic team are responsible to care for the patient until a bed becomes available inside the ED. But it is not as simple as waiting for a bed, as EDs also admit patients based on acuity levels. While the main cause of this problem is the lack of capacity to treat patients inside the EDs, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) coverage and availability are signi cantly a ected. In this thesis, we develop three network queueing models to analyze the o oad delay problem. In order to capture the main cause of those delays, we construct queueing network models that include both EMS and EDs. In addition, we consider patients arriving to the EDs by themselves (walk-in patients) since they consume ED capacity as well. In the rst model, ED capacity is modeled as the combination of bed, nurse, and doctor. If a patient with higher acuity level arrives to the ED, the current patient's service is interrupted. Thus, the service discipline at the EDs is preemptive resume. We also assume that the time the ambulance needs to reach the patient, upload him into the ambulance, and transfer him to the ED (transit time) is negligible. We develop e cient algorithms to construct the model Markov chain and solve for its steady state probability distribution using Matrix Analytic Methods. Moreover, we derive di erent performance measures to evaluate the system performance under di erent settings in terms of the number of beds at each ED, Length Of Stay (LOS) of patients at an ED, and the number of ambulances available to serve a region. Although capacity limitations and increasing demand are the main drivers for this problem, our computational analysis show that ambulance dispatching decisions have a substantial impact on the total o oad delays incurred. In the second model, the number of beds at each ED is used to model the service capacity. As a result of this modeling approach, the service discipline of patients is assumed to be nonpreemptive priority. We also assume that transit times of ambulances are negligible. To analyze the queueing network, we develop a novel algorithm to construct the system Markov chain by de ning a layer for each ED in a region. We combine the Markov chain layers based on the fact that regional EDs are only connected by the number of available ambulances to serve the region. Using Matrix Analytic Methods, we nd the limiting probabilities and use the results to derive di erent system performance measures. Since each ED's patients are included in the model simultaneously, we solve only for small instances with our current computational resources. In the third model, we decompose the regional network into multiple single EDs. We also assume that patients arriving by ambulances have higher nonpreemptive priority discipline over walk-in patients. Unlike the rst two models, we assume that transit times of ambulances are exponentially distributed. To analyze the decomposed queueing network performance, we construct a Markov chain and solve for its limiting probabilities using Matrix Analytic Methods. While the main objective for the rst two models is performance evaluation, in this model we optimize the steady state dispatching decisions for ambulance patients. To achieve this goal, we develop an approximation scheme for the expected o oad delays and expected waiting times of patients. Computational analysis conducted suggest that larger EDs should be loaded more heavily in order to keep the total o oad delays at minimal levels