441 research outputs found

    Sensorimotor processing for balance in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6.

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    We investigated whether balance impairments caused by cerebellar disease are associated with specific sensorimotor processing deficits that generalize across all sensory modalities. Experiments focused on the putative cerebellar functions of scaling and coordinate transformation of balance responses evoked by stimulation of single sensory channels. Vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive sensory channels were stimulated in isolation using galvanic vestibular stimulation, moving visual scenery, and muscle vibration, respectively, in 16 subjects with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) and 16 matched healthy controls. Two polarities of each stimulus type evoked postural responses of similar form in the forward and backward directions. Disease severity was assessed using the Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia. Impaired balance of SCA6 subjects during unperturbed stance was reflected in faster than normal body sway (P = 0.009), which correlated with disease severity (r = 0.705, P < 0.001). Sensory perturbations revealed a sensorimotor processing abnormality that was specific to response scaling for the visual channel. This manifested as visually evoked postural responses that were approximately three times larger than normal (backward, P < 0.001; forward P = 0.005) and correlated with disease severity (r = 0.543, P = 0.03). Response direction and habituation properties were no different from controls for all three sensory modalities. Cerebellar degeneration disturbs the scaling of postural responses evoked by visual motion, possibly through disinhibition of extracerebellar visuomotor centers. The excessively high gain of the visuomotor channel without compensatory decreases in gains of other sensorimotor channels provides a potential mechanism for instability of the balance control system in cerebellar disease. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Postural control and adaptation to threats to balance stability

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    Postural control is the ability to maintain equilibrium and orientation in a gravitational environment. It is dependent on feedback and feedforward mechanisms that generate appropriate corrective movement based on body-sway motion detected primarily by visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory systems. Since information from the various senses is not always accurate (e.g. by disease) or available (e.g. with eyes closed), the postural control system must adapt to maintain stance. This thesis aimed to investigate postural control and adaptation to threats of balance. Effective approaches for the clinical measurement of postural control still remains to be developed. In the past, it has been common to investigate patients’ balance by having them stand upon compliant foam blocks with eyes open and closed since standing on foam is believed to affect the accuracy of information from cutaneous mechanoreceptors on the soles of the feet. However, when assessing balance on foam blocks with different compliances and mechanical properties, it was found that postural sway was larger on firmer compliant surfaces, which also increased the importance of visual information. Postural adaptation was also investigated by repeatedly perturbing balance using muscle vibrations. In healthy, young persons, a slow adaptive change was observed. This adaptation involved decreased costs of standing including decreased energy, body movement and muscle activity and changes to the relationship between muscle activity and movement. The characteristics of the adaptation also depended on the availability of visual information. The elderly had poor postural control with and without being perturbed but were able to adapt to improve their poor balance. However, decreased mechanoreceptive sensation in the elderly prevented them from adapting their balance to the level of younger test subjects. Sleep deprivation decreased attention and alertness and resulted in decreased postural control and adaptation. The findings in this thesis extend what is known about motor learning. The adaptive learning capability of the postural control system, and hence the accurate reconstruction of the kinematics and kinetics of movement, was dependant on ones own mechanoreceptive somatosensation and availability of visual information. Decreasing attention and alertness through sleep deprivation decreased adaptive capabilities, suggesting an important role for sleep in memory and consolidation of a new motor skill

    Effect of Single-session Whole-body Vibration on Spasticity and Motor Function of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. Children with CP often develop abnormal gait patterns such as a shorter and slower step, a limited range-of-motion of the ankle, knee, and hip joints, and abnormal muscle spasticity and activation patterns. Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new intervention paradigm that has demonstrated its effectiveness in clinical populations such as adults with stroke and children with CP. However, the effect of WBV frequency and amplitude and the optimal intervention dosage have not been fully understood in children with CP. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute effect of single-session WBV with two different amplitudes on (a) muscle spasticity, spatiotemporal gait parameters, and standing posture, and (b) joint kinematics and muscle activation patterns during walking in children with CP. Ten children with spastic CP aged 7-17 years participated in this study. Two WBV sessions were presented with the same frequency of 20Hz but two amplitudes (low amplitude: 1mm and high amplitude: 2mm). Each vibration session included 6 sets of 90-second vibration exposure and 90-second rest. Modified Ashworth scale, overground walking, and 60-second quiet standing tasks were performed at baseline and after each WBV session. Four muscles were studied including lateral gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris from the affected side for those with hemiplegia diagnosis and from the less affected side for those with diplegia diagnosis. For data analysis, participants were categorized into either a high-response (increasing stride length after WBV intervention) or a low-response subgroup (no change in stride length). Both subgroups reduced spasticity after both WBV sessions, and the high-response subgroup displayed a decreased postural sway during standing after the high-amplitude WBV. Both subgroups, especially the high-response subgroup, displayed increased ankle range-of-motion and decreased muscle activity during overground walking, which might be due to the reduced spasticity. Our results suggest that a single-session of WBV intervention with a higher amplitude can induce an acute effect on reducing muscle spasticity and improving motor function in some children with CP

    The effects of manipulated somatosensory input on simulated falls during walking

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    Previous research has demonstrated that there is a distinct relationship between aging and instability. The somatosensory system plays a significant role in balance control in conjunction with vision and the vestibular system (Qiu et al., 2012). Evidence has shown that manipulation of the mechanoreceptors on the plantar surface of the foot has a direct effect on balance control. By manipulating these receptors with hypothermic anesthesia and vibration, researchers are capable of simulating the effect of sensory modification on healthy individuals, in order to understand the role that plantar-surface sensation has in adapting to perturbation during gait (Perry et al., 2001; Priplata et al., 2006). This study included 14 healthy young adults (mean age 23.07 (±2.43)). Within this study, participants were asked to walk the length of an 8-meter platform at a comfortable speed. Participants were required to walk with reduced, enhanced and normal levels of somatosensory information of the plantar foot surface. During walking trials the participants travelled along a raised platform that had 4 sections in which removable foam squares were placed to provide either a stable or unstable situation when stepped upon. Located underneath three of these squares were three force plates (OR-6-2000 (AMTI, Waterdown, MA)). In order to prevent learning bias the location of the foam, as well as the direction of the perturbation was randomized. Participants were perturbed in either the anterior or lateral direction based upon the direction in which the removable foam squares within the platform were placed. Moreover, participants experienced three separate conditions (control, vibration, and cooled) on the plantar surface of the foot to manipulate the sensory information received. Electromyography (AMT-8 (Bortec, Calgary, Alberta)) was used to analyze magnitude and onset changes in muscle activity within the Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior of the right lower limb, and the Rectus Femoris, and Biceps Femoris muscles of the left lower limb. Three-dimensional motion analysis was also used to capture observable changes in gait (Optotrak, NDI, Waterloo, Ontario). A main effect of condition was found for the third burst of muscle activity recorded within the Tibialis Anterior (F(2,17)=2.75, p\u3c0.01), with post-hoc analysis between the cooled and vibration conditions. A significant positive correlation was found between Rectus Femoris EMG amplitude and rate of loading (r=0.94,p=0.05). Within the anterior perturbations, a main effect for condition was observed for maximum COM velocity ((F(2,35)=3.71, p=0.05), minimum COP velocity (F(2,35)=4.62, p=0.03), and for the maximum distance between COM and COP (F(2,35)=4.37, p=0.04). A trend was also observed for the maximum distance the COM travelled within the lateral direction in the BOS (F(9,35)=2.61, p=0.06). Within the lateral perturbations, a trending effect for condition was also observed for maximum COM velocity (F(2,55)=3.07, p=0.06), the maximum distance between the COM and COP (F(2,55)=2.98, p=0.06), and a main effect was observed for condition for the rate of loading (F(2,55)=3.86, p=0.03). This study provides evidence of a relationship between the plantar cutaneous mechanoreceptors and gait parameters regarding to balance control as observed by the significant effects on commonly used measurements of balance control (i.e. COP and COM velocity). A relationship between mechanoreceptors and EMG amplitude, as well as foot contact forces and EMG amplitude is also evident. These relationships may be used to further knowledge for balance control during adaptive gait, as well as provide further development of footwear and insoles to improve balance control

    Postural control changes due to pain in the knee and leg muscles

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    Episodes of instability and falls in the elderly represent a major public health concern. The lack of scientific information about the effects of age-related changes on neurophysiological mechanisms of postural control has limited the advance in the field of fall prevention and rehabilitation of balance disorders. The overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of aging on postural control. Considering the progressive non-homogeneous deterioration of aging physiological systems, a series of five experimental studies, with healthy young and healthy nonfaller older adults performing upright stance tasks, explored three main hypotheses: (1) intermuscular coherence analysis is able to detect signs of intermuscular synchronization at lower frequency bands as one of the strategies used by the Central Nervous System to control upright stance; (2) aging is associated with a reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling postural muscles; and (3) aging is associated with changes in body sway behavior. The first three studies corroborated the use of intermuscular coherence analysis to investigate the formation of correlated neural inputs forming postural muscle synergies during upright stance. The fourth study revealed an age-related reorganization of the distribution and strength of correlated neural inputs to multiple postural muscles. Healthy nonfaller older adults presented stronger levels of synchronization, within 0–10 Hz, for three distinct muscle groups: anterior, posterior, and antagonist muscle groups. The fifth study investigated age-related changes on postural sway using traditional and novel postural indices extracted from the center of pressure coordinates. Although the functional base support is preserved in healthy nonfaller older adults, these seniors revealed a larger, faster, shakier, and more irregular pattern of body sway compared to healthy young adults. In addition, age-related changes on supraspinal mechanisms, spinal reflexes, and intrinsic mechanical properties of muscles and joints involved in postural control were observed by changes in both rambling and trembling components of the postural sway. Findings reported here provide valuable information regarding compensatory mechanisms adopted by healthy nonfaller older adults to control upright stance. Together, these findings suggest an age-related reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling multiple postural muscles, accompanied by changes in body sway behavior

    Postural stability is altered by the stimulation of pain but not warm receptors in humans

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    BACKGROUND: It is now recognized that large diameter myelinated afferents provide the primary source of lower limb proprioceptive information for maintaining an upright standing position. Small diameter afferents transmitting noxious stimuli, however, can also influence motor behaviors. Despite the possible influence of pain on motor behaviors, the effects of pain on the postural control system have not been well documented. METHODS: Two cutaneous heat stimulations (experiment 1: non-noxious 40 degrees C; experiment 2: noxious 45 degrees C) were applied bilaterally on the calves of the subject with two thermal grills to stimulate A delta and C warm receptors and nociceptors in order to examine their effects on postural stability. The non-noxious stimulation induced a gentle sensation of warmth and the noxious stimulation induced a perception of heat pain (visual analogue scores of 0 and 46 mm, respectively). For both experiments, ten healthy young adults were tested with and without heat stimulations of the lower limbs while standing upright on a force platform with eyes open, eyes closed and eyes closed with tendon co-vibration of tibialis anterior and triceps surae muscles. The center of pressure displacements were analyzed to examine how both stimulations affected the regulation of quiet standing and if the effects were exacerbated when vision was removed or ankle proprioception perturbed. RESULTS: The stimulation of the warm receptors (40 degrees C) did not induce any postural deterioration. With pain (45 degrees C), subjects showed a significant increase in standard deviation, range and mean velocity of postural oscillations as well as standard deviation of the center of pressure velocity. The effects of heat pain were exacerbated when subjects had both their eyes closed and ankle tendons vibrated (increased standard deviation of the center of pressure velocity and mean velocity of the center of pressure). CONCLUSIONS: A non-noxious stimulation (40 degrees C) of the small diameter afferents is not a sufficiently intense sensory stimulation to alter the control of posture. A painful stimulation (45 degrees C) of the skin thermoreceptors, however, yielded a deterioration of the postural control system. The observed deteriorating effects of the combined stimulation of nociceptors and Ia afferents (when ankle tendons were vibrated) could result from the convergence of these afferents at the spinal level. This could certainly lead to the hypothesis that individuals suffering from lower limb pain present alterations of the postural control mechanisms; especially populations already at risk of falling (for example, frail elderly) or populations suffering from concomitant lower limb pain and sensory deficits (for example, diabetic polyneuropathy)

    The influence of visual information on multi-muscle control during quiet stance: a spectral analysis approach

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    Standing upright requires the coordination of neural drives to a large set of muscles involved in controlling human bipedal stance (i.e., postural muscles). The coordination may deteriorate in situations where standing is performed under more challenging circumstances, such as standing on a smaller base of support or not having adequate visual information. The present study investigates the role of common neural inputs in the organization of multi-muscle synergies and the effects of visual input disruption to this mechanism of control. We analyzed the strength and distribution of correlated neural inputs (measured by intermuscular coherence) to six postural muscles previously recognized as components of synergistic groups involved in the maintenance of the body's vertical positioning. Two experimental conditions were studied: quiet bipedal stance performed with opened eyes (OEs) and closed eyes (CEs). Nine participants stood quietly for 30 s while the activity of the soleus, biceps femoris, lumbar erector spinae, tibialis anterior, rectus femoris, and rectus abdominis muscles were recorded using surface electrodes. Intermuscular (EMG-EMG) coherence was estimated for 12 muscle pairs formed by these muscles, including pairs formed solely by either posterior, anterior, or mixed (one posterior and one anterior) muscles. Intermuscular coherence was only found to be significant for muscle pairs formed solely by either posterior or anterior muscles, and no significant coherence was found for mixed muscle pairs. Significant intermuscular coherence was only found within a distinct frequency interval bounded between 1 and 10 Hz when visual input was available (OEs trials). The strength of correlated neural inputs was similar across muscle pairs located in different joints but executing a similar function (pushing body either backward or forward) suggesting that synergistic postural groups are likely formed based on their functional role instead of their anatomical location. Absence of visual information caused a significant decrease in intermuscular coherence. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that correlated neural inputs are a mechanism used by the CNS to assemble synergistic muscle groups. Further, this mechanism is affected by interruption of visual input