487 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Tes IPA Dua Tingkat Berbasis Permainan Jumanji Untuk Mengukur Pemahaman Konsep

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    This study aims to develop a two-level Natural Science (IPA) test instrument based on the jumanji game in measuring understanding of the concept of work and simple planes. The research method in this case is a quantitative method with a modification of the development model. The measurement instrument developed in this study is a two-level science test or a reasoned multiple choice test specifically for the business chapter and simple planes. This research instrument that has been developed was tested on 256 students of SMP Abu Bakar. The results of this study indicate that a measurement instrument has been produced in the form of a two-level science test based on the jumanji game which can measure students' understanding of concepts about business and simple and reliable machines that are valid and reliable. These results are evidenced by the validity and reliability of the two-level science test, which are 0.83 and 0.53 respectively. Meanwhile, the achievement of students' understanding of concepts related to business and simple machines is 51% which is in the high category. The students' conceptual understanding measured using the two-level science test is high because it exceeds the minimum criteria that have been determined.This study aims to develop a two-level Natural Science (IPA) test instrument based on the jumanji game in measuring understanding of the concept of work and simple planes. The research method in this case is a quantitative method with a modification of the development model. The measurement instrument developed in this study is a two-level science test or a reasoned multiple choice test specifically for the business chapter and simple planes. This research instrument that has been developed was tested on 256 students of SMP Abu Bakar. The results of this study indicate that a measurement instrument has been produced in the form of a two-level science test based on the jumanji game which can measure students' understanding of concepts about business and simple and reliable machines that are valid and reliable. These results are evidenced by the validity and reliability of the two-level science test, which are 0.83 and 0.53 respectively. Meanwhile, the achievement of students' understanding of concepts related to business and simple machines is 51% which is in the high category. The students' conceptual understanding measured using the two-level science test is high because it exceeds the minimum criteria that have been determined

    Introducing Virtual Reality and Emerging Technologies in a Teacher Training STEM Course

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    In recent years, the adoption of Emerging Technologies in Education (ETE) has significantly grown. However, the effective integration of these technologies remains challenging as many educators have not been accounted with the professional/career readiness to properly acknowledge and use them as educational tools. Although the STEM approach has gained prominence in Science Education, it still requires proper teacher readiness for a successful implementation. In this study, with a design-based research and mixed method approaches, a ten-session program for prospective teachers was developed and evaluated to foster the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively integrate different technological resources in STEM education. The program aims to bridge the gap between technology and pedagogy, empowering educators to maximize the use ETE to enrich learning experiences. The main conclusions emphasize the significance of technology-centric education for future educators, stressing the necessity for Teacher Training programs that align technological potential with practical classroom applications. Integrating Emerging Technologies supports contemporary pedagogical approaches like STEM Education, promoting active student participation and problem-solving skills. To fully harness Emerging Technologies' potential, educators need training and support. Developing comprehensive training pathways for these technologies is vital to narrow the gap between technology and effective educational integration.Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (Universidad de Granada)Departamento de Didáctica de la Matemática (Universidad de Granada)Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR)Grupo de Investigación HUM613 (Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y de la Sostenibilidad)Instituto Interuniversitario Andaluz de Investigación Educativa (Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Granada)Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal (Universidad de Granada)Proyecto TED2021-129474B-I00 financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRT

    Evaluation of Students’ Chemistry Learning and Experiences in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Reality

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    This study aims to understand how students utilise and perceive collaborative immersive virtual reality (iVR) to learn chemistry concepts, compared to magnetic models. Multimodal cross-case analysis revealed that undergraduate students appreciated learning complex spatial arrangements of molecules in iVR, but the extent of learning and engagement varied depending on prior knowledge and group composition. Evaluating the dynamics of students’ learning experiences can elucidate the unique educational benefits of iVR, revealing nuances that conventional evaluation overlooked

    Percepciones del estudiantado de Bachillerato sobre uso de Realidad Virtual Inmersiva para la educación científica

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    En este estudio analizamos las percepciones de estudiantes de Bachillerato respecto a la Realidad Virtual Inmersiva (RVI) desde las dimensiones educativa, social y de accesibilidad. A través de la aplicación de un cuestionario diseñado para este propósito, validado por expertos y aplicado a una muestra de 41 estudiantes de un IES de Granada, se describen las percepciones de los estudiantes frente al uso de la tecnología de RVI desde las tres dimensiones que propone el instrumento. Por medio de un análisis estadístico descriptivo se establece que los estudiantes valoran positivamente el uso de tecnología como recurso educativo, conciben la RVI como un recurso lúdico social, pero del cual no cuentan ni tienen pensado comprar. Finalmente, concluimos que perciben la RVI como una tecnología favorable en el ámbito de la educación científica, a la vez que consideran de que se trata de una tecnología aun costosa y de difícil acceso.In this study we analyze the perceptions of high school students concerning Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) from educational, social and accessibility dimensions. Through the application of a questionnaire designed for this purpose, validated by experts, and applied to a sample of 41 students from a public school in Granada, we describe the perceptions of students regarding the use of IVR technology from the three dimensions proposed by the instrument. By a descriptive statistical analysis, it is established that students value positively the use of technology as an educational resource, also, they conceive IVR as a social recreational resource, but they don't have it and don't plan to buy it. Finally, we conclude that they perceive IVR as a favorable technology in the field of science education, while at the same time they consider that it is a technology that is still expensive and difficult to access.Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (Universidad de Granada)Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR)Grupo de Investigación HUM613 (Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y de la Sostenibilidad)Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal (Universidad de Granada)Becas Chile – Subdirección capital humano- ANID

    The student-produced electronic portfolio in craft education

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    The authors studied primary school students’ experiences of using an electronic portfolio in their craft education over four years. A stimulated recall interview was applied to collect user experiences and qualitative content analysis to analyse the collected data. The results indicate that the electronic portfolio was experienced as a multipurpose tool to support learning. It makes the learning process visible and in that way helps focus on and improves the quality of learning. © ISLS.Peer reviewe

    University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 1986-1988

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    Undergraduate Symposium, 2017

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