12 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Study on Printed Circuit Board Backdoor Coupling in High Intensity Radiated Fields Environments

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    Due to the prevalence of unintentional electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the growth of intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) or high power microwave (HPM) sources, it is now more important than ever to understand how electronic systems are affected by high intensity radiated fields (HIRF) environments. Both historic events and experimental testing have demonstrated that HIRF environments are capable of disrupting and potentially damaging critical systems including but not limited to civil and military aircraft, industrial control systems (ICS), and internet of things (IoT) devices. However, there is limited understanding on the complex electromagnetic interactions that lead to such effects. This study provides unique insight into the backdoor coupling mechanisms associated with printed circuit boards (PCBs) as well as design techniques for reducing electromagnetic coupling in HIRF environments. Among existing literature, there is very little quantification of PCB coupling leading to multiple gaps in understanding. In this study, both PCB plane coupling and PCB trace coupling are explored under various conditions using 3D full-wave electromagnetic modeling and experimental testing. Data is provided for each individual technique as well as combinations of techniques which show greater immunity. Through this comprehensive study on PCB backdoor coupling, this work demonstrates that simple and explainable techniques can be incorporated into multi-layer PCB designs to mitigate coupling in HIRF environments. Additionally, variations in PCB layout as well as plane wave angle of incidence and polarization are explored to ensure that the conclusions are broadly applicable. It is expected that the information in this study as well as future work in this area will enable hardening design guidelines in order to reduce coupling and therefore better protect systems in such harsh electromagnetic environments

    Energy Efficient Engine: Flight propulsion system final design and analysis

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    The Energy Efficient Engine (E3) is a NASA program to create fuel saving technology for future transport engines. The Flight Propulsion System (FPS) is the engine designed to achieve E3 goals. Achieving these goals required aerodynamic, mechanical and system technologies advanced beyond that of current production engines. These technologies were successfully demonstrated in component rigs, a core engine and a turbofan ground test engine. The design and benefits of the FPS are presented. All goals for efficiency, environmental considerations, and economic payoff were met. The FPS has, at maximum cruise, 10.67 km (35,000 ft), M0.8, standard day, a 16.9 percent lower installed specific fuel consumption than a CF6-50C. It provides an 8.6 percent reduction in direct operating cost for a short haul domestic transport and a 16.2 percent reduction for an international long distance transport

    Modeling and estimation of crosstalk across a channel with multiple, non-parallel coupling and crossings of multiple aggressors in practical PCBS

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    In Section 1, the focus is on alleviating the modeling challenges by breaking the overall geometry into small, unique sections and using either a Full-Wave or fast equivalent per-unit-length (Eq. PUL) resistance, inductance, conductance, capacitance (RLGC) method or a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) for the broadside coupled traces that cross at an angle. The simulation challenge is resolved by seamlessly integrating the models into a statistical simulation tool that is able to quantify the eye opening at BERs that would help electrical designers in locating crosstalk sensitive regions in the high speed backplane channel designs. Section 2 investigates the FEXT crosstalk impact on eye opening at a specified bit error rate (BER) at different signal speeds for broadside and edge side differential coupled traces in inhomogeneous media and compared the results against homogeneous media models. A set of design guidelines regarding the material, coupled length and stackup parameter selection is formulated for designers based on the signaling speeds. The major objective of the study in Section 3 is to determine quantitatively the effect of crosstalk due to periodic broadside coupled routing. Another objective is to help designers figure out the “dos” and “don’ts” of broadside coupled routing for higher signaling rates. A new methodology is proposed in Section 4 to generate BER contours that capture the Tx driver jitter and ISI through the channel accurately using unique waveforms created from truth table bit combinations. It utilizes 2N short N bit patterns as waveforms and jitter correlation from current bit pattern into adjacent bit patterns to get equivalent transient simulation of a very large bit pattern. --Abstract, page iii

    Development of an acoustic measurement system of the Modulus of Elasticity in trees, logs and boards

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    The objective of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop a portable electronic device capable of quantifying the stiffness of the wood of standing trees, logs and boards using non-destructive testing (NDT) by means of acoustic wave analysis. As an indicator of stiffness, the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) is used, a standard figure in the industry. This way, wood from forestry can be characterized and classified for different purposes. This Thesis is part of LIFE Wood For Future, a project of the University of Granada (UGR) financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme. LIFE Wood For Future aims to recover the cultivation of poplar (populus sp.) in the Vega de Granada, by proving the quality of its wood through innovative structural bioproducts. Recovering the poplar groves of Granada would have great benefits for the Metropolitan Area: creation of local and sustainable jobs, improvement of biodiversity, and increase in the absorption of carbon dioxide in the long term, helping to reduce the endemic air pollution of Granada. This Final Degree Project has been developed in collaboration with the ADIME research group of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering (ETSIE) and the aerospace electronics group GranaSat of the UGR. The goal of the developed device, named Tree Inspection Kit (or TIK), is to be an innovative, portable and easy-to-use tool for non-destructive diagnosis and classification of wood by measuring its MOE. TIK is equipped with the necessary electronics to quantify the Time of Flight (ToF) of an acoustic wave that propagates inside a piece of wood. In order to do this, two piezoelectric probes are used, nailed in the wood and separated a given distance longitudinally. The MOE can be derived from the propagation speed of the longitudinal acoustic wave if the density of the is known. For this reason, this device has the possibility of connecting a load cell for weighing logs or boards to estimate their density. It also has an expansion port reserved for future functionality. A methodology based on the Engineering Design Process (EDP) has been followed. The scope of this project embraces all aspects of the development of an electronic product from start to finish: conceptualization, specification of requirements, design, manufacture and verification. A project of this reach requires planning, advanced knowledge of signal analysis, electronics, design and manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and product design, as well as the development of a firmware for the embedded system, based on a RTOS. Prior to the design of the electronics, a Reverse Engineering process of some similar products of the competition is performed; as well as an exhaustive analysis of the signals coming from the piezoelectric sensors that are going to be used, and the frequency response characterization of the piezoelectric probes themselves. This project has as its ultimate goal the demonstration of the multidisciplinary knowledge of engineering, and the capacity of analysis, design and manufacturing by the author; his skill and professionalism in CAD and EDA software required for these tasks, as well as in the documentation of the entire process.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un dispositivo electrónico portátil capaz de cuantificar la rigidez de la madera de árboles en pie, trozas y tablas usando ensayos no destructivos (Non-Destructive Testing, NDT) por medio del análisis de ondas acústicas. Como indicador de la rigidez se usa el Módulo de Elasticidad (MOE), una figura estándar en la industria. Este TFG forma parte de LIFE Wood For Future, un proyecto de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) financiado por el programa LIFE de la Unión Europea. LIFEWood For Future tiene como objetivo recuperar el cultivo del chopo (populus sp.) en la Vega de Granada demostrando la viabilidad de su madera a través de bioproductos estructurales innovadores. Recuperar las choperas de Granada tendría grandes beneficios para la zona del Área Metropolitana: creación de puestos de trabajo locales y sostenibles, mejora de la biodiversidad, e incremento de la tasa de absorción de dióxido de carbono a largo plazo, contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación endémica del aire en Granada. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado con la colaboración del grupo de investigación ADIME de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación (ETSIE) y el grupo de electrónica aeroespacial GranaSat de la UGR. El objetivo del dispositivo, denominado Tree Inspection Kit (TIK), es ser una herramienta innovadora, portátil y fácil de usar para el diagnóstico y clasificación no destructiva de la madera por medio de su MOE. TIK está dotado de la electrónica necesaria para medir el tiempo de tránsito (ToF) de una onda acústica que se propaga en el interior de una pieza de madera. Para ello, se utilizan dos sondas piezoeléctricas clavadas en la madera y separadas longitudinalmente una distancia conocida. De la velocidad de propagación de la onda longitudinal se puede derivar el MOE, previo conocimiento de la densidad del material. Por ello, este dispositivo cuenta con la posibilidad de conectarle una célula de carga y pesar trozas o tablas para estimar su densidad. También tiene un puerto de expansión reservado para funcionalidad futura. Se ha seguido una metodología basada en el Proceso de Diseño de Ingeniería (Engineering Design Process, EDP), abarcando todos los aspectos del desarrollo de un producto electrónico de principio a fin: conceptualización, especificación de requisitos, diseño, fabricación y verificación. Un proyecto de este alcance requiere de planificación, conocimientos avanzados de análisis de señales, de electrónica, de diseño y fabricación de Placas de Circuito Impreso (PCB) y de diseño de producto, así como el desarrollo de un firmware para el sistema empotrado, basado en un RTOS. Previo al diseño de la electrónica, se realiza un proceso de Ingeniería Inversa (Reverse Engineering) de algunos productos similares de la competencia; al igual que un exhaustivo análisis de las señales provenientes de los sensores piezoeléctricos que van a utilizarse y la caracterización en frecuencia de las propias sondas piezoeléctricas. Este proyecto tiene como fin último la demostración de los conocimientos multidisciplinares propios de la ingeniería y la capacidad de análisis, diseño y fabricación por parte del autor; su habilidad y profesionalidad en el software CAD y EDA requerido para estas tareas, así como en la documentación de todo el proceso.Unión Europe

    Quiet Clean Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) under-the-wing engine digital control system design report

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    A digital electronic control was combined with conventional hydromechanical components to operate the four controlled variables on the under-the-wing engine: fuel flow, fan blade pitch, fan exhaust area, and core compressor stator angles. The engine and control combination offers improvements in noise, pollution, thrust response, operational monitoring, and pilot workload relative to current engines

    Research reports: 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A compilation of 40 technical reports on research conducted by participants in the 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is given. Weibull density functions, reliability analysis, directional solidification, space stations, jet stream, fracture mechanics, composite materials, orbital maneuvering vehicles, stellar winds and gamma ray bursts are among the topics discussed

    The 31st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium

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    The proceedings of the 31st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium are reported. Topics covered include: robotics, deployment mechanisms, bearings, actuators, scanners, boom and antenna release, and test equipment. A major focus is the reporting of problems and solutions associated with the development and flight certification of new mechanisms

    Process modeling and capability feedback for integrated injection molded product development

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-109).by Marc I. Zemel.M.S