3 research outputs found

    Детермінанти застосування маркетингу в соціальних мережах на малих, середніх та мікропідприємствах під час пандемії Covid-19

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    Purpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalPurpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalМета роботи: ДДане дослідження спрямоване на оцінку визначальних факторів прийняття маркетингу в соціальних мережах малими, середніми та мікропідприємствами (SMMEs) під час пандемії Covid-19. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Дослідження спрямоване на розуміння точок зору та мотивів використання кампаній у соціальних мережах. Таким чином, 150 респондентам було надано структуроване кількісне запитання для оцінки маркетингу соціальних медіа в їх фірмах, використовуючи зручну вибірку. Описовий аналіз даних було проведено з допомогою SPSS. Результати дослідження: Результати дослідження показали, що більшість респондентів погодилися з пунктами, пов’язаними з умовами полегшення маркетингу в соціальних мережах, сприйнятою простотою використання, сприйнятою корисністю та витратами. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Дослідження робить внесок у існуючу літературу з маркетингу в соціальних мережах під час пандемії Covid-19 у країнах, що розвиваються, де нерозвинена інфраструктура, бюрократія та культура відіграють важливу роль в ефективності бізнесу. Практична цінність дослідження: Власники та менеджери SMME повинні заохочувати своїх співробітників та клієнтів регулярно користуватися соціальними мережами, щоб залучити трафік до бізнесу. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Дослідження є унікальним, оскільки воно аналізує маркетинг у соціальних мережах у неспокійний час, коли пандемія Covid-19 завдає шкоди економіці у всьому світі. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Дослідникам слід розглянути можливість аналізу впливу обмежень блокування Covid-19 на конкретні галузі, намагаючись знайти індивідуальні рішення проблеми. Тип статті: Емпірични

    Prevention of cybercrimes in smart cities of India: from a citizen's perspective

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    YesPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors influencing the citizens of India to prevent cybercrimes in the proposed Smart Cities of India. Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual model has been developed for identifying factors preventing cybercrimes. The conceptual model was validated empirically with a sample size of 315 participants from India. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with SPSS and AMOS softwares. Findings: The study reveals that the “awareness of cybercrimes” significantly influences the actual usage of technology to prevent cybercrimes in Smart Cities of India. The study reveals that government initiative (GI) and legal awareness are less influential in spreading of the awareness of cybercrimes (AOC) to the citizens of the proposed smart cities. Research limitations/implications: The conceptual model utilizes two constructs from the technology adoption model, namely, perceived usefulness and ease of use. The study employs other factors such as social media, word of mouth, GIs, legal awareness and organizations constituting entities spreading awareness from different related literature works. Thereby, a comprehensive theoretical conceptual model has been proposed which helps to identify the factors that may help in preventing cybercrimes. Practical implications: This study provides an insight to the policy maker to understand several factors influencing the AOC of the citizens of the proposed Smart Cities of India for the prevention of cybercrimes. Originality/value: There are few existing studies analyzing the effect of AOC to mitigate cybercrimes. Thus, this study offers a novel contribution

    Factors influencing the adoption of social media marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Business Studies at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    The COVID-19 outbreak led to a global economic slowdown that affected many countries including Saudi Arabia where trade, investment, employment, and travel have all been impacted by the lockdown, especially on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main purpose of the current study is to examine the factors that influence the adoption and use of social media marketing (SMM) in SMEs during the lockdown in Saudi Arabia. This study has used a combined developed model from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether SMEs in Saudi Arabia accept and use SMM effectively in the case such as COVID-19 pandemic, and to test its impact on improving the business performance through attracting new customers, sales, improved communication with customers, identifying customers' needs, and utilizing employees' creativity. This model succeeded to explain the Impact On Business (IOB) to a degree of 81%, since the coefficient of determination (R²) is 0.81. This study used a quantitative method by applying the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique to validate the conceptual model. The data was collected by using an online questionnaire of 146 participants from small and medium-sized enterprises. The results highlight that perceived usefulness (PEU), low cost (LCOS), and compatibility (COM) had a significant positive impact on SMEs to adopt and use SMM. The facilitating conditions and perceived ease of use had a non-significant impact on the adoption and use of SMM by SMEs. This study also found that small enterprises have been affected by the factors more than medium-sized ones. Another finding is that enterprises that were forced to close were more significantly affected by the factors (Low Cost and Compatibility) than the non-closed ones during the first lockdown starting from March 2020. In the same context, Facilitating Conditions (FCO) was not significant as 63 % of the participated enterprises were closed during the lockdown and could not use their infrastructure