92 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga Dalam Meningkatkan Imun Keluarga Ibu-ibu PKK

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    It is possible to defeat the Covid-19 virus by boosting the body's defenses. Using family medicinal plants, which typically grow more naturally in yards and are widely used as food additives as well as for healing, disease prevention, improving immunity, and restoring freshness, which ultimately benefits public health, is one of the ways to boost immunity. The community still has a limited understanding of and reaction to the usage of therapeutic herbs. It is judged important to perform community service in relation to the administration of the family's medicinal plants after observing the response of a group of women in Talio Village who have family medicinal plants. The strategy employs community empowerment techniques, particularly for the target population through counseling and training.  In particular, the target group receives counseling and training while producing a healthy butterfly pea flower drink for ten women and cadres in Talio Village as part of the approach method's utilization of community empowerment techniques. The outcomes of this activity demonstrate that mothers and health professionals in Talio Village now have a more comprehensive understanding of how to prepare a healthy butterfly pea flower beverage as a consequence of counseling and training utilizing training materials. The answer score, where the mean post-test score is 86.20 and greater than the pre-test score of 72.3, serves as proof of this. Knowledge growth as a percentage grew by 14.17%. The outcomes of community service through counseling and education by offering instruction on how to make healthy butterfly pea flower beverages help boost moms' and staff members' understanding of how to strengthen the immune system of the family. PKK Desa is advised to organize a small group of traditional herbal medicine firms and host a village-wide competition for family medicinal plants.Virus covid-19 dapat diatasi dengan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Salah satu upaya peningkatan daya tahan tubuh yaitu dengan memanfaatkan tanaman obat keluarga yang pada umumnya lebih banyak tumbuh sebagai tanaman liar dilahan pekarangan dan banyak digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan tambahan pada masakan namun banyak juga dimanfaatkan untuk penyembuhan, pencegahan penyakit, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, serta pengembalian kesegaran yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Pengetahuan dan respon masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan tanaman obat ini masih terbatas. Melihat respon salah satu kelompok ibu-ibu di Desa Talio yang memiliki tanaman obat keluarga maka dipandang perlu untuk melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang pengelolaan tanaman obat keluarga dimaksud. Metode pendekatan menggunakan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya kelompok sasaran melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang dilakukan dengan pelatihan pembuatan minuman sehat tanaman bunga telang pada sepuluh ibu-ibu dan kader di Desa Talio. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan secara garis besar, pengetahuan ibu-ibu dan kader kesehatan di Desa Talio mengalami peningkatan setelah pemberian penyuluhan dan pelatihan dengan media pelatihan pembuatan minuman sehat tanaman bunga telang. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui skor jawaban, dimana rerata skor post-test adalah 86,20 dan lebih tinggi dibanding skor pre-test yaitu 72,3. Persentase peningkatan pengetahuan meningkat 14,17%. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan cara penyuluhan dan pelatihan dengan pemberian pelatihan pembuatan minuman sehat tanaman bunga telang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu-ibu dan kader dalam meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh keluarga. Saran kepada PKK Desa untuk mengadakan lomba tanaman obat keluarga di tingkat desa, membentuk kelompok kecil usaha jamu tradisional

    Impact of lecture delivery by using PowerPoint presentation and black board and chalk in second year MBBS students in Pharmacology

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    Background: The use of electronic media and audio-visual aids for teaching has become increasingly common in medical colleges. This teaching method is considered superior to blackboard and chalk by majority of the students and teachers. But the quality of medical education has not drastically improved in comparison. This study compares the impact of lecture delivery using PowerPoint presentation as opposed to blackboard and chalk in medical students attending pharmacology classes.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done in the second year MBBS students attending pharmacology classes in the Department of Pharmacology at Government Medical College, Thrissur in the year 2017. Students were given lectures on two similar topics, one using PowerPoint presentation and the other using blackboard and chalk by the same teacher. The students were given a post-test after each lecture and marks were analysed using Independent student’s t test. A feedback was also taken from the students regarding the two lecture delivery methods and the data is expressed in percentages.Results: This study was done in 149 medical students who attended pharmacology classes. The students scored significantly higher marks in the post-test when the lecture was taken using black board and chalk (p <0.001). 58% of the students preferred lecture delivery using PowerPoint compared to 38% preferring black board and chalk. 4% of the students considered both methods equally good.Conclusions: Lecture delivery using black board and chalk was found to be more efficacious than power point presentation when the marks of the post-tests were compared. However, majority of the students preferred lecture delivery using power point to blackboard and chalk

    Impact of various lecture delivery methods in pharmacology

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    The aim of the study was to assess the impact of three common lecture delivery methods viz. the lectures using chalkboard, the lectures using PowerPoint presentations and the lectures utilizing transparencies with an overhead projector. By filling in a questionnaire, the second year MBBS students were asked to assess the impact of three pharmacology lectures given by three different methods of lecture delivery. Also after each lecture an objective test was given to compare the impact of the lecture delivered by different methods. The results of the study show that as per the subjective assessment of the lectures, students preferred PowerPoint teaching the most. As far as the students’ performance is concerned the impact of traditional Chalkboard and PowerPoint teaching was much more than the lectures using transparency and overhead projector (OHP)

    L’utilisation des diaporamas dans l’enseignement à l’École de technologie supérieure (ETS) : outil dynamique ou soporifique

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesLe logiciel de présentation Power Point est largement utilisé dans l’enseignement depuis plusieurs années. Cette recherche s’intéresse particulièrement à son utilisation chez les enseignants à l’École de technologie supérieure. Il est principalement utilisé pour structurer le contenu des cours et il constitue pour beaucoup d’enseignants un outil qui aide les étudiants. Pour certains, Power Point c’est le cours lui-même. On observe que les enseignants ayant moins d’ancienneté (moins de cinq ans) sont davantage portés à utiliser Power Point dans leur enseignement et à rendre leur contenu disponible aux étudiants. Ceux qui l’utilisent moins, considèrent que ce support ne favorise pas l’interaction et craignent que le fait de rendre le contenu accessible aux étudiants soit un incitatif à ne pas assister aux cours. D’autres pensent qu’il empêche les interactions et favorise la passivité des étudiants. Enfin, la plupart estiment que leurs présentations Power Point sont bien construites sans pour autant qu’elles soient efficaces pour les étudiant

    Punctuation and its functions in Russian educational slide presentations

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    This paper focuses on the up-to-date issues of graphic text organization of Russian presentation slides of university lectures in different subjects. The serialization, delineation and stylization functions of punctuation and suprasegmental (typographic) devices specifying the linguistic ‘uniqueness’ of the particular genre/register of the scientific discourse are considered. The specific nature of the use of these devices compared to that of the presentations in English consistent with the preliminary analysis of the communicative intents of the lecturer and the target audience is discussed


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    The current study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations on students’ cognitive achievements in Financial Accounting. Senior secondary school students offering Financial Accounting in the North-East Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria were used for the study. A quasi-experimental research design using non-randomised pre-test and post-test control groups was adopted. The sample for the study consisted of 176 SS2 students drawn from four intact classes of four secondary schools in the study area. The Financial Accounting Achievement Test (FAAT)with a reliability coefficient of 0.85 was used for data collection. The obtained data were analysed using mean and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). Interpreted results showed that students taught Financial Accounting using PowerPoint presentations had a higher cognitive gain that those taught using the traditional methods. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommends among others, the use of teaching methods that enhance higher student gains, especially in the 21st-century learning classroom where teaching methods are becoming ubiquitous

    Team Based Learning in Computer Science Students

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    Trestný čin křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku dle § 346 tr. zák. Abstrakt V současné době je věnována značná pozornost médií případům znalců, kteří čelí obžalobě pro trestný čin křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku podle § 346 zákona č. 40/2009 Sb., trestní zákoník (dále jen jako "TZ"). Tyto kauzy snižují důvěryhodnost znalců v očích veřejnosti a vnášejí pochybnosti o výkonu znalecké činnosti jako celku. Jsou to i tyto argumenty, které zaznívají v debatě na podporu přijetí nového zákona o znalcích. S ohledem na výše uvedené skutečnosti je aktuální blíže se zabývat trestným činem křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku podle § 346 TZ, jak činí právě tato práce. Text diplomové práce se skládá z úvodu, pěti kapitol a závěru. V první kapitole je proveden historický exkurz související s trestným činem křivé výpovědi a nepravdivého znaleckého posudku, po němž následuje vymezení § 346 TZ, včetně jeho jednotlivých znaků, a konečně rozbor některých sporných situací, v nichž mohou vyvstávat pochybnosti o možnosti dovození trestněprávní odpovědnosti podle § 346 TZ (např. konzultant znalce, zpracovatel odborného vyjádření, svědek ve formálním a materiálním smyslu). V následující kapitole je diskutována zaprvé současná a dřívější úprava zákona o znalcích a tlumočnících v souvislosti s...The Crime of Perjury and False Expert Report according to Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code Abstract A great deal of media attention has been dedicated recently to cases of experts facing the charge of perjury and false expert report pursuant to Section No. 346 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll. of the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code). These cases reduce the experts' credibility in the eyes of the public, cast doubts on their practice as a whole and are therefore commonly used as an argument for adopting a new Law on the experts' conduit. In accordance with the aforementioned facts, the goal of this thesis is to provide a further insight into the crime of perjury and false expert report under Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code. The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter gives a historical overview concerning perjury and false expert report followed by the definition of Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code, including its specific elements, and finally an analysis of several disputed cases that call into question the conclusion of criminal liability under Section No. 346 of the Criminal Code, such as the expert's consultant, the processor of the expertise or the formal and the material witnesses. The following chapter is divided into two...Katedra trestního právaDepartment of Criminal LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult