10 research outputs found

    Brief Analysis of Methods for Detecting Moving Objects Using Computer Vision

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    In many computer vision applications, moving object detection has drawn notable interest. The scientific community has made numerous contributions to address the significant difficulties of moving object detection in practical settings. The research thoroughly analyzes several moving object recognition methods, which are divided into four groups: methods based on background modeling, Approaches rooted in frame differences, methods based on visual motion estimation, and methodologies based on deep learning. Additionally, thorough explanations of numerous techniques in each category are offered


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    New mixed adaptive detection algorithm for moving target with big data

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    Aiming at the troubles (such as complex background, illumination changes, shadows and others on traditional methods) for detecting of a walking person, we put forward a new adaptive detection algorithm through mixing Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), edge detection algorithm and continuous frame difference algorithm in this paper. In time domain, the new algorithm uses GMM to model and updates the background. In spatial domain, it uses the hybrid detection algorithm which mixes the edge detection algorithm, continuous frame difference algorithm and GMM to get the initial contour of moving target with big data, and gets the ultimate moving target with big data. This algorithm not only can adapt to the illumination gradients and background disturbance occurred on scene, but also can solve some problems such as inaccurate target detection, incomplete edge detection, cavitation and ghost which usually appears in traditional algorithm. As experimental result showing, this algorithm holds better real-time and robustness. It is not only easily implemented, but also can accurately detect the moving target with big data

    Knowledge-based road traffic monitoring

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    This article presents a knowledge-based application to study and analyze traffic behavior on major roads, using as the main surveillance artefact a video camera mounted on a relatively high place with a significant image analysis field. The system described presents something new which is the combination of both traditional traffic monitoring systems, that is, monitoring to get information on different traffic parameters and monitoring to detect accidents automatically. Therefore, we present a system in charge of compiling information on different traffic parameters. It also has a surveillance module, which can detect a wide range of the most significant incidents on a freeway or highway

    Road-traffic monitoring by knowledge-driven static and dynamic image analysis.

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    This article presents a visual application which allows a study and analysis of traffic behavior on major roads (more specifically freeways and highways), using as the main surveillance artefact a video camera mounted on a relatively high place (such as a bridge) with a significant image analysis field. The system described presents something new which is the combination of both traditional traffic monitoring systems, that is, monitoring to get information on different traffic parameters and monitoring to detect accidents Automatically. Therefore, we present a system in charge of compiling information on different traffic parameters. It also has a surveillance module for that traffic, which can detect a wide range of the most significant incidents on a freeway or highway

    Food waste composting at school

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    Abstract Saving the earth and maintaining sustainability are some of the efforts and concept that’s becoming popular. The majority have started to reuse and recycle plastic containers, and aluminium cans to reduce environmental issues on earth. However, organic waste such as food waste, grass and leaves are included in the waste issue and contributed about 60% of it. Nevertheless, these organic wastes are totally recyclable, and that is where the composting concept takes place. This chapter describes on activities of food waste composting that can be implemented in school. This chapter also describes the outcome of the composting activities to students, teachers and other staffs in school, especially working in the canteen area

    Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation and segmentation

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    El análisis del movimiento es uno de los campos más importantes de la visión por computador. Esto es debido a que el mundo real está en continuo movimiento y es obvio que podremos obtener mucha más información de escenas en movimiento que de escenas estáticas. En esta tesis se ha trabajado principalmente en desarrollar algoritmos de estimación de movimiento para su aplicación a problemas de registrado de imágenes y a problemas de segmentación del movimiento. Uno de los principales objetivos de este trabajo es desarrollar una técnica de registrado de imágenes de gran exactitud, tolerante a outliers y que sea capaz de realizar su labor incluso en la presencia de deformaciones de gran magnitud tales como traslaciones, rotaciones, cambios de escala, cambios de iluminación globales y no espacialmente uniformes, etc. Otro de los objetivos de esta tesis es trabajar en problemas de estimación y la segmentación del movimiento en secuencias de dos imágenes de forma casi simultánea y sin conocimiento a priori del número de modelos de movimiento presentes. Los experimentos mostrados en este trabajo demuestran que los algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis obtienen resultados de gran exactitud.This thesis proposes several techniques related with the motion estimation problem. In particular, it deals with global motion estimation for image registration and motion segmentation. In the first case, we will suppose that the majority of the pixels of the image follow the same motion model, although the possibility of a large number of outliers are also considered. In the motion segmentation problem, the presence of more than one motion model will be considered. In both cases, sequences of two consecutive grey level images will be used. A new generalized least squares-based motion estimator will be proposed. The proposed formulation of the motion estimation problem provides an additional constraint that helps to match the pixels using image gradient information. That is achieved thanks to the use of a weight for each observation, providing high weight values to the observations considered as inliers, and low values to the ones considered as outliers. To avoid falling in a local minimum, the proposed motion estimator uses a Feature-based method (SIFT-based) to obtain good initial motion parameters. Therefore, it can deal with large motions like translation, rotations, scales changes, viewpoint changes, etc. The accuracy of our approach has been tested using challenging real images using both affine and projective motion models. Two Motion Estimator techniques, which use M-Estimators to deal with outliers into a iteratively reweighted least squared-based strategy, have been selected to compare the accuracy of our approach. The results obtained have showed that the proposed motion estimator can obtain as accurate results as M-Estimator-based techniques and even better in most cases. The problem of estimating accurately the motion under non-uniform illumination changes will also be considered. A modification of the proposed global motion estimator will be proposed to deal with this kind of illumination changes. In particular, a dynamic image model where the illumination factors are functions of the localization will be used replacing the brightens constancy assumption allowing for a more general and accurate image model. Experiments using challenging images will be performed showing that the combination of both techniques is feasible and provides accurate estimates of the motion parameters even in the presence of strong illumination changes between the images. The last part of the thesis deals with the motion estimation and segmentation problem. The proposed algorithm uses temporal information, by using the proposed generalized least-squares motion estimation process and spatial information by using an iterative region growing algorithm which classifies regions of pixels into the different motion models present in the sequence. In addition, it can extract the different moving regions of the scene while estimating its motion quasi-simultaneously and without a priori information of the number of moving objects in the scene. The performance of the algorithm will be tested on synthetic and real images with multiple objects undergoing different types of motion

    Generalized least squares-based parametric motion estimation and segmentation

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    El análisis del movimiento es uno de los campos más importantes de la visión por computador. Esto es debido a que el mundo real está en continuo movimiento y es obvio que podremos obtener mucha más información de escenas en movimiento que de escenas estáticas. En esta tesis se ha trabajado principalmente en desarrollar algoritmos de estimación de movimiento para su aplicación a problemas de registrado de imágenes y a problemas de segmentación del movimiento. Uno de los principales objetivos de este trabajo es desarrollar una técnica de registrado de imágenes de gran exactitud, tolerante a outliers y que sea capaz de realizar su labor incluso en la presencia de deformaciones de gran magnitud tales como traslaciones, rotaciones, cambios de escala, cambios de iluminación globales y no espacialmente uniformes, etc. Otro de los objetivos de esta tesis es trabajar en problemas de estimación y la segmentación del movimiento en secuencias de dos imágenes de forma casi simultánea y sin conocimiento a priori del número de modelos de movimiento presentes. Los experimentos mostrados en este trabajo demuestran que los algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis obtienen resultados de gran exactitud.This thesis proposes several techniques related with the motion estimation problem. In particular, it deals with global motion estimation for image registration and motion segmentation. In the first case, we will suppose that the majority of the pixels of the image follow the same motion model, although the possibility of a large number of outliers are also considered. In the motion segmentation problem, the presence of more than one motion model will be considered. In both cases, sequences of two consecutive grey level images will be used. A new generalized least squares-based motion estimator will be proposed. The proposed formulation of the motion estimation problem provides an additional constraint that helps to match the pixels using image gradient information. That is achieved thanks to the use of a weight for each observation, providing high weight values to the observations considered as inliers, and low values to the ones considered as outliers. To avoid falling in a local minimum, the proposed motion estimator uses a Feature-based method (SIFT-based) to obtain good initial motion parameters. Therefore, it can deal with large motions like translation, rotations, scales changes, viewpoint changes, etc. The accuracy of our approach has been tested using challenging real images using both affine and projective motion models. Two Motion Estimator techniques, which use M-Estimators to deal with outliers into a iteratively reweighted least squared-based strategy, have been selected to compare the accuracy of our approach. The results obtained have showed that the proposed motion estimator can obtain as accurate results as M-Estimator-based techniques and even better in most cases. The problem of estimating accurately the motion under non-uniform illumination changes will also be considered. A modification of the proposed global motion estimator will be proposed to deal with this kind of illumination changes. In particular, a dynamic image model where the illumination factors are functions of the localization will be used replacing the brightens constancy assumption allowing for a more general and accurate image model. Experiments using challenging images will be performed showing that the combination of both techniques is feasible and provides accurate estimates of the motion parameters even in the presence of strong illumination changes between the images. The last part of the thesis deals with the motion estimation and segmentation problem. The proposed algorithm uses temporal information, by using the proposed generalized least-squares motion estimation process and spatial information by using an iterative region growing algorithm which classifies regions of pixels into the different motion models present in the sequence. In addition, it can extract the different moving regions of the scene while estimating its motion quasi-simultaneously and without a priori information of the number of moving objects in the scene. The performance of the algorithm will be tested on synthetic and real images with multiple objects undergoing different types of motion

    Low and Variable Frame Rate Face Tracking Using an IP PTZ Camera

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    RÉSUMÉ En vision par ordinateur, le suivi d'objets avec des caméras PTZ a des applications dans divers domaines, tels que la surveillance vidéo, la surveillance du trafic, la surveillance de personnes et la reconnaissance de visage. Toutefois, un suivi plus précis, efficace, et fiable est requis pour une utilisation courante dans ces domaines. Dans cette thèse, le suivi est appliqué au haut du corps d'un humain, en incluant son visage. Le suivi du visage permet de déterminer son emplacement pour chaque trame d'une vidéo. Il peut être utilisé pour obtenir des images du visage d'un humain dans des poses différentes. Dans ce travail, nous proposons de suivre le visage d'un humain à l’aide d'une caméra IP PTZ (caméra réseau orientable). Une caméra IP PTZ répond à une commande via son serveur Web intégré et permet un accès distribué à partir d'Internet. Le suivi avec ce type de caméra inclut un bon nombre de défis, tels que des temps de réponse irrégulier aux commandes de contrôle, des taux de trame faibles et irréguliers, de grand mouvements de la cible entre deux trames, des occlusions, des modifications au champ de vue, des changements d'échelle, etc. Dans notre travail, nous souhaitons solutionner les problèmes des grands mouvements de la cible entre deux trames consécutives, du faible taux de trame, des modifications de l'arrière-plan, et du suivi avec divers changements d'échelle. En outre, l'algorithme de suivi doit prévoir les temps de réponse irréguliers de la caméra. Notre solution se compose d’une phase d’initialisation pour modéliser la cible (haut du corps), d’une adaptation du filtre de particules qui utilise le flux optique pour générer des échantillons à chaque trame (APF-OFS), et du contrôle de la caméra. Chaque composante exige des stratégies différentes. Lors de l'initialisation, on suppose que la caméra est statique. Ainsi, la détection du mouvement par soustraction d’arrière-plan est utilisée pour détecter l'emplacement initial de la personne. Ensuite, pour supprimer les faux positifs, un classificateur Bayesien est appliqué sur la région détectée afin de localiser les régions avec de la peau. Ensuite, une détection du visage basée sur la méthode de Viola et Jones est effectuée sur les régions de la peau. Si un visage est détecté, le suivi est lancé sur le haut du corps de la personne.----------ABSTRACT Object tracking with PTZ cameras has various applications in different computer vision topics such as video surveillance, traffic monitoring, people monitoring and face recognition. Accurate, efficient, and reliable tracking is required for this task. Here, object tracking is applied to human upper body tracking and face tracking. Face tracking determines the location of the human face for each input image of a video. It can be used to get images of the face of a human target under different poses. We propose to track the human face by means of an Internet Protocol (IP) Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera (i.e. a network-based camera that pans, tilts and zooms). An IP PTZ camera responds to command via its integrated web server. It allows a distributed access from Internet (access from everywhere, but with non-defined delay). Tracking with such camera includes many challenges such as irregular response times to camera control commands, low and irregular frame rate, large motions of the target between two frames, target occlusion, changing field of view (FOV), various scale changes, etc. In our work, we want to cope with the problem of large inter-frame motion of targets, low usable frame rate, background changes, and tracking with various scale changes. In addition, the tracking algorithm should handle the camera response time and zooming. Our solution consists of a system initialization phase which is the processing before camera motion and a tracker based on an Adaptive Particle Filter using Optical Flow based Sampling (APF-OFS) tracker, and camera control that are the processing after the motion of the camera. Each part requires different strategies. For initialization, when the camera is stationary, motion detection for a static camera is used to detect the initial location of the person face entering an area. For motion detection in the FOV of the camera, a background subtraction method is applied. Then to remove false positives, Bayesian skin classifier is applied on the detected motion region to discriminate skin regions from non skin regions. Face detection based on Viola and Jones face detector can be performed on the detected skin regions independently of their face size and position within the image