6,393 research outputs found

    Effective Consumption Scheduling for Demand-Side Management in the Smart Grid using Non-Uniform Participation Rate

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    Periods of peak consumer demand in today’s electricity sector are expensive to satisfy and can be the source of power failures. One possible solution is the use of demand-side management (DSM) applying dynamic pricing mechanisms. However, instead of reducing peak loads, these mechanisms can lead to peak-shifting due to the herding effect of consumers’ load-shifting behavior. To overcome this problem, we explore strategies of assigning (non-uniform) participation rates to consumers. We use a generic method to find a near-optimal distribution setting for participation rates. Our method allows DSM designers to tune the system toward consumer convenience. This means less frequent consumption schedule changes, in the price of system performance. In addition, consumers do not need to reveal their detailed consumption schedules (hence, their privacy is preserved). Using experiments, we show the impact of the herding effect and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. We thereby demonstrate price fairness for consumers. Finally, we apply our solution to a more realistic environment – one where consumers change their consumption behavior every day

    Optimized Household Demand Management with Local Solar PV Generation

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    Demand Side Management (DSM) strategies are of-ten associated with the objectives of smoothing the load curve and reducing peak load. Although the future of demand side manage-ment is technically dependent on remote and automatic control of residential loads, the end-users play a significant role by shifting the use of appliances to the off-peak hours when they are exposed to Day-ahead market price. This paper proposes an optimum so-lution to the problem of scheduling of household demand side management in the presence of PV generation under a set of tech-nical constraints such as dynamic electricity pricing and voltage deviation. The proposed solution is implemented based on the Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA). This solution is evaluated through a set of scenarios and simulation results show that the proposed approach results in the reduction of electricity bills and the import of energy from the grid

    Optimised Residential Loads Scheduling Based on Dynamic Pricing of Electricity : A Simulation Study

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    This paper presents a simulation study which addresses Demand Side Management (DSM) via scheduling and optimization of a set of residential smart appliances under day-ahead variable pricing with the aim of minimizing the customer’s energy bill. The appliances’ operation and the overall model are subject to the manufacturer and user specific constraints formulated as a constrained linear programming problem. The overall model is simulated using MATLAB and SIMULINK / SimPowerSystems basic blocks. The results comparing Real Time Pricing (RTP) and the Fixed Time Tariff (FTT) demonstrate that optimal scheduling of the residential smart appliances can potentially result in energy cost savings. The extension of the model to incorporate renewable energy resources and storage system is also discussedNon peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Incentive Design for Direct Load Control Programs

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    We study the problem of optimal incentive design for voluntary participation of electricity customers in a Direct Load Scheduling (DLS) program, a new form of Direct Load Control (DLC) based on a three way communication protocol between customers, embedded controls in flexible appliances, and the central entity in charge of the program. Participation decisions are made in real-time on an event-based basis, with every customer that needs to use a flexible appliance considering whether to join the program given current incentives. Customers have different interpretations of the level of risk associated with committing to pass over the control over the consumption schedule of their devices to an operator, and these risk levels are only privately known. The operator maximizes his expected profit of operating the DLS program by posting the right participation incentives for different appliance types, in a publicly available and dynamically updated table. Customers are then faced with the dynamic decision making problem of whether to take the incentives and participate or not. We define an optimization framework to determine the profit-maximizing incentives for the operator. In doing so, we also investigate the utility that the operator expects to gain from recruiting different types of devices. These utilities also provide an upper-bound on the benefits that can be attained from any type of demand response program.Comment: 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 201

    Appliance-Level Flexible Scheduling for Socio-Technical Smart Grid Optimization

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    Participation in residential energy demand response programs requires an active role by consumers. They contribute flexibility in how they use their appliances as the means to adjust energy consumption, and reduce demand peaks, possibly at the expense of their own comfort (e.g., thermal). Understanding the collective potential of appliance-level flexibility for reducing demand peaks is challenging and complex. For instance, physical characteristics of appliances, usage preferences, and comfort requirements all influence consumer flexibility, adoption, and effectiveness of demand response programs. To capture and study such socio-technical factors and trade-offs, this paper contributes a novel appliance-level flexible scheduling framework based on consumers' self-determined flexibility and comfort requirements. By utilizing this framework, this paper studies (i) consumers' usage preferences across various appliances, as well as their voluntary contribution of flexibility and willingness to sacrifice comfort for improving grid stability, (ii) impact of individual appliances on the collective goal of reducing demand peaks, and (iii) the effect of variable levels of flexibility, cooperation, and participation on the outcome of coordinated appliance scheduling. Experimental evaluation using a novel dataset collected via a smartphone app shows that higher consumer flexibility can significantly reduce demand peaks, with the oven having the highest system-wide potential for this. Overall, the cooperative approach allows for higher peak-shaving compared to non-cooperative schemes that focus entirely on the efficiency of individual appliances. The findings of this study can be used to design more cost-effective and granular (appliance-level) demand response programs in participatory and decentralized Smart Grids
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