917 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Multi-modal Emotion Recognition with Cross-Modal Distribution Matching

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    Automatic emotion recognition is an active research topic with wide range of applications. Due to the high manual annotation cost and inevitable label ambiguity, the development of emotion recognition dataset is limited in both scale and quality. Therefore, one of the key challenges is how to build effective models with limited data resource. Previous works have explored different approaches to tackle this challenge including data enhancement, transfer learning, and semi-supervised learning etc. However, the weakness of these existing approaches includes such as training instability, large performance loss during transfer, or marginal improvement. In this work, we propose a novel semi-supervised multi-modal emotion recognition model based on cross-modality distribution matching, which leverages abundant unlabeled data to enhance the model training under the assumption that the inner emotional status is consistent at the utterance level across modalities. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed model on two benchmark datasets, IEMOCAP and MELD. The experiment results prove that the proposed semi-supervised learning model can effectively utilize unlabeled data and combine multi-modalities to boost the emotion recognition performance, which outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches under the same condition. The proposed model also achieves competitive capacity compared with existing approaches which take advantage of additional auxiliary information such as speaker and interaction context.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published on ACM Multimedia 202

    Speaker Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Speaker recognition is a technique of identifying the person talking to a machine using the voice features and acoustics. It has multiple applications ranging in the fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), biometrics, security, and Internet of Things (IoT). With the advancements in technology, hardware is getting powerful and software is becoming smarter. Subsequently, the utilization of devices to interact effectively with humans and performing complex calculations is also increasing. This is where speaker recognition is important as it facilitates a seamless communication between humans and computers. Additionally, the field of security has seen a rise in biometrics. At present, multiple biometric techniques co-exist with each other, for instance, iris, fingerprint, voice, facial, and more. Voice is one metric which apart from being natural to the users, provides comparable and sometimes even higher levels of security when compared to some traditional biometric approaches. Hence, it is a widely accepted form of biometric technique and is constantly being studied by scientists for further improvements. This study aims to evaluate different pre-processing, feature extraction, and machine learning techniques on audios recorded in unconstrained and natural environments to determine which combination of these works well for speaker recognition and classification. Thus, the report presents several methods of audio pre- processing like trimming, split and merge, noise reduction, and vocal enhancements to enhance the audios obtained from real-world situations. Additionally, a text-independent approach is used in this research which makes the model flexible to multiple languages. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are extracted for each audio, along with their differentials and accelerations to evaluate machine learning classification techniques such as kNN, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forest Classifiers. Lastly, the approaches are evaluated against existing research to study which techniques performs well on these sets of audio recordings

    Hashing for Multimedia Similarity Modeling and Large-Scale Retrieval

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    In recent years, the amount of multimedia data such as images, texts, and videos have been growing rapidly on the Internet. Motivated by such trends, this thesis is dedicated to exploiting hashing-based solutions to reveal multimedia data correlations and support intra-media and inter-media similarity search among huge volumes of multimedia data. We start by investigating a hashing-based solution for audio-visual similarity modeling and apply it to the audio-visual sound source localization problem. We show that synchronized signals in audio and visual modalities demonstrate similar temporal changing patterns in certain feature spaces. We propose to use a permutation-based random hashing technique to capture the temporal order dynamics of audio and visual features by hashing them along the temporal axis into a common Hamming space. In this way, the audio-visual correlation problem is transformed into a similarity search problem in the Hamming space. Our hashing-based audio-visual similarity modeling has shown superior performances in the localization and segmentation of sounding objects in videos. The success of the permutation-based hashing method motivates us to generalize and formally define the supervised ranking-based hashing problem, and study its application to large-scale image retrieval. Specifically, we propose an effective supervised learning procedure to learn optimized ranking-based hash functions that can be used for large-scale similarity search. Compared with the randomized version, the optimized ranking-based hash codes are much more compact and discriminative. Moreover, it can be easily extended to kernel space to discover more complex ranking structures that cannot be revealed in linear subspaces. Experiments on large image datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for image retrieval. We further studied the ranking-based hashing method for the cross-media similarity search problem. Specifically, we propose two optimization methods to jointly learn two groups of linear subspaces, one for each media type, so that features\u27 ranking orders in different linear subspaces maximally preserve the cross-media similarities. Additionally, we develop this ranking-based hashing method in the cross-media context into a flexible hashing framework with a more general solution. We have demonstrated through extensive experiments on several real-world datasets that the proposed cross-media hashing method can achieve superior cross-media retrieval performances against several state-of-the-art algorithms. Lastly, to make better use of the supervisory label information, as well as to further improve the efficiency and accuracy of supervised hashing, we propose a novel multimedia discrete hashing framework that optimizes an instance-wise loss objective, as compared to the pairwise losses, using an efficient discrete optimization method. In addition, the proposed method decouples the binary codes learning and hash function learning into two separate stages, thus making the proposed method equally applicable for both single-media and cross-media search. Extensive experiments on both single-media and cross-media retrieval tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Speech data analysis for semantic indexing of video of simulated medical crises.

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    The Simulation for Pediatric Assessment, Resuscitation, and Communication (SPARC) group within the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Louisville, was established to enhance the care of children by using simulation based educational methodologies to improve patient safety and strengthen clinician-patient interactions. After each simulation session, the physician must manually review and annotate the recordings and then debrief the trainees. The physician responsible for the simulation has recorded 100s of videos, and is seeking solutions that can automate the process. This dissertation introduces our developed system for efficient segmentation and semantic indexing of videos of medical simulations using machine learning methods. It provides the physician with automated tools to review important sections of the simulation by identifying who spoke, when and what was his/her emotion. Only audio information is extracted and analyzed because the quality of the image recording is low and the visual environment is static for most parts. Our proposed system includes four main components: preprocessing, speaker segmentation, speaker identification, and emotion recognition. The preprocessing consists of first extracting the audio component from the video recording. Then, extracting various low-level audio features to detect and remove silence segments. We investigate and compare two different approaches for this task. The first one is threshold-based and the second one is classification-based. The second main component of the proposed system consists of detecting speaker changing points for the purpose of segmenting the audio stream. We propose two fusion methods for this task. The speaker identification and emotion recognition components of our system are designed to provide users the capability to browse the video and retrieve shots that identify ”who spoke, when, and the speaker’s emotion” for further analysis. For this component, we propose two feature representation methods that map audio segments of arbitary length to a feature vector with fixed dimensions. The first one is based on soft bag-of-word (BoW) feature representations. In particular, we define three types of BoW that are based on crisp, fuzzy, and possibilistic voting. The second feature representation is a generalization of the BoW and is based on Fisher Vector (FV). FV uses the Fisher Kernel principle and combines the benefits of generative and discriminative approaches. The proposed feature representations are used within two learning frameworks. The first one is supervised learning and assumes that a large collection of labeled training data is available. Within this framework, we use standard classifiers including K-nearest neighbor (K-NN), support vector machine (SVM), and Naive Bayes. The second framework is based on semi-supervised learning where only a limited amount of labeled training samples are available. We use an approach that is based on label propagation. Our proposed algorithms were evaluated using 15 medical simulation sessions. The results were analyzed and compared to those obtained using state-of-the-art algorithms. We show that our proposed speech segmentation fusion algorithms and feature mappings outperform existing methods. We also integrated all proposed algorithms and developed a GUI prototype system for subjective evaluation. This prototype processes medical simulation video and provides the user with a visual summary of the different speech segments. It also allows the user to browse videos and retrieve scenes that provide answers to semantic queries such as: who spoke and when; who interrupted who? and what was the emotion of the speaker? The GUI prototype can also provide summary statistics of each simulation video. Examples include: for how long did each person spoke? What is the longest uninterrupted speech segment? Is there an unusual large number of pauses within the speech segment of a given speaker

    Representation Learning With Hidden Unit Clustering For Low Resource Speech Applications

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    The representation learning of speech, without textual resources, is an area of significant interest for many low resource speech applications. In this paper, we describe an approach to self-supervised representation learning from raw audio using a hidden unit clustering (HUC) framework. The input to the model consists of audio samples that are windowed and processed with 1-D convolutional layers. The learned "time-frequency" representations from the convolutional neural network (CNN) module are further processed with long short term memory (LSTM) layers which generate a contextual vector representation for every windowed segment. The HUC framework, allowing the categorization of the representations into a small number of phoneme-like units, is used to train the model for learning semantically rich speech representations. The targets consist of phoneme-like pseudo labels for each audio segment and these are generated with an iterative k-means algorithm. We explore techniques that improve the speaker invariance of the learned representations and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two settings, i) completely unsupervised speech applications on the sub-tasks described as part of the ZeroSpeech 2021 challenge and ii) semi-supervised automatic speech recognition (ASR) applications on the TIMIT dataset and on the GramVaani challenge Hindi dataset. In these experiments, we achieve state-of-art results for various ZeroSpeech tasks. Further, on the ASR experiments, the HUC representations are shown to improve significantly over other established benchmarks based on Wav2vec, HuBERT and Best-RQ

    Audio self-supervised learning: a survey

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    Inspired by the humans' cognitive ability to generalise knowledge and skills, Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) targets at discovering general representations from large-scale data without requiring human annotations, which is an expensive and time consuming task. Its success in the fields of computer vision and natural language processing have prompted its recent adoption into the field of audio and speech processing. Comprehensive reviews summarising the knowledge in audio SSL are currently missing. To fill this gap, in the present work, we provide an overview of the SSL methods used for audio and speech processing applications. Herein, we also summarise the empirical works that exploit the audio modality in multi-modal SSL frameworks, and the existing suitable benchmarks to evaluate the power of SSL in the computer audition domain. Finally, we discuss some open problems and point out the future directions on the development of audio SSL
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