25 research outputs found

    Zone Based Multi-Path Disjoint Routing In Manet Using Zbmdr Protocol

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    A MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) is an accumulation of wireless mobile nodes which are autonomous and can dynamically self-organize that creates aprovisional network topology. Numerouspossible applications of MANETs necessitate group communications among several nodes, which is supported by multicasting. In a dynamic environment, it is difficult to maintain group membership management, which is a challenging task to implement robust and scalable multicast routing. For that reason, a novel Zone Based Multipath Disjoint Routing (ZBMDR) is proposed. The proposed ZBMDR is disjoint at the zones which can establish multiple zone disjoint routes between the source and the destination network zones which help to develop the network lifetime and also to reduce the congestion and communication overhead. The proposed ZBMDR protocol is simulated using the NS-2 (NS-2.39) and the experimental results are presented

    Effective Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

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    Most of the multicast routing protocols depend on creation of multicast tree for the transmission of packet from source to destination, which leads to maintain states of the neighboring node and it incures more cost. Maintaining the states of nodes also increases communication and processing overhead as well as requires more amount of memory. Almost all protocols maintain the path list in their routing table which also increases overhead while routing the packets. In this paper we developed a stateless receiver-based multicast routing protocol that includes a list of the multicast destination members addresses (sinks), added in packet headers, to enable receivers to decide the best way to forward the multicast traffic

    A Kind of New Multicast Routing Algorithm for Application of Internet of Things

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is widely used as an effective medium to integrate physical world and information world of Internet of Things (IOT). While keeping energy consumption at a minimal level, WSN requires reliable communication. Multicasting is a general operation performed by the Base Station, where data is to be transmitted to a set of destination nodes. Generally, the packets are routed in a multi-hop approach, where some intermediate nodes are also used for packet forwarding. This problem can be reduced to the well-known Steiner tree problem, which has proven to be NP-complete for deterministic link descriptors and cost functions. In this paper, we propose a novel multicast protocol, named heuristic algorithms for the solution of the Quality of Service (QoS) constrained multicast routing problem, with incomplete information in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). As information aggregation or randomly fluctuating traffic loads, link measures are considered to be random variables. Simulation results show that the Hop Neural Networks (HNN) based heuristics with a properly chosen additive measures can yield to a good solution for this traditionally NP complex problem, when compared to the best multicast algorithms known

    Concurrent Geometric Multicasting

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    We present MCFR, a multicasting concurrent face routing algorithm that uses geometric routing to deliver a message from source to multiple targets. We describe the algorithm's operation, prove it correct, estimate its performance bounds and evaluate its performance using simulation. Our estimate shows that MCFR is the first geometric multicast routing algorithm whose message delivery latency is independent of network size and only proportional to the distance between the source and the targets. Our simulation indicates that MCFR has significantly better reliability than existing algorithms

    Scalable position-based multicast for mobile ad-hoc networks

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    In this paper we present Scalable Position-Based Multicast (SPBM), a multicast routing protocol for ad-hoc networks. SPBM uses the geographic position of nodes to provide a highly scalable group membership scheme and to forward data packets with a very low overhead. SPBM bases its multicast forwarding decision on whether there are group members located in a given direction or not, allowing for a hierarchical aggregation of group members contained in geographic regions: the larger the distance between a region containing group members and an intermediate node, the larger can this region be without having a significant impact on the accuracy of the direction from the intermediate node to that region. Because of aggregation, the overhead for group membership management is bounded by a small constant while it is independent of the number of multicast senders for a given multicast group. We investigate the performance of SPBM by means of simulation, including a comparison with ODMRP

    Robust and Scalable Geographic Multicast Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    Abstract — Group communications are important in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET). Multicast is an efficient method to implement the group communications. However, it is challenging to implement scalable, robust and efficient multicast in MANET due to the difficulty in group membership management, multicast packet forwarding and the maintenance of a tree- or mesh-based multicast structure over the dynamic topology for a large group size or network size. We propose a novel Robust and Scalable Geographic Multicast Protocol (RSGM). Scalable and efficient group membership management has been performed through zone-based structure, and the location service for group members is combined with membership management. Both the control messages and data packets are forwarded along efficient tree-shape paths, but there is no need to actively maintain a tree struc-ture, which efficiently reduces the maintenance overhead and makes the transmissions more robust to dynamics. Geographic forwarding is used to achieve further scalability and robustness. To avoid periodic flooding-based sources ’ announcements, an efficient source tracking mechanism is designed. Furthermore, we handle the empty zone problem faced by most zone-based routing protocols. Our simulation studies show that RSGM can scale to large group size and large network size, and a high delivery ratio is achieved by RSGM even under high dynamics. I

    A Survey of Multicast Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

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    Abstract Many network applications require transmitting the same single copy of data packets concurrently to many destinations, it is called multicasting. Wired and infrastructure-based wireless networks are supported by many multicast routing protocols. But, applying this concept in Mobile Ad hoc wireless NETworks (MANETs) is a big challenge. Ad hoc wireless networks composed of self-organized mobile nodes that can move arbitrarily without any preexisting communication infrastructure base stations. It causes producing dynamic and unpredictable network topology. Many proposals are introduced trying to solve multicast supporting problem in MANETs. In this paper, multicast routing protocols in MANETs that was proposed in recent years will be classified according to different view points such as multicast topology, topology initialization, topology maintenance, core or coreless approach, and dependency on unicast routing protocols

    Mesh based and Hybrid Multicast routing protocols for MANETs: Current State of the art

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    This paper discusses various multicast routing protocols which are proposed in the recent past each having its own unique characteristic, with a motive of providing a complete understanding of these multicast routing protocols and present the scope of future research in this field. Further, the paper specifically discusses the current development in the development of mesh based and hybrid multicasting routing protocols. The study of this paper addresses the solution of most difficult task in Multicast routing protocols for MANETs under host mobility which causes multi-hop routing which is even more severe with bandwidth limitations. The Multicast routing plays a substantial part in MANETs

    Research on Quality of Service Based Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Quality of service (QoS) based routing protocols play a significant role in MANETs to maintain proper flow of data with efficient power consumption and without data loss. However, several network resource based technical challenges or issues are encountered in the design and implementation of QoS routing protocols that perform their routing function by considering the shortest route or the lowest cost. Furthermore, a secondary route is not reserved and alternative routes are not searched unless the established route is broken. The current structures of the state-of-the-art protocols for MANETs are not appropriate for today's high bandwidth and mobility requirements. Therefore, research on new routing protocols is needed, considering energy level, coverage, location, speed, movement, and link stability instead of only shortest path and lowest cost. This paper summarizes the main characteristics of QoS-based routing protocols to facilitate researchers to design and select QoS-based routing protocols. In this study, a wide range of protocols with their characteristics were classified according to QoS routing strategy, routing information update mechanism, interaction between network and MAC layer, QoS constraints, QoS guarantee type and number of discovered routes. In addition, the protocols were compared in terms of properties, design features, challenges and QoS metrics