2,590 research outputs found

    Rigid G2-Representations and motives of Type G2

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    We prove an effective Hilbert Irreducibility result for residual realizations of a family of motives with motivic Galois group G2

    On Serre's uniformity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves over totally real fields

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    Let KK be a totally real field, and let SS be a finite set of non-archimedean places of KK. It follows from the work of Merel, Momose and David that there is a constant BK,SB_{K,S} so that if EE is an elliptic curve defined over KK, semistable outside SS, then for all p>BK,Sp>B_{K,S}, the representation ρˉE,p\bar{\rho}_{E,p} is irreducible. We combine this with modularity and level lowering to show the existence of an effectively computable constant CK,SC_{K,S}, and an effectively computable set of elliptic curves over KK with CM E1,,EnE_1,\dotsc,E_n such that the following holds. If EE is an elliptic curve over KK semistable outside SS, and p>CK,Sp>C_{K,S} is prime, then either ρˉE,p\bar{\rho}_{E,p} is surjective, or ρˉE,pρˉEi,p\bar{\rho}_{E,p} \sim \bar{\rho}_{E_i,p} for some i=1,,ni=1,\dots,n.Comment: 7 pages. Improved version incorporating referee's comment

    A multi-Frey approach to Fermat equations of signature (r,r,p)(r,r,p)

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    In this paper, we give a resolution of the generalized Fermat equations x5+y5=3zn and x13+y13=3zn,x^5 + y^5 = 3 z^n \text{ and } x^{13} + y^{13} = 3 z^n, for all integers n2n \ge 2, and all integers n2n \ge 2 which are not a multiple of 77, respectively, using the modular method with Frey elliptic curves over totally real fields. The results require a refined application of the multi-Frey technique, which we show to be effective in new ways to reduce the bounds on the exponents nn. We also give a number of results for the equations x5+y5=dznx^5 + y^5 = d z^n, where d=1,2d = 1, 2, under additional local conditions on the solutions. This includes a result which is reminiscent of the second case of Fermat's Last Theorem, and which uses a new application of level raising at pp modulo pp.Comment: Includes more details regarding the connection of this paper with its sequel 'Some extensions of the modular method and Fermat-equations of signature (13,13,n)'. More precisely: extended Remark 7.4; added details on the computational parts of the proofs of Proposition 9 and Theorem 2; included new comments and polished the auxiliary Magma files for Proposition 9 and Theorem

    Decompositions of Generalized Wavelet Representations

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    Let NN be a simply connected, connected nilpotent Lie group which admits a uniform subgroup Γ.\Gamma. Let α\alpha be an automorphism of NN defined by α(expX)=expAX.\alpha\left( \exp X\right) =\exp AX. We assume that the linear action of AA is diagonalizable and we do not assume that NN is commutative. Let WW be a unitary wavelet representation of the semi-direct product group jZαj(Γ)α\left\langle \cup_{j\in\mathbb{Z}}\alpha^{j}\left( \Gamma\right) \right\rangle \rtimes\left\langle \alpha\right\rangle defined by W(γ,1)=f(γ1x)W\left( \gamma,1\right) =f\left( \gamma^{-1}x\right) and W(1,α)=detA1/2f(αx).W\left( 1,\alpha\right) =\left\vert \det A\right\vert ^{1/2}f\left( \alpha x\right) . We obtain a decomposition of WW into a direct integral of unitary representations. Moreover, we provide an explicit unitary operator intertwining the representations, a precise description of the representations occurring, the measure used in the direct integral decomposition and the support of the measure. We also study the irreducibility of the fiber representations occurring in the direct integral decomposition in various settings. We prove that in the case where AA is an expansive automorphism then the decomposition of WW is in fact a direct integral of unitary irreducible representations each occurring with infinite multiplicities if and only if NN is non-commutative. This work naturally extends results obtained by H. Lim, J. Packer and K. Taylor who obtained a direct integral decomposition of WW in the case where NN is commutative and the matrix AA is expansive, i.e. all eigenvalues have absolute values larger than one