11,540 research outputs found

    Personal Jurisdiction Over The Internet: How International Is Today's Shoe

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    <p align="left"><span style="font-size: small;">With the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web, a novel question of procedural law has taken the legal arena by storm: how do we effectively apply traditional concepts of personal jurisdiction to the seamless world of cyberspace? In a world where politically recognized territorial boundaries will typically lead the discussion into where a party may be haled into court as a result of its activities, the Internet presents us with an anomaly of that traditional principle. Courts are now being launched into the unchartered waters of cyberspace where the traditional concept of personal jurisdiction often finds itself lost at sea. </span></p

    Optimizing Your Online-Advertisement Asynchronously

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    We consider the problem of designing optimal online-ad investment strategies for a single advertiser, who invests at multiple sponsored search sites simultaneously, with the objective of maximizing his average revenue subject to the advertising budget constraint. A greedy online investment scheme is developed to achieve an average revenue that can be pushed to within O(ϵ)O(\epsilon) of the optimal, for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, with a tradeoff that the temporal budget violation is O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon). Different from many existing algorithms, our scheme allows the advertiser to \emph{asynchronously} update his investments on each search engine site, hence applies to systems where the timescales of action update intervals are heterogeneous for different sites. We also quantify the impact of inaccurate estimation of the system dynamics and show that the algorithm is robust against imperfect system knowledge

    Comparative Analysis Of The Utilisation Of Electronic Commerce And Business In Polish E-shops In The Years 2009-2011

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    The aim of the article is to present the results of research concerning the utilisation of different aspects of electronic commerce and business in Polish e-shops, based on a number of comparative analyses performed for the years 2009-2011. Some of the presented data concern also the year 2008. The most important aspects covered by the analyses are: international trade and exports of Polish e-shops, marketing aspects of online businesses, the infrastructure and safety of Polish e-shops, their financial results, and also actions planned in order to minimise the effects of the economic crisis. The main conclusions drawn from these analyses, as well as predictions for the future for the Polish e-market, are also presented.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań dotyczących wykorzystania różnych aspektów handlu i biznesu elektronicznego w polskich e-sklepach oraz ich komparatywnej analizy wykonanej dla lat 2009-2011. Niektóre zaprezentowane dane dotyczą także roku 2008. Najważniejsze aspekty poruszane w analizach to: międzynarodowy handel i eksport polskich sklepów internetowych, aspekty marketingowe biznesu internetowego, infrastruktura i bezpieczeństwo polskich e-sklepów oraz ich wyniki finansowe, a także działania, które są planowane w celu zminimalizowania skutków kryzysu gospodarczego. W artykule zaprezentowane są również wnioski z wykonanych analiz oraz przewidywania na przyszłość dotyczące polskiego e-rynku

    Competitive Strategies for On-Line Advertisement-Place Auction

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    For the online problem of Internet Search Engines’ Keyword Advertisement-place auction, two online models are present in this paper. The number of the auction phases is known or unknown beforehand respectively in the two models. For the first model we propose the Multi-Level of Accepted Price Strategy (abbr. MLAP) and prove it to be O(Φ1/4 )-competitive, where Φ is the ratio of the highest bid to the lowest one in the auction. For the second model a strategy similar to the first one (abbr. MLAP1) is put forward and proved to be (2√ Φ − 1)-competitive. Furthermore, the experimental results show that in both models the experimental ratios between what the optimal strategy and the online strategies gain are much better than the theoretical ones, indicating that the two strategies perform much better in practice than in theory. In practice, these strategies may help to realize the automatic auction of heterogeneous objects that have similar traits to advertisement-places