3,426 research outputs found

    Optimal Cooperative MAC Protocol with Efficient Selection of Relay Terminals

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    A new cooperative protocol is proposed in the context of wireless mesh networks. The protocol implements ondemand cooperation, i.e. cooperation between a source terminal and a destination terminal is activated only when needed. In that case, only the best relay among a set of available terminals is re-transmitting the source message to the destination terminal. This typical approach is improved using three additional features. First, a splitting algorithm is implemented to select the best relay. This ensures a fast selection process. Moreover, the duration of the selection process is now completely characterized. Second, only terminals that improve the outage probability of the direct link are allowed to participate to the relay selection. By this means, inefficient cooperation is now avoided. Finally, the destination terminal discards the source message when it fails to decode it. This saves processing time since the destination terminal does not need to combine the replicas of the source message: the one from the source terminal and the one from the best relay. We prove that the proposed protocol achieves an optimal performance in terms of Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT)

    Power Switching Protocol for Two-way Relaying Network under Hardware Impairments

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    In this paper, we analyze the impact of hardware impairments at relay node and source node (i.e. imperfect nodes) on network performance by evaluating outage probability based on the effective signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR). Especially, we propose energy harvesting protocol at the relay and source nodes, namely, power switching imperfect relay (PSIR) and power switching imperfect source (PSIS). Aiming to determine the performance of energy constrained network, we first derive closed-form expressions of the outage probability and then the throughput can be maximized in delay-limited transmission mode. The simulation results provide practical insights into the impacts of hardware impairments and power switching factors of the energy harvesting protocol on the performance of energy harvesting enabled two-way relaying network