8 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitas Udara Parameter Deposisi Basah dan Deposisi Kering di Sorong Tahun 2022

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    Acid deposition is a phenomenon of air pollution that is mostly associated with energy activities that emit acidic pollutant compounds into the atmosphere. Acid deposition is one of the effects of air pollution. Observation of air quality in Sorong City is needed to determine the level of air pollution that occurs due to natural factors and anthropogenic activities. Observation of acid deposition in Sorong City was carried out with two parameters, namely wet deposition and dry deposition. Observation of wet deposition using chemical measurements of rainwater in the form of pH, Conductivity, and Mineral Ion Concentration. Observation of dry deposition using SPM Particulate and Passive Gas (SO2 and NO2) parameters. The results show that the level of acidity (pH) of rainwater in Sorong City during 2022 is included in pH category of acidic rainwater that tends to be neutral. Meanwhile, the result of conductivity value is 2.2 – 50.9 µS/cm. The chemical composition in rainwater in Sorong City is dominated by chloride ions, sulfate ions, potassium ions and sodium ions, where the number of anions accounts for 59% of the total ions present in rainwater, and cations contribute 41%. During January to December 2022, daily SPM concentrations were in the range of 8.63 - 96.24 µg/m3. Based on the value of the quality standard, both daily and yearly, SPM value is still far below the applicable threshold value. The results of SO2 and NO2 measurements in Sorong City also show that concentration values are still below the air quality standard values.Deposisi asam merupakan fenomena pencemaran udara yang banyak dikaitkan dengan aktivitas energi yang mengemisikan senyawa polutan bersifat asam ke atmosfer. Deposisi asam adalah salah satu dampak dari pencemaran udara. Pengamatan kualitas udara di Kota Sorong diperlukan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran udara yang terjadi akibat faktor alam dan aktivitas antropogenik. Pengamatan deposisi asam di Kota Sorong dilakukan dengan dua parameter yaitu deposisi basah dan deposisi kering. Pengamatan deposisi basah menggunakan pengukuran kimia air hujan berupa pH, Konduktivitas, dan Konsentrasi Ion Mineral. Pengamatan deposisi kering menggunakan parameter Partikulat SPM dan Passive Gas (SO2 dan NO2). Hasilnya diperoleh bahwa tingkat keasaman (pH) air hujan di Kota Sorong selama tahun 2022 masuk dalam kategori pH air hujan asam hingga cenderung netral. Sementara nilai konduktivitas terukur sebesar 2,2 – 50,9 µS/cm. Kandungan kimia yang ada pada air hujan di Kota Sorong didominasi oleh Ion Klorida, Ion Sulfat, Ion Kalium dan Ion Natrium, dimana jumlah anion menyumbang 59% dari total ion yang ada dalam air hujan, dan kation menyumbang sebesar 41%. Selama Januari hingga Desember 2022, konsentrasi SPM harian berada pada rentang 8,63 - 96,24 µg/m3. Berdasarkan nilai baku mutunya, baik harian maupun tahunan, nilai SPM masih jauh di bawah nilai ambang batas yang berlaku. Hasil pengukuran SO2 dan NO2 di Kota Sorong juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai konsentrasi yang dihasilkan masih berada di bawah nilai baku mutu udaranya

    Statistical trend analysis and forecast modeling of air pollutants

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    The study provides a statistical trend analysis of different air pollutants using Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator approach on past pollutants statistics from air quality index station of Varanasi, India. Further, using autoregressive integrated moving average model, future values of air pollutant levels are predicted. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, particulate matter particles as PM2.5 and PM10 are the pollutants on which the study focuses. Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator tests are used on summer (February-May), monsoon (June-September) and winter (October-January) seasonal data from year 2013 to 2016 and trend results and power of the slopes are estimated.  For predictive analysis, different autoregressive integrated moving average models are compared with goodness of fit statistics, and the observed results stated autoregressive integrated moving average (1,1,1) as the best-suited for forecast modeling of different pollutants in Varanasi. Autoregressive integrated moving average model (1,1,1) is also used on the annual concentration levels to predict forthcoming year's annual pollutants value. Study reveals that PM 10 shows a rising trend with predicted approximate annual concentration of 273 µg/m3 and PM2.5, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and  sulphur dioxide show a reducing trend with approximate annual concentration of 139 µg/m3, 1.37 mg/ m3, 38 µg/m3 and 17 µg/m3, respectively, by the year 2030. The study predicted carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide andsulphur dioxide concentrations are lower and PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations are much higher to the standard permissible limits in future years also, and specific measures are required to control emissions of these pollutants in Varanasi

    Caution, Drivers! Children Present: Traffic, Pollution, and Infant Health

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    Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), atmospheric concentration of local pollutants has fallen drastically. A natural question is whether further reductions will yield additional health benefits. We further this research by addressing two related research questions: (1) what is the impact of automobile driving (and especially congestion) on ambient air pollution levels, and (2) what is the impact of modern air pollution levels on infant health? Our setting is California (with a focus on the Central Valley and Southern California) in the years 2002-2007. Using an instrumental variables approach that exploits the relationship between traffic, ambient weather conditions, and various pollutants, our findings suggest that ambient pollution levels, specifically particulate matter, still have large impacts on weekly infant mortality rates. Our results also illustrate the importance of weather controls in measuring pollution’s impact on infant mortality.University of California Energy Institute and UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. UC Davis Institute of Governmental Affairs, the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies, and the TSR&TP through the Atmospheric Aerosols and Health (AAH) Lead Campus program

    Caution, Drivers! Children Present: Traffic, Pollution, and Infant Health

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    Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), atmospheric concentration of local pollutants has fallen drastically. A natural question is whether further reductions will yield additional health benefits. We further this research by addressing two related research questions: (1) what is the impact of automobile driving (and especially congestion) on ambient air pollution levels, and (2) what is the impact of modern air pollution levels on infant health? Our setting is California (with a focus on the Central Valley and Southern California) in the years 2002-2007. Using an instrumental variables approach that exploits the relationship between traffic, ambient weather conditions, and various pollutants, our findings suggest that ambient pollution levels, specifically particulate matter, still have large impacts on weekly infant mortality rates. Our results also illustrate the importance of weather controls in measuring pollution’s impact on infant mortality.

    Lichens as a biomonitoring tool for detecting heavy metal air pollution associated with industrial activities in Collie, south-western Australia

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    During the last few decades, various techniques for using lichens as biomonitors have been developed for monitoring air pollution and forest ecosystem health. Lichens have been used effectively to determine the dispersion of heavy metals emitted by industrial point-sources; however the approach has not been commonly used in Australia. This thesis aimed to determine the effectiveness of using a lichen biomonitoring approach to measure the heavy metal pollutants emitted from coal-fired power stations and related industries in Collie, south-western Australia, an area with concern over poor air quality. Three different approaches to lichen biomonitoring were investigated. The first explored lichen community composition patterns in thirty-six study sites across an identified pollution gradient in the jarrah forest ecosystems of Collie. The second measured in situ Usnea inermis lichens for heavy metals, across wet and dry seasons in Collie. The third approach used lichen transplant bags of Usnea inermis to determine seasonal heavy metal accumulation patterns. Because the gaseous pollutants NO2 and SO2 are known to have a significant effect on lichen vitality and distribution, they were monitored by means of a direct measurement approach using Radiello® passive air samplers, to determine any confounding effects. A total of twenty lichen taxa were recorded in the lichen community study, with an average species diversity of ten per site. The lichens Usnea inermis and Cladonia rigida occurred at all thirty-six study sites. High lichen diversity and abundance values were recorded from control sites, and crustose and squamulose species were more abundant across all study sites. The grouping of lichen communities into pollution-tolerant classes, based on information from other studies, showed that the jarrah forests surrounding the industries in Collie were dominated by pollution-tolerant lichen species, while sensitive species were infrequent and rare. Spatial distribution maps of lichen diversity indices showed areas with low diversity values downwind from the coal mines and coal-fired power stations and near an alumina refinery, indicating a possible influence from these point-sources on lichen community composition. Pollution effects on lichen communities were observed with little influence from forest management practices, demonstrating the effectiveness of this method for monitoring air pollution influences in managed jarrah forests. The study also identified Usnea inermis as a suitable species for both the in situ and transplant lichen biomonitoring experiments to explore heavy metal pollution in the area, because of its widespread distribution across the pollution gradient. Low concentrations of NO2 and SO2 were recorded by Radiello® passive samplers, suggesting that these pollutants had very little confounding influence on lichen community composition and heavy metal accumulation patterns. However, seasonal differences in the dispersion of gaseous pollutants were observed, particularly in the summer season. The areas influenced by gaseous pollutants were also found to be those with low lichen diversity, suggesting that although low in concentration, the gaseous pollutants were having a demonstrable influence on the lichens in the jarrah forests in Collie. Mean concentrations for the metals As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni and Zn were low for in situ Usnea inermis lichens; however elevated concentrations of some metals were recorded at certain locations. Arsenic concentrations in spring were high from sites close to the coal mines and Mn was elevated in both seasons from sites near an alumina refinery. Higher metal concentrations were recorded in the higher rainfall autumn season compared with spring for most metals. The fallout patterns of heavy metals were explained by a power curve showing exponential decreases in concentrations, with very low concentrations found beyond the 8 - 10 km distance range from the closest pollution source. Spatial dispersion maps showed interpolated concentrations consistent with that expected if point-sources were responsible for the generation of high atmospheric heavy metal concentrations. Transplanted Usnea inermis lichens did not show elevated metal concentrations, however seasonal variations were observed, with the highest concentrations recorded in the wet winter season. Metal uptake in both the in situ and transplanted lichen studies was favoured by low temperature and high rainfall, suggesting that metal uptake was promoted during periods of wet deposition. This highlights the importance of season of sampling if lichen biomonitoring studies are to be deployed in WA. The wetter and cooler winter season with more consistent rainfall patterns is recommended as optimal for conducting lichen biomonitoring studies in Collie. The transplants exposed over a 48 week period recorded the highest concentrations for most metals, however they also showed a loss of metal accumulation ability at the high exposure sites. Exposure periods of 24 – 32 weeks (6 – 8 months) are recommended for more reliable results when using lichen transplants. The transplant study also identified that the control sites were affected by industrial emissions, suggesting that reference sites should be located at distances greater than those used in this study. The results from all three biomonitoring approaches identified pollution dispersion patterns associated with industrial point-sources, and also identified a pollution influence at the control sites, an area previously considered to be unaffected by industrial pollution. Findings from this study support the idea that a lichen biomonitoring approach can be used as an effective tool for monitoring heavy metal air pollution in Western Australia and if used correctly it could replace the more expensive active sampling techniques. The study also provided essential baseline information for future studies on the effect of industrial pollution on lichen communities in WA

    Variación temporal y espacial de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos y especies carbonáceas en partículas atmosféricas de las ciudades de Cuernavaca y Cuautla

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    100 páginas. Maestría en Ciencias e Ingeniería Ambientales.Los riesgos para la salud asociados a la contaminación atmosférica por partículas (PM10 y PM2.5) han sido estudiados ampliamente, dichas afectaciones se asocian con diferentes daños y la magnitud del daño depende de la concentración y la composición en que ésta se encuentre en el ambiente, del tiempo y la frecuencia de exposición, así como de las características de la población expuesta (edad, estado nutricional y susceptibilidad genética). Morelos carece de un monitoreo de partículas y otras especies, debido a estos factores de afectación a la salud es de vital importancia realizar el monitoreo de la calidad ambiental, por tanto, la identificación y cuantificación de compuestos tóxicos y carcinogénicos, como los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en el medio ambiente es muy importante y en consecuencia también evaluar los riesgos a la salud. En el presente estudio se cuantificaron HAPs y carbono negro asociados a PM2.5 y PM10. El muestreo se realizó desde diciembre de 2015 a julio de 2018 en dos ciudades ubicadas en Morelos: Cuautla y Cuernavaca, con el objetivo de comparar la calidad del aire en ambas ciudades y conocer el estado actual de riesgos a la salud. El estudio mostró que las concentraciones de partículas y de HAPs son más bajas en la época de lluvias. Se esperaba que durante la época seca-fría se obtuvieran las mediciones de mayores concentraciones de HAPs, seguida de la época seca-caliente, pero entre ambas (seca-fría y seca-caliente) no se presentaron diferencias significativas (p>0.05). En cuanto a las concentraciones de carbono orgánico siempre fueron mayores que el carbono elemental durante las diferentes épocas por año tanto en Cuautla como en Cuernavaca. Por otro lado, reportamos que la concentración de HAPs cancerígenos rebasan la normativa dictada por la recomendación europea, por lo cual sugerimos la importancia de que México cuente con una normatividad con respecto de estos compuestos.The health risks associated with particulate air pollution (PM10 and PM2.5) have been well established. These affectations are associated with different damages and the magnitude of the damage depends on the concentration and composition in which it is found in the environment, time and frequency of exposure, as well as the characteristics of the exposed population (age, nutritional status and genetic susceptibility). Due to this, environmental quality monitoring is vital. Morelos lacks regular monitoring of particles and other species. Furthermore, the identification and quantification of toxic and carcinogenic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAPs) is important to assess possible health risks. In the present study, HAPs and black carbon associated with PM2.5 and PM10 were quantified. The sampling was carried out from December 2015 to July 2018 in two cities located in Morelos: Cuautla and Cuernavaca, with the aim of comparing air quality and knowing the current state of health risks. The concentrations of HAPs and lower particles occurred in the rainy season. The dry-cold season was expected to present the highest concentrations of HAPs, followed by the dry-hot season, but between these seasons there were no significant differences (p> 0.05). While organic carbon concentrations were always higher than elemental carbon both in times per year and in general in Cuautla than in Cuernavaca. On the other hand, the concentration of carcinogenic HAPs exceeds the regulations dictated by the European recommendation, which is why our country must pay special attention to creating regulations regarding these compounds