5 research outputs found

    Preliminary Design of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System for Crop-Spraying on Vineyards

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    This paper describes the preliminary design of an innovative concept rotary-wing Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for precision agriculture and aerial spraying applications. Aerial spraying of plant protection products and pesticides shows open challenges in terms of performance and regulatory requirements. In particular*the focus here is on highlighting the advantages of the proposed solution in performing precise and expeditious interventions, coping with the spray drift problem (i.e. minimization of drift). Flight performances and agronomists' requirements are combined to define the mission and the aerial vehicle and spray system design

    Evaluación de la distribución de gotas en la pulverización de plaguicida en maíz por el método tradicional y por dron

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    Evaluation of droplet distribution in the pesticides applying in corn by the traditional method and by drone Resumen Los métodos actuales de pulverización de plaguicidas en cultivos agrícolas pueden beneficiar las plantaciones y al productor. El uso de drones brinda una nueva alternativa para la aplicación de productos foliares a los cultivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la distribución de gotas en la pulverización de plaguicida por el método tradicional de pulverización con bomba de motor, y con dron. Para la evaluación de los métodos, se seleccionó una parcela de maíz que se dividió en dos áreas de 0,64 ha cada una (A y B). Se escogió un cultivo de maíz con 55 días de desarrollo para probar los métodos de pulverización con bomba de motor y con dron. Los resultados de este trabajo demostraron que la distribución de gotas en ambos métodos fue similar, sin embargo, dado que el volumen de líquido utilizado fue mayor en el método tradicional (200 L), el porcentaje de cobertura de las tarjetas hidrosensibles logró un 64,36%, frente a un 12,99% alcanzado con el dron. Los datos no representaron diferencias estadísticas en la distribución de gotas entre las secciones evaluadas (alta, media y baja) en ambos métodos, sugiriendo que la distribución del producto fue similar en ambas áreas. La destreza en la aplicación manual con bomba de motor permitió una distribución adecuada del producto a lo largo de la planta. En el caso de la pulverización con dron, la corriente de aire provocada por los rotores y hélices permitió que las gotas alcancen los niveles más bajos de la planta. Palabras clave: Gusano cogollero; pulverización con dron; maíz; distribución de gotas. Abstract Current methods of spraying pesticides on agricultural crops can benefit plantations and the grower. The use of drones provides a new alternative for the application of foliar products to crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution of droplets in the pesticide spraying by the traditional spraying method with a motor pump, and with a drone. For the evaluation of the methods, a corn plot was selected that was divided into two areas of 0.64 ha each one (A and B). A 55-day old corn crop was chosen to test the motor pump and drone spraying methods. The results of this work showed that the distribution of drops in both methods was similar, however, given that the volume of liquid used was greater in the traditional method (200 L), the coverage percentage of the hydrosensitive cards achieved 64, 36%, compared to 12.99% achieved with the drone. The data did not represent statistical differences in the distribution of drops between the evaluated sections (high, medium and low) in both methods, suggesting that the distribution of the product was similar in both areas. Dexterity in manual application with a motor pump allowed an adequate distribution of the product throughout the plant. In the case of drone spraying, the air current caused by the rotors and propellers allowed the droplets to reach the lowest levels of the plant. Keywords: Fall Armyworm, drone spraying; corn; farming; Droplet distribution

    Aerial spraying for downy mildew control in grapevines using a remotely piloted aircraft

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    Downy mildew is a major problem for grape growers, as this disease is difficult to control. Synthetic fungicides are used to treat downy mildew with handheld backpack and tractor sprayer applications, with high chemical exposure by operators. As important tools for maximising yield, application technologies must be studied to optimise control efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of fungicide spray application using Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) for the control of downy mildew in grapevine, with different spray volumes. The study was divided into two experiments using 4 vine lines, 10 blocks and 5 treatments with different mixture volumes: Experiment 1 with RPA application of 5 mixture volumes - 0, 22, 44, 66, and 88 L ha−1; Experiment 2 with RPA application of 3 mixture volumes - 44, 66, and 88 L ha−1 and a backpack application of one mixture volume - 800 L ha−1. Coverage percentage, droplet density and volume median diameter (VMD) were evaluated. Downy mildew severity on grapevine leaves was assessed using visual analysis and a diagrammatic scale. The application of 44 L ha−1 provided the greatest coverage and droplet density in the upper and middle strata; however, the backpack application had a better droplet distribution than the RPA application. Treatments of 44 L ha−1 with RPA and backpack application (800 L ha−1) provided the best disease control. In the trellis system, RPA application must be improved because of the low coverage in the lower parts of the plant, and further studies with different spray nozzles and application heights are needed

    Comparison between an in-flight UAV refueling platform and ground-based vehicles for plant protection product distribution

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    Limited payload range generally caused by the poor weight-energy performance, flight autonomy, manual replacement of spent batteries, and agrochemical tank refilling procedure are limiting factors affecting UAVs' agrochemical distribution. This work aims to evaluate the effectiveness of agrochemical distribution by a UAV operated by a reactive robotic payload replacement (M.A.R.S.) platform and compare it with ground-based distribution systems in a viticulture scenario. The work considers a hybrid technology UAV with an onboard gasoline-powered electric generator, characterized by an "in-flight" refill of fuel and agrochemicals without the need for landing. Results report a limited ability of the aerial system to cover large areas with a single tank, balanced by 2.3 minutes to perform a tank refill, significantly less than ground-based distribution systems. The volumes of plant protection products delivered per hectare by the aerial platforms are more suitable for low-volume treatments but they can be logistically advantageous because of their rapid response and lack of impact on soil and crops. The proposed approach represents a solution for UAV implementation for spraying operations on vineyards and opens new scenarios for large areas treatments

    Advancements of Spraying Technology in Agriculture

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    Plant protection activities are most important practices during crop production. Application of maximum pesticide products with the sprayer. The application of fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides is one of the most recurrent and significant tasks in agriculture. Conventional agricultural spraying techniques have made the inconsistency between economic growth and environmental protection in agricultural production. Spraying techniques continuously developed in recent decades. For pesticide application, it is not the only sprayer that is essential, but all the parameters like the type and area of the plant canopy, area of a plant leaf, height of the crop, and volume of plants related to plant protection product applications are very important for obtaining better results. From this point of view, the advancement in agriculture sprayer has been started in last few decades. Robotics and automatic spraying technologies like variable rate sprayers, UAV sprayers, and electrostatic sprayers are growing to Increase the utilization rate of pesticides, reduce pesticide residues, real-time, cost-saving, high compatibility of plant protection products application. These technologies are under the “umbrella” of precision agriculture. The mechanized spraying system, usually implemented by highly precise equipment or mobile robots, which, makes possible the selective targeting of pesticide application on desire time and place. These advanced spraying technologies not only reduces the labour cost but also effective in environmental protection. Researchers are conducting experimental studies on the design, development and testing of precision spraying technologies for crops and orchards