3,677 research outputs found

    Frozen and Invariant Quantum Discord under Local Dephasing Noise

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    In this chapter, we intend to explore and review some remarkable dynamical properties of quantum discord under various different open quantum system models. Specifically, our discussion will include several concepts connected to the phenomena of time invariant and frozen quantum discord. Furthermore, we will elaborate on the relation of these two phenomena to the non-Markovian features of the open system dynamics and to the usage of dynamical decoupling protocols.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Metal-insulator transition and glassy behavior in two-dimensional electron systems

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    Studies of low-frequency resistance noise demonstrate that glassy freezing occurs in a two-dimensional electron system in silicon in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition (MIT). The width of the metallic glass phase, which separates the 2D metal and the (glassy) insulator, depends strongly on disorder, becoming extremely small in high-mobility (low-disorder) samples. The glass transition is manifested by a sudden and dramatic slowing down of the electron dynamics, and by a very abrupt change to the sort of statistics characteristic of complicated multistate systems. In particular, the behavior of the second spectrum, an important fourth-order noise statistic, indicates the presence of long-range correlations between fluctuators in the glassy phase, consistent with the hierarchical picture of glassy dynamics.Comment: Contribution to conference on "Noise as a tool for studying materials" (SPIE), Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2003; 15 pages, 12 figs. (includes some low-quality figs; send e-mail to get high-quality figs.

    Exploring complex networks via topological embedding on surfaces

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    We demonstrate that graphs embedded on surfaces are a powerful and practical tool to generate, characterize and simulate networks with a broad range of properties. Remarkably, the study of topologically embedded graphs is non-restrictive because any network can be embedded on a surface with sufficiently high genus. The local properties of the network are affected by the surface genus which, for example, produces significant changes in the degree distribution and in the clustering coefficient. The global properties of the graph are also strongly affected by the surface genus which is constraining the degree of interwoveness, changing the scaling properties from large-world-kind (small genus) to small- and ultra-small-world-kind (large genus). Two elementary moves allow the exploration of all networks embeddable on a given surface and naturally introduce a tool to develop a statistical mechanics description. Within such a framework, we study the properties of topologically-embedded graphs at high and low `temperatures' observing the formation of increasingly regular structures by cooling the system. We show that the cooling dynamics is strongly affected by the surface genus with the manifestation of a glassy-like freezing transitions occurring when the amount of topological disorder is low.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves

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    The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides. Moreover, such a transduction process has also been observed in living human cells exposed to EMS irradiation. These experiments suggest that coherent long range molecular interaction must be at work in water so to allow the observed features. The quantum field theory analysis of the phenomenon is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Low-temperature dynamical simulation of spin-boson systems

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    The dynamics of spin-boson systems at very low temperatures has been studied using a real-time path-integral simulation technique which combines a stochastic Monte Carlo sampling over the quantum fluctuations with an exact treatment of the quasiclassical degrees of freedoms. To a large degree, this special technique circumvents the dynamical sign problem and allows the dynamics to be studied directly up to long real times in a numerically exact manner. This method has been applied to two important problems: (1) crossover from nonadiabatic to adiabatic behavior in electron transfer reactions, (2) the zero-temperature dynamics in the antiferromagnetic Kondo region 1/2<K<1 where K is Kondo's parameter.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (in press), 28 pages, 6 figure

    Exploring Quantum Correlations from Discord to Entanglement

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    partially_open3sìQuantum correlations represent a fundamental tool for studies ranging from basic science to quantum technologies. Different non-classical correlations have been identified and studied, as entanglement and discord. In this Paper we explore experimentally the rich geometry of polarization Bell-diagonal states. By taking advantage of the statistical method of generation, the values of entanglement and discord along different trajectories in the space of the parameters of density matrix have been measured. The effects of sudden death of entanglement and complete "freeze" of discord were investigated in order to detect the domains with different domination of one type of quantum correlation against to other. A geometric interpretation for each considered phenomena is addressed. The observed good agreement between experiment and theory for all investigated trajectories ensures the reliability of this method.openMoreva, E.; Gramegna, M.; Yurischev, M.A.Moreva, E.; Gramegna, Marco; Yurischev, M. A

    Exploring Quantum Correlations from Discord to Entanglement

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    Quantum correlations represent a fundamental tool for studies ranging from basic science to quantum technologies. Different non-classical correlations have been identified and studied, as entanglement and discord. In this Paper we explore experimentally the rich geometry of polarization Bell-diagonal states. By taking advantage of the statistical method of generation, the values of entanglement and discord along different trajectories in the space of the parameters of density matrix have been measured. The effects of sudden death of entanglement and complete "freeze" of discord were investigated in order to detect the domains with different domination of one type of quantum correlation against to other. A geometric interpretation for each considered phenomena is addressed. The observed good agreement between experiment and theory for all investigated trajectories ensures the reliability of this method