14 research outputs found

    Assessing the accommodation response after near visual tasks using different handheld electronic devices

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess the accommodation response after short reading periods using a tablet and a smartphone as well as determine potential differences in the accommodation response at various stimulus vergences using a Hartmann- Shack aberrometer. Methods: Eighteen healthy subjects with astigmatism of less than 1 D, corrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better, and normal findings in an ophthalmic examination were enrolled. Accommodation responses were obtained under three different conditions: accommodation system of the eye relaxed and visually stressed with a tablet and an smartphone for 10 min, at a distance of 0.25 m from the subject's eyes. Three measurements of accommodation response were monocularly acquired at stimulus vergences ranging from 0 to 4 D (1-D step). Results: No statistically significant differences were found in the accommodation responses among the conditions. A moderate but gradually increasing root mean square, coma-like aberration was found for every condition. Conversely, the spherical aberration decreased as stimulus vergences increased. These outcomes were identified in comparison to the one-to-one ideal accommodation response, implying that a certain lag value was present in all stimulus vergences different from 0 D. Conclusions: The results support the hypothesis that the difference between the ideal and real accommodation responses is mainly attributed to parameters associated with the accommodation process, such as the near visual acuity, depth of focus, pupil diameter, and wavefront aberrations. The wavefront aberrations were dependent on the 3-mm pupil size selected in this study. The accommoda tion response was not dependent on the electronic device employed in each condition, and it was mainly associated with young age and level of amplitude of accommodation of the subjects


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    The use of digital devices was found to increase during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the context of medical education, a shift to distance learning has increased the use of digital devices and gadgets in student learning activities. A study of computer vision syndrome (CVS) related to the use of digital devices by medical students during study activities can be beneficial for educational programme policy development and promote awareness of better healthy lifestyles among stakeholders. To determine the association between computer duration use and break time with the incidence of CVS among medical students during the COVID 19 pandemic era. Subject and Methods: One hundred and ninety-four undergraduate and clerkship medical students of Muhammadiyah Surabaya University-Faculty of Medicine (MSU-FM) participated in an online survey using a re-validated CVS Questionnaire (CVS-Q) by Seguí et al. The data were analysed using SPSS version 25. One hundred and ninety-four students responded to the questionnaire, with the most frequently reported complaints being headaches (73%), a burning sensation in the eyes (69%) and increased sensitivity to light (67%). It was found that 67.4% of people who used the computer for more than three hours continuously (p = .002) and 75.8% of those who took a break of less than 15 minutes (p = .000) had CVS. A significant association exists between the duration of continuous computer use and break timeand the incidence of CVS among undergraduate medical students. The prevalence of CVS was found 80.5% among medical students.Keywords: COVID-19, computer vision syndrome, computer use, online activities, medical student

    An Investigation of Visual Fatigue in Elementary School Students Resulting from Reading e-books

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    [[abstract]]Screen-based reading with e-books, which leverages technology in order to create pertinent learning experiences for all students, has become more acceptable to digital natives. Notably, before e-books are widely adopted in academic learning, the visual burden of students during reading activities should be considered. This investigation thus examines how reading-related factors affect visual fatigue incurred when reading both e-books and paper-based books through an experiment conducted on 24 elementary school students. The results showed that the different reading materials have no significant difference in terms of affecting students’ levels of visual fatigue; that is, reading material seems inconsequential with regard to changes in the degree of visual fatigue. Furthermore, another result found that long duration reading led visual to more burden, which also mean that long periods of reading without proper rest should be avoided. As this study of the foundation of visual fatigue reveals, the findings can be as references beneficial for integrating e-books into instruction and providing suggestions for the use of e-books in education. Therefore, we suggest that future studies should consider visual fatigue as important factors in e-book learning activity to promote their more potential benefits with regard to student learning.[[notice]]補正完

    Visual Search on a Mobile Device While Walking

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    Previous studies have examined the effects of walking and user interface elements on mobile task performance, using physical target selection tasks. The current study investigated the effect of walking and user interface elements on visual search on a mobile device, isolating the effects on perceptual and cognitive processes. The effects of object size, contrast, and target location on mobile devices while walking and standing were examined. A serial visual search using T and L shapes on a mobile device, which controlled for physical target selection involvement was conducted. The results showed that walking, bigger object size, and the target position in the outer area of the mobile device display slowed the visual search response time. This suggests that walking causes a negative performance effect not only on the physical task but also on the cognitive process while interacting with the mobile user interface. In addition, the results of the study suggest that the placing of major content and call-to-action items in the inner area of the display are likely to improve task performance on a mobile device

    Visual search on a mobile device while walking

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    Estudio comparativo de la lectura en papel electrónico y papel estándar

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    Objectiu: Comparar la lectura en paper estándar amb la lectura a diferents tipus de pantalles. Ens basarem al registre dels moviments oculars mesurant Sacàdics d’avanç, Regressions, Fixacions i temps de lectura. També valorarem cóm afecta a la dinàmica de la lectura les il·luminacions més extremes, és a dir, il·luminació molt baixa i il·luminació molt alta I, valorarem de forma subjectiva quin ha sigut el confort visual per comprovar la concordança amb els paràmetres objectius mesurats. Material i mètode: Llibre electrònic Kobo (tinta electrònica, llibre electrònic Aqprox (TFT), Tablet Samsung (LCD) i Paper reciclat com dispositius de lectura. Programa Visagraph per fer el registre dels moviments oculars. Després del tractament de dades dels registres obtinguts per tal d’aconseguir fer gràfiques i així avaluar els moviments oculars s’han comparat les mides dels 4 dispositius de lectura sota 3 il·luminacions diferents (50 lx, 1000 lx i 10000 lx). Al acabar de fer les 4 mides de cada il·luminació s’ha avaluat el confort visual de forma subjectiva amb cada dispositiu. Resultats: Del total de la mostra de 24 lectors s’ha obtingut sí n’hi ha diferències significatives a la valoració subjectiva del confort. Els dispositius que donen un confort visual més alt són el llibre electrònic Kobo i el Paper i la il·luminació més còmode és la de 1000 lx. També s’han trobat diferències estadístiques a la valoració objectiva amb el Temps de lectura, conforme augmentava la il·luminació el temps era menor. Per últim, s’ha trobat que influeix la il·luminació al número de regressions, augmentant el número de regressions amb la il·luminació de 1000 lx. Conclusions: No s’han trobat concordances amb els paràmetres objectius mesurats y la valoració subjectiva dels lectors degut a que les habilitats lectores de la mostra son suficientment bones com per a compensar el efecte de les condicions adverses de les il·luminacions i degut això, no ha afectat als paràmetres objectius mesurats

    Síndrome visual do computador: influência de fatores individuais e da ergonomia do posto de trabalho nas alterações visuais

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    A Síndrome Visual de Computador (SVC) é caracterizada por um conjunto de sintomas visuais associados à utilização prolongada do computador. Apesar da crescente ênfase dada a esta problemática nos últimos anos, não é ainda clara a sua prevalência entre os trabalhadores que realizam trabalho com ecrãs de visualização nos diversos contextos ocupacionais, bem como sobre os fatores que influenciam a mesma. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a SVC entre os funcionários administrativos e os técnicos superiores de uma instituição de ação social. Pretendeu-se identificar os trabalhadores afetados, determinando a prevalência da SVC, bem como identificando fatores de risco pessoais, comportamentais e do posto de trabalho associados ao seu desenvolvimento. Para este estudo foram incluídos 103 trabalhadores, entre os 20 e 63 anos, que utilizavam computador no seu posto de trabalho. Foi aplicado um questionário para a caracterização de aspetos pessoais como o género e a idade, comportamentais como o tempo passado ao computador e número de pausas, bem como as perceções sobre o posto de trabalho, como distâncias e ângulo de visualização e a adequabilidade/preferência dos níveis iluminação. Foi ainda aplicada a escala CVS-Q para a determinação da severidade da SVC. Adicionalmente foram determinadas as distâncias de visualização ao nível do posto de trabalho, análise da postura adotada, medição dos níveis de iluminância e realização de exames visuais. Estes exames foram efetuados por ortoptistas, tendo como objetivo identificar a existência de desvios dos eixos visuais, o ponto próximo de convergência, a visão estereoscópica, a acuidade visual para perto com e sem correção e a visão cromática. Os dados mostraram que 61,2% dos trabalhadores apresentavam SVC. Verificou-se uma associação entre a SVC e o género, o tempo contínuo (sem pausas) ao computador e a qualidade de iluminação no monitor (no período da tarde). No entanto, não se verificaram associações entre as restantes variáveis estudadas e a severidade da SVC. Posto isto, e tendo em conta a elevada prevalência de trabalhadores com SVC, torna-se imprescindível aplicar/criar métodos que proporcionem o descanso visual e periódico dos trabalhadores, a melhoria da iluminação em cada posto trabalho e rotinas para lubrificação ocular

    News media design: A comparative study of digital application format

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    In this information age, newspapers are experiencing a transition from a printed format to a digital format. Using an electronic device to read news has become one of the important ways to acquire information in people\u27s daily lives. The electronic mobile device, especially the iPad, provides a new platform for newspaper publication, which enables newspaper publishers to create unique applications for readers. However, the existing research about newspaper design for iPad devices is very limited. This study conducted an online survey to investigate users\u27 attitudes toward digital format newspapers and printed format newspapers. Through the analysis of iPad application design and website design of the New York Times, USA Today and Huffington Post, it listed the common advantages and disadvantages of current newspaper applications. The case studies assisted to formulate the guidelines of e-newspaper iPad application design, which will contribute to improve the e- newspaper reading experiences for users