3 research outputs found

    Opportunities for using eye tracking technology in manufacturing and logistics: Systematic literature review and research agenda

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    Workers play essential roles in manufacturing and logistics. Releasing workers from routine tasks and enabling them to focus on creative, value-adding activities can enhance their performance and wellbeing, and it is also key to the successful implementation of Industry 4.0. One technology that can help identify patterns of worker-system interaction is Eye Tracking (ET), which is a non-intrusive technology for measuring human eye movements. ET can provide moment-by-moment insights into the cognitive state of the subject during task execution, which can improve our understanding of how humans behave and make decisions within complex systems. It also enables explorations of the subject’s interaction mode with the working environment. Earlier research has investigated the use of ET in manufacturing and logistics, but the literature is fragmented and has not yet been discussed in a literature review yet. This article therefore conducts a systematic literature review to explore the applications of ET, summarise its benefits, and outline future research opportunities of using ET in manufacturing and logistics. We first propose a conceptual framework to guide our study and then conduct a systematic literature search in scholarly databases, obtaining 71 relevant papers. Building on the proposed framework, we systematically review the use of ET and categorize the identified papers according to their application in manufacturing (product development, production, quality inspection) and logistics. Our results reveal that ET has several use cases in the manufacturing sector, but that its application in logistics has not been studied extensively so far. We summarize the benefits of using ET in terms of process performance, human performance, and work environment and safety, and also discuss the methodological characteristics of the ET literature as well as typical ET measures used. We conclude by illustrating future avenues for ET research in manufacturing and logistics

    The Augmented Reality Systems in a Maintenance of Equipment tutorial context

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    O desenvolvimento da Realidade Aumentada como um conceito e as técnicas disponíveis relacionadas têm vindo a estabilizar ao longo dos anos, permitindo o aparecimento de uma numerosa quantidade de aplicações de Realidade Aumentada em áreas como a medicina, design, manutenção e reparação, anotação e visualização, planeamento de trajectória de robôs, aviação militar e entretimento que tem recebido mais atenção.Embora muitas dessas áreas tenham demonstrado as vantagens da Realidade Aumentada, ainda existem algumas aberturas por preencher. A montagem e manutenção de equipmento, por exemplo, tem sido um tema de estudo investigado minuciosamente.Várias aplicações têm sido desenvolvidas que demonstram os benefícios da Realidade Aumentada em tarefas de montagem, mas o ponto principal de inovação desta dissertação foca-se em permitir a criação de Tutoriais de montagem utilizando Realidade Aumentada através do mesmo sistema de Realidade Aumentada que permite a execução do tutorial. A criação de tutoriais seria efectuada através da utilização de um digitalizador 3D, de modo a identificar cuidadosamente a localização da próxima peça a ser montada.Augmented Reality's development as a concept and available related techniques have been stabilizing throughout the years, allowing a numerous of AR applications to appear in several areas such as medical, design, maintenance and repair, annotation and visualization, robot path planning, military aircraft and entertainment which has received the most attention.While many of those areas have shown the advantages AR can bring, there are still some loopholes that need to be filled. Assembly and maintenance of equipment, for instance, has been a thoroughly investigated subject of study in AR.Many applications have been developed which demonstrate the benefits of AR in assembly tasks, but this dissertation's main innovative point is to allow the creation of AR assembly tutorials using the same AR system that allows its tutorial execution. The creation of tutorials would be carried out through the use of a manual 3D Digitizer, in order to carefully pinpoint each location of the next assembly component

    Effect of eye and body movement on augmented reality in the manufacturing domain

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