1,993 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving Distributed Machine Learning via Local Randomization and ADMM Perturbation

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    With the proliferation of training data, distributed machine learning (DML) is becoming more competent for large-scale learning tasks. However, privacy concerns have to be given priority in DML, since training data may contain sensitive information of users. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving ADMM-based DML framework with two novel features: First, we remove the assumption commonly made in the literature that the users trust the server collecting their data. Second, the framework provides heterogeneous privacy for users depending on data's sensitive levels and servers' trust degrees. The challenging issue is to keep the accumulation of privacy losses over ADMM iterations minimal. In the proposed framework, a local randomization approach, which is differentially private, is adopted to provide users with self-controlled privacy guarantee for the most sensitive information. Further, the ADMM algorithm is perturbed through a combined noise-adding method, which simultaneously preserves privacy for users' less sensitive information and strengthens the privacy protection of the most sensitive information. We provide detailed analyses on the performance of the trained model according to its generalization error. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using real-world datasets to validate the theoretical results and evaluate the classification performance of the proposed framework


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    The success of data mining relies on the availability of high quality data. To ensure quality data mining, effective information sharing between organizations becomes a vital requirement in today’s society. Since data mining often involves sensitive infor- mation of individuals, the public has expressed a deep concern about their privacy. Privacy-preserving data mining is a study of eliminating privacy threats while, at the same time, preserving useful information in the released data for data mining. This dissertation investigates data utility and privacy of randomization-based mod- els in privacy preserving data mining for categorical data. For the analysis of data utility in randomization model, we first investigate the accuracy analysis for associ- ation rule mining in market basket data. Then we propose a general framework to conduct theoretical analysis on how the randomization process affects the accuracy of various measures adopted in categorical data analysis. We also examine data utility when randomization mechanisms are not provided to data miners to achieve better privacy. We investigate how various objective associ- ation measures between two variables may be affected by randomization. We then extend it to multiple variables by examining the feasibility of hierarchical loglinear modeling. Our results provide a reference to data miners about what they can do and what they can not do with certainty upon randomized data directly without the knowledge about the original distribution of data and distortion information. Data privacy and data utility are commonly considered as a pair of conflicting re- quirements in privacy preserving data mining applications. In this dissertation, we investigate privacy issues in randomization models. In particular, we focus on the attribute disclosure under linking attack in data publishing. We propose efficient so- lutions to determine optimal distortion parameters such that we can maximize utility preservation while still satisfying privacy requirements. We compare our randomiza- tion approach with l-diversity and anatomy in terms of utility preservation (under the same privacy requirements) from three aspects (reconstructed distributions, accuracy of answering queries, and preservation of correlations). Our empirical results show that randomization incurs significantly smaller utility loss

    Trustworthy machine learning through the lens of privacy and security

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    Nowadays, machine learning (ML) becomes ubiquitous and it is transforming society. However, there are still many incidents caused by ML-based systems when ML is deployed in real-world scenarios. Therefore, to allow wide adoption of ML in the real world, especially in critical applications such as healthcare, finance, etc., it is crucial to develop ML models that are not only accurate but also trustworthy (e.g., explainable, privacy-preserving, secure, and robust). Achieving trustworthy ML with different machine learning paradigms (e.g., deep learning, centralized learning, federated learning, etc.), and application domains (e.g., computer vision, natural language, human study, malware systems, etc.) is challenging, given the complicated trade-off among utility, scalability, privacy, explainability, and security. To bring trustworthy ML to real-world adoption with the trust of communities, this study makes a contribution of introducing a series of novel privacy-preserving mechanisms in which the trade-off between model utility and trustworthiness is optimized in different application domains, including natural language models, federated learning with human and mobile sensing applications, image classification, and explainable AI. The proposed mechanisms reach deployment levels of commercialized systems in real-world trials while providing trustworthiness with marginal utility drops and rigorous theoretical guarantees. The developed solutions enable safe, efficient, and practical analyses of rich and diverse user-generated data in many application domains

    Privacy Protection in Data Mining

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    Privacy Preserving Clustering In Data Mining

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    Huge volume of detailed personal data is regularly collected and sharing of these data is proved to be beneficial for data mining application. Such data include shopping habits, criminal records, medical history, credit records etc .On one hand such data is an important asset to business organization and governments for decision making by analyzing it .On the other hand privacy regulations and other privacy concerns may prevent data owners from sharing information for data analysis. In order to share data while preserving privacy data owner must come up with a solution which achieves the dual goal of privacy preservation as well as accurate clustering result. Trying to give solution for this we implemented vector quantization approach piecewise on the datasets which segmentize each row of datasets and quantization approach is performed on each segment using K means which later are again united to form a transformed data set. Some experimental results are presented which tries to finds the optimum value of segment size and quantization parameter which gives optimum in the tradeoff between clustering utility and data privacy in the input dataset