455 research outputs found

    Powerpropagation: A sparsity inducing weight reparameterisation

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    The training of sparse neural networks is becoming an increasingly important tool for reducing the computational footprint of models at training and evaluation, as well enabling the effective scaling up of models. Whereas much work over the years has been dedicated to specialised pruning techniques, little attention has been paid to the inherent effect of gradient based training on model sparsity. In this work, we introduce Powerpropagation, a new weight-parameterisation for neural networks that leads to inherently sparse models. Exploiting the behaviour of gradient descent, our method gives rise to weight updates exhibiting a “rich get richer” dynamic, leaving low-magnitude parameters largely unaffected by learning. Models trained in this manner exhibit similar performance, but have a distribution with markedly higher density at zero, allowing more parameters to be pruned safely. Powerpropagation is general, intuitive, cheap and straight-forward to implement and can readily be combined with various other techniques. To highlight its versatility, we explore it in two very different settings: Firstly, following a recent line of work, we investigate its effect on sparse training for resource-constrained settings. Here, we combine Powerpropagation with a traditional weight-pruning technique as well as recent state-of-the-art sparse-to-sparse algorithms, showing superior performance on the ImageNet benchmark. Secondly, we advocate the use of sparsity in overcoming catastrophic forgetting, where compressed representations allow accommodating a large number of tasks at fixed model capacity. In all cases our reparameterisation considerably increases the efficacy of the off-the-shelf methods

    Initial Classifier Weights Replay for Memoryless Class Incremental Learning

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    Incremental Learning (IL) is useful when artificial systems need to deal with streams of data and do not have access to all data at all times. The most challenging setting requires a constant complexity of the deep model and an incremental model update without access to a bounded memory of past data. Then, the representations of past classes are strongly affected by catastrophic forgetting. To mitigate its negative effect, an adapted fine tuning which includes knowledge distillation is usually deployed. We propose a different approach based on a vanilla fine tuning backbone. It leverages initial classifier weights which provide a strong representation of past classes because they are trained with all class data. However, the magnitude of classifiers learned in different states varies and normalization is needed for a fair handling of all classes. Normalization is performed by standardizing the initial classifier weights, which are assumed to be normally distributed. In addition, a calibration of prediction scores is done by using state level statistics to further improve classification fairness. We conduct a thorough evaluation with four public datasets in a memoryless incremental learning setting. Results show that our method outperforms existing techniques by a large margin for large-scale datasets.Comment: Accepted in BMVC202

    Diffusion-based neuromodulation can eliminate catastrophic forgetting in simple neural networks

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    A long-term goal of AI is to produce agents that can learn a diversity of skills throughout their lifetimes and continuously improve those skills via experience. A longstanding obstacle towards that goal is catastrophic forgetting, which is when learning new information erases previously learned information. Catastrophic forgetting occurs in artificial neural networks (ANNs), which have fueled most recent advances in AI. A recent paper proposed that catastrophic forgetting in ANNs can be reduced by promoting modularity, which can limit forgetting by isolating task information to specific clusters of nodes and connections (functional modules). While the prior work did show that modular ANNs suffered less from catastrophic forgetting, it was not able to produce ANNs that possessed task-specific functional modules, thereby leaving the main theory regarding modularity and forgetting untested. We introduce diffusion-based neuromodulation, which simulates the release of diffusing, neuromodulatory chemicals within an ANN that can modulate (i.e. up or down regulate) learning in a spatial region. On the simple diagnostic problem from the prior work, diffusion-based neuromodulation 1) induces task-specific learning in groups of nodes and connections (task-specific localized learning), which 2) produces functional modules for each subtask, and 3) yields higher performance by eliminating catastrophic forgetting. Overall, our results suggest that diffusion-based neuromodulation promotes task-specific localized learning and functional modularity, which can help solve the challenging, but important problem of catastrophic forgetting

    Adaptive Reorganization of Neural Pathways for Continual Learning with Spiking Neural Networks

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    The human brain can self-organize rich and diverse sparse neural pathways to incrementally master hundreds of cognitive tasks. However, most existing continual learning algorithms for deep artificial and spiking neural networks are unable to adequately auto-regulate the limited resources in the network, which leads to performance drop along with energy consumption rise as the increase of tasks. In this paper, we propose a brain-inspired continual learning algorithm with adaptive reorganization of neural pathways, which employs Self-Organizing Regulation networks to reorganize the single and limited Spiking Neural Network (SOR-SNN) into rich sparse neural pathways to efficiently cope with incremental tasks. The proposed model demonstrates consistent superiority in performance, energy consumption, and memory capacity on diverse continual learning tasks ranging from child-like simple to complex tasks, as well as on generalized CIFAR100 and ImageNet datasets. In particular, the SOR-SNN model excels at learning more complex tasks as well as more tasks, and is able to integrate the past learned knowledge with the information from the current task, showing the backward transfer ability to facilitate the old tasks. Meanwhile, the proposed model exhibits self-repairing ability to irreversible damage and for pruned networks, could automatically allocate new pathway from the retained network to recover memory for forgotten knowledge

    Recent Advances of Continual Learning in Computer Vision: An Overview

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    In contrast to batch learning where all training data is available at once, continual learning represents a family of methods that accumulate knowledge and learn continuously with data available in sequential order. Similar to the human learning process with the ability of learning, fusing, and accumulating new knowledge coming at different time steps, continual learning is considered to have high practical significance. Hence, continual learning has been studied in various artificial intelligence tasks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the recent progress of continual learning in computer vision. In particular, the works are grouped by their representative techniques, including regularization, knowledge distillation, memory, generative replay, parameter isolation, and a combination of the above techniques. For each category of these techniques, both its characteristics and applications in computer vision are presented. At the end of this overview, several subareas, where continuous knowledge accumulation is potentially helpful while continual learning has not been well studied, are discussed

    A Comprehensive Survey of Forgetting in Deep Learning Beyond Continual Learning

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    Forgetting refers to the loss or deterioration of previously acquired information or knowledge. While the existing surveys on forgetting have primarily focused on continual learning, forgetting is a prevalent phenomenon observed in various other research domains within deep learning. Forgetting manifests in research fields such as generative models due to generator shifts, and federated learning due to heterogeneous data distributions across clients. Addressing forgetting encompasses several challenges, including balancing the retention of old task knowledge with fast learning of new tasks, managing task interference with conflicting goals, and preventing privacy leakage, etc. Moreover, most existing surveys on continual learning implicitly assume that forgetting is always harmful. In contrast, our survey argues that forgetting is a double-edged sword and can be beneficial and desirable in certain cases, such as privacy-preserving scenarios. By exploring forgetting in a broader context, we aim to present a more nuanced understanding of this phenomenon and highlight its potential advantages. Through this comprehensive survey, we aspire to uncover potential solutions by drawing upon ideas and approaches from various fields that have dealt with forgetting. By examining forgetting beyond its conventional boundaries, in future work, we hope to encourage the development of novel strategies for mitigating, harnessing, or even embracing forgetting in real applications. A comprehensive list of papers about forgetting in various research fields is available at \url{https://github.com/EnnengYang/Awesome-Forgetting-in-Deep-Learning}

    Class-Incremental Learning using Diffusion Model for Distillation and Replay

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    Class-incremental learning aims to learn new classes in an incremental fashion without forgetting the previously learned ones. Several research works have shown how additional data can be used by incremental models to help mitigate catastrophic forgetting. In this work, following the recent breakthrough in text-to-image generative models and their wide distribution, we propose the use of a pretrained Stable Diffusion model as a source of additional data for class-incremental learning. Compared to competitive methods that rely on external, often unlabeled, datasets of real images, our approach can generate synthetic samples belonging to the same classes as the previously encountered images. This allows us to use those additional data samples not only in the distillation loss but also for replay in the classification loss. Experiments on the competitive benchmarks CIFAR100, ImageNet-Subset, and ImageNet demonstrate how this new approach can be used to further improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods for class-incremental learning on large scale datasets.Comment: Best paper award at 1st Workshop on Visual Continual Learning, ICCV 202