5 research outputs found

    A Vision of DevOps Requirements Change Management Standardization

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    DevOps (development and operations) aims to shorten the software development process and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. To get the potential gains of DevOps, the software development industry considering global software development (GSD) environment to hire skilled human resources and round-the-clock working hours. However, due to the lack of frequent communication and coordination in GSD, the planning and managing of the requirements change process becomes a challenging task. As in DevOps, requirements are not only shaped by development feedback but also by the operations team. This means requirements affect development, development affects operations and operations affect requirements. However, DevOps in GSD still faces many challenges in terms of requirement management. The purpose of this research project is to develop a DevOps requirement change management and implementation maturity model (DevOps-RCMIMM) that could assist the GSD organizations in modifying and improving their requirement management process in the DevOps process. The development of DevOps-RCMIMM will be based on the existing DevOps and RCM literature, industrial empirical study, and understanding of factors that could impact the implementation of the DevOps requirement change management process in the domain of GSD. This vision study presents the initial results of a systematic literature review that will contribute to the development of maturity levels of the proposed DevOps-RCMIMM

    Desarrollo de una guía metodológica para la gestión de proyectos de software con la herramienta GitHub y el marco de trabajo SCRUM.

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    Desarrollar una Guía metodológica para la gestión de proyectos de software con la herramienta GitHub y el marco de trabajo Scrum.El desarrollo de software se ha visto fuertemente impulsado en el mundo empresarial provocado por los beneficios y la digitalización de las empresas para gestionar sus procesos. Sin embargo, muchos proyectos de software han fracasado por falta de gestión y el uso correcto de las herramientas tecnológicas como GitHub y el marco de trabajo SCRUM. Los profesionales y estudiantes no tienen suficiente conocimiento para aprovechar estas herramientas, los pocos proyectos que han llegado a tener éxito han sido por la experiencia de los encargados por tal motivo es necesario desarrollar un guía. Este proyecto está enfocado en desarrollar una guía metodología apoyándose de dos herramientas que están acentuados en el mundo de software “GitHub y SCRUM”. Se llevo a cabo una investigación de las fases y funcionalidades que tiene estas dos herramientas, tras esto se diseñó la guía metodológica dividido en tres fases de SCRUM (Pre-Jugo, Juego, Post-Juego) las mismas que hacen correlación con las funciones de GitHub (Issue, Projects, Milestone, Branch, Tag y Release) La guía fue validada mediante una prueba de concepto, se realizó un aplicativo web haciendo uso de la guía. Se identifico factores que influyen en la implementación de la guía. La guía fue evaluada con la ISO/IEC 25022 “Calidad en uso”, los resultados demostraron que la guía tiene un grado de satisfacción oportuno. La guía final obtenida, ayuda a gestionar proyectos de software aumentando el grado de éxito. La guía detalla con ilustraciones los pasos a seguir.Ingenierí

    Die Betrachtung der Earned Value Methodik im agilen Projektumfeld hinsichtlich des Projekterfolgs

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    The Earned Value analysis has proven to be beneficial in waterfall and located software projects for monitoring the project management triangle. Nowadays, more and more virtual and agile project teams are used to manage the software requirements process. However, it remains unclear whether using the Earned Value metrics’ general positive effect generates project success in such an area too as additional challenges arise like communication or coordination difficulties. This thesis examines the assumption of a positive influence of the Earned Value technique on the project success during the software requirements process within a virtual, global project team in an agile software project environment. In addition, it should be clarified whether coordination and communication elements moderate this effect. The research is achieved with a sample size of 190,051 international people, mainly extracted from the consulting company Capgemini. Therefore, a mixed methods approach is used which consists of a partially-standardized and structured online survey as well as non-standardized and semi-structured guided interviews. The analyses of the latter ones are based on Mayring’s content analysis. This dissertation has not revealed any evidence of a positive influence on the project success by the Earned Value analysis during the requirements process in virtual project teams of an agile software project. This outcome is based on an inconsistent view of how to successfully apply this project controlling approach, whereby the subjective perception of project success played an important role. In this particular context, the Earned Value metrics reached their practical limits due to certain challenges named within this research. Although, the moderation analysis showed no significant effects of communication or coordination on the relation between the Earned Value method and the project success during the requirements process in a virtual agile software project team, a positive tendency emerged from both dimensions. The thesis presents some prerequisites that must be fulfilled in order to weaken or even reduce the problems in the application of the Earned Value analysis in this research context. Lastly, consistent definitions as well as standardized utilization understandings are required for a successful implementation of the Earned Value controlling instrument in this particular field