24 research outputs found

    Al Ghazali's thoughts of economic growth theory, a contribution with system thinking

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    This article tried to view ideas and economic thought of Al Ghazali, which had these thoughts tend to separate, in the sense that these thoughts as not to form an understanding of the aggregate economy. this is why the paper tries to explore and analyze further the thoughts and ideas of Al-Ghazali in the framework of the system, especially in terms of building a theory of economic growth.Modeling with Systems Thinking is used to facilitate the analysis and establish a model of economic growth of Al Ghazali, which is expected to be produced more comprehensive understanding of the thoughts and ideas of the Al Ghazali

    Al Ghazali‟s Thoughts of Economic Growth Theory, A Contribution with System Thinking

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    This article tried to view ideas and economic thought of Al Ghazali, which had these thoughts tend to separate, in the sense that these thoughts as not to form an understanding of the aggregate economy. this is why the paper tries to explore and analyze further the thoughts and ideas of...

    Connecting strategy and system dynamics: an example and lessons learned

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    This article is based on my talk at the 2015 International System Dynamics Conference upon receiving the Jay W. Forrester Award for the article “Impact of growth opportunities and competition on firm-level capability development tradeoffs” (Organization Science 2012; 23(1): 138–154). It summarizes how that research connects strategy concepts with system dynamics (SD) modeling to inform the pressures managers face to focus on the short term as a result of endogenous growth opportunities and competition. Drawing on this example I discuss some potentially useful research tools and assumptions. I close by sharing personal reflections on the process of writing for non-SD academics and why I think making those connections is worthwhile

    A system dynamics approach to logistics outsourcing policies and decisions

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    This paper is based on a revelatory single-case study that uses a system dynamics model to analyze the costs and policies of a distribution logistics outsourcing process (i.e., the warehousing and transportation activities) of a Brazilian consumer packaged goods (CPG) company. The model considers the costs before and after the outsourced operation startup and how these costs influence the net present value (NPV) of the process. The model’s findings suggest policies, such as the reduction of the ex-ante period and the ex-ante reactive and proactive monitoring of operations, to obtain optimal financial results. In addition, the model provides guidelines for the contract lengths and demonstrates that in the outsourcing process, the greatest gains result during periods of low inflation and low interest rates in a stable economy26228530

    A System Dynamics Approach To Logistics Outsourcing Policies And Decisions

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    This paper is based on a revelatory single-case study that uses a system dynamics model to analyze the costs and policies of a distribution logistics outsourcing process (i.e., the warehousing and transportation activities) of a Brazilian consumer packaged goods (CPG) company. The model considers the costs before and after the outsourced operation startup and how these costs influence the net present value (NPV) of the process. The model’s findings suggest policies, such as the reduction of the ex-ante period and the ex-ante reactive and proactive monitoring of operations, to obtain optimal financial results. In addition, the model provides guidelines for the contract lengths and demonstrates that in the outsourcing process, the greatest gains result during periods of low inflation and low interest rates in a stable economy.26228530

    Inter-phase feedbacks in construction projects

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    Understanding diverse performance trajectories of projects is of interest to operations researchers and practitioners. Interactions between multiple phases of a project are commonly assumed to be important in project dynamics, yet the strength of these feedback mechanisms has not been rigorously evaluated. In this study we use data from 15 construction projects to estimate the feedbacks between design and construction phases. The estimated factors reveal that undiscovered design rework diminishes construction quality and production rate significantly and construction completion speeds up the detection of undiscovered design rework. Together, these feedbacks can explain as much as 20% of variability in overall project costs. Comparison of model predictions with a separate set of 15 projects shows good predictive power for cost and schedule outcomes and their uncertainty. The estimation and prediction framework offers a template for using data from multiple cases to estimate both case-specific and industry-wide parameters of project models, and for leveraging those estimates for project planning

    Modeling and Simulation as Boundary Objects to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Research

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150614/1/sres2564.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150614/2/sres2564_am.pd

    Donošenje menadžerskih odluka u društvenim organizacijama – empirijska analiza birokratskog pristupa nasuprot pristupa učenja

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    The paper is focused on the study of manager’s decision-making with respect to the basic model of learning organization, presented by P. Senge as a system model of management. On one hand, the empirical research was conducted in connection with key dimensions of organizational learning such as: 1. system thinking, 2. personal mastery, 3. mental models, 4. team learning, 5. building shared vision and 6. dynamics causes. On the other hand, the research was connected with the analysis of the bureaucratic logic of decision-making process, characterized by non-functional stability, inflexibility, individualism, power, authority and hierarchy, centralization, vagueness, fragmentariness. The objective of the research was to analyse to what extent manager’s decision–making is based on bureaucratic tools or organizational learning in either complex problem-solving or non-problemsolving decision-making. (MANOVA, method of the repeated measure, intersubject factor – situation: 1. non problematic, 2. problematic). The conclusion of analysis is that there are significant differences in character of solving of problem situation and non-problem situation decision-making: the bureaucratic attributes of decision-making are more intensive in problematic situations while learning approach is more actual in non-problematic situations. The results of our analysis have shown that managers who apply the learning organization attributes in their decision-making. are more successful in problem-solving.Rad je usmjeren prema procesu donošenja odluka menadžera u odnosu na osnovni model organizacijskog učenja prezentiranog od strane P. Sengea kao sistemskimodel menadžmenta. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je povezivanjem s ključnim razinama organiziranog učenja: 1. sustavno razmišljanje, 2. osobno usavršavanje, 3. mentalni modeli, 4. grupno učenje, 5. ciljevi i zadaci i 6. dinamični uzroci s jedne strane a s druge strane birokratska logika donošenja odluka koju karakterizira nefunkcionalna stabilnost, nefleksibilnost, individualizam, snaga, autoritet i hijerarhija, centralizacija, fragmentacija i neodređenost. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati udio menadžereve orijentacije prema donošenju odluka s korištenjem birokratskih alata ili organizirano učenje uspoređujući problemsko i neproblemsko odlučivanje. (MANOVA, metoda ponovljene mjere, intersubjektivni faktor situacija: 1. neproblemska, 2. problemska). Zaključak analize jest da postoje značajne razlike između tipova problemskog i neproblemskog odlučivanja: birokratski atributi donošenja odluka mnogo su intenzivniji u problemskim situacijama, dok je pristup povezan s učenjem mnogo češći kod neproblemskih situacija. Rezultati našeg istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu da su menadžeri mnogo uspješniji u rješavanju problema koristeći atribute organizacijskog učenja prilikom donošenja odluka