858,960 research outputs found

    Transportable, university-level educational programs in interactive information storage and retrieval systems

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    Pursuant to the specifications of a research contract entered into in December, 1983 with NASA, the Computer Science Departments of the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Southern University will be working jointly to address a variety of research and educational issues relating to the use, by non-computer professionals, of some of the largest and most sophiticated interactive information storage and retrieval systems available. Over the projected 6 to 8 year life of the project, in addition to NASA/RECON, the following systems will be examined: Lockheed DIALOG, DOE/RECON, DOD/DTIC, EPA/CSIN, and LLNL/TIS

    Merging Accountancy and Computer Information Systems Programs at Arizona State University:A Snapshot of Current Progress and Continuing Challenges

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    This article provides a brief report on progress and continuing challenges facing the recently merged accountancy and computer information systems programs at Arizona State University. It provides a case study of programmatic evolution and curricular redesign in information systems. Distinctions between computer information systems programs and programs in other functional areas of business are becoming blurred. Students are increasingly choosing to enter dual degree programs which combine computer information systems educational preparation with preparation in more traditional functional areas of business. Additionally, increasing numbers of recruiters are hiring students from both traditional functional areas and computer information systems programs. This report describes a curricular strategy involving the merged programs which integrates interleaved program delivery, heterogeneous cohorts, and an intertwined prerequisite structure

    Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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    Located in Princeton, New Jersey, GFDL conducts research where the goal is to expand the scientific understanding of the physical processes that govern the behavior of the atmosphere and the oceans as complex fluid systems. Site provides information on current research projects, faculty and staff, requesting data, and educational programs. The Gallery provides exceptional figures and animations of hurricanes, temperature models, and more. Educational levels: High school, Graduate or professional

    Getting Information Systems Programs Classified as STEM: A U.S.-based Perspective from an AIS Task Force Study and Panel Discussion

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    Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is a designation for educational degree programs that have certain benefits that non-STEM programs do not. To achieve a STEM classification, a program must meet certain criteria. Programs in the natural sciences, engineering, and math departments often readily meet these criteria. However, although programs such as information systems, information technology, and business intelligence have technology at their core, these programs, especially in business colleges, often face difficulties in meeting the STEM criteria. In this paper, we review the STEM designation and provide insight into information systems and related degree programs that have received this designation based on findings from an AIS task force and an AMCIS panel discussion

    A Survey of Doctoral Programs in IS in the USA and Canada

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    This paper contains the results of a survey of 126 doctoral programs in Information Systems in the USA and Canada. Each educational institution\u27s website was searched for applicable information about its doctoral program for information systems. This paper summarizes the similarities and differences of the programs of study, such as which college or school houses the program, prerequisites, foundational courses such as statistics and research methods, the number of core or concentration courses required, minor requirements, exam requirements, etc. The information gathered will be useful for institutions desiring to start a program or modify their existing PhD in Information Systems program, and for schools wishing to compare their program with other programs

    Information Processing And Technology Transfer In A Developing Country

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    The Pennsylvania State University, along with Tennessee State University, is contractor on the USAID-funded Swaziland Cropping Systems Research and Extension Training Project. In addition to research and Extension objectives, Penn State University staff designed and implemented an information component for the Swaziland Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The evolving information system is interactive, involving many people from the researcher to the Swazi farmer. This helps insure the usefulness of educational programs and materials. A cooperative training effort helps Extension field staff understand technical recommendations, use educational materials generated by the Information Section, and improve delivery of educational programs. This information/extension system is becoming increasingly effective in delivering practical recommendations that are useful for increasing farm productivity

    Online IS Education for the 21st Century

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    Online teaching and learning have become increasingly common in higher educational institutions. These higher educational institutions realize the growing importance of online learning in information systems/information technology (IS/IT) education and are now offering online IS/IT courses and programs to students. However, designing, developing, teaching, and assessing an online IS/IT course effectively is often a challenge. Many IS/IT instructors are new to online teaching and need orientation and training for their own readiness in designing, developing, teaching, and assessing IS/IT courses in the online environment. It is recognized that effective faculty are key to student success in online courses and to the success of online programs (Meyer and Jones, 2012). Therefore, it is imperative that administrators and instructors of IS/IT courses and programs learn more of the best practices of online teaching for high student success. This support to instructors and administrators is the purpose of the Special Issue of the Journal of Information Systems Education

    Communication and leadership skills in the Computer Science and Information Systems curricula: A case study comparison of US and Bulgarian programs

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    In this paper we present results from our curriculum research on the behavioral educational topics being in the computer science (CS) and information systems (IS) academic programs in two countries USA and Bulgaria. Specifically, we address learning outcomes as they pertain to IT Project Management. Our research reveals that the two countries approach undergraduate education from different vantage points. The US universities provide a flexible general education curriculum in many academic areas and students have the opportunity to strengthen their soft skills before they enter the workforce. Bulgarian universities provide specialized education in main CS subject areas and the students are technically strong upon graduation. Is there a way to balance out this divergent educational experience so that students get the best of both worlds? Our paper explores this aspect and provides possible solutions

    Impact of Education and Network for Avian Influenza H5N1 in Human: Knowledge, Clinical Practice, and Motivation on Medical Providers in Vietnam

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge, clinical practice, and professional motivation of medical providers relating to H5N1 infection have an important influence on care for H5N1 patients who require early diagnosis and early medical intervention. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Novel educational programs including training and workshops for medical providers relating to H5N1 infection in Vietnam were originally created and implemented in 18 provincial hospitals in northern Vietnam between 2008 and 2010. A self-administered, structured questionnaire survey was conducted in 8 provincial hospitals where both educational training and workshops were previously provided. A total of 326 medical providers, including physicians, nurses, and laboratory technicians who attended or did not attend original programs were enrolled in the survey. Knowledge, clinical attitudes and practice (KAP), including motivation surrounding caring for H5N1 patients, were evaluated. The study indicated a high level of knowledge and motivation in all professional groups, with especially high levels in laboratory technicians. Conferences and educational programs were evaluated to be the main scientific information resources for physicians, along with information from colleagues. The chest radiographs and the initiation of antiviral treatment in the absence of RT-PCR result were identified as gaps in education. Factors possibly influencing professional motivation for caring for H5N1 patients included healthcare profession, the hospital where the respondents worked, age group, attendance at original educational programs and at educational programs which were conducted by international health-related organizations. CONCLUSIONS: Educational programs provide high knowledge and motivation for medical providers in Vietnam caring for H5N1 patients. Additional educational programs related to chest radiographs and an initiation of treatment in the absence of RT-PCR are needed. Networking is also necessary for sharing updated scientific information and practical experiences. These enhanced KAPs by educational programs and integrated systems among hospitals should result in appropriate care for H5N1 patients and may reduce morbidity and mortality

    Educational psychology at the millennium: an electronic analysis of doctoral programs

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    Students and professionals in both education and psychology need current information about doctoral training in educational psychology, because such closely related programs as school psychology, developmental psychology, and counseling psychology are competing with educational psychology for doctoral students and other resources. Moreover, because students and professionals are increasingly using the internet as their source of current information, the primary source of information used in this study was internet web sites for doctoral programs in educational psychology. This dissertation provides programmatic data on the current doctoral programs in educational psychology, including demographic features (e.g., number of programs, most popular degrees, degree titles, length of programs, location of programs, job market for graduates) and conceptual features (e.g., content areas, conceptual models, primary goals, degree of structure, level of scholarship, and innovative features of programs). Next, the dissertation provides a ranking of top programs in the field of educational psychology based on size of faculty, level of faculty scholarship, and innovativeness of the respective programs. Finally, exemplary program web sites were evaluated and ranked. Finally, this study was framed around the millennium, with purposes of being reflective about the history of educational psychology and predictive about future trends in graduate study in this area. This study found that a majority of educational psychology programs have web sites and are using the internet as a way of disseminating programmatic information. With respect to the demographic features of programs, the most popular degree offered was the Ph.D., and the most common location of educational psychology doctoral programs was colleges of education rather than departments of psychology. The average length of a doctoral program was 60 credit hours from a masters degree and 85 credit hours from the bachelors degree. The most popular program titles and content areas were learning, cognition, and development. The conceptual models of scholarly, practical, and scientist-practitioner were used in categorizing the goals, curricula, and job markets of the programs. The experimenter found that while a majority of programs described goals and curricula that reflected a scholarly emphasis, job markets had a scientist-practitioner emphasis. The structure of educational psychology doctoral programs, as represented in the web sites, generally provided an overview of requirements, but did not describe specific sequences of coursework or model programs to students. Also in regards to structure, the majority of programs described a process in which students and faculty together determined program objectives with some degree of flexibility in coursework. Innovative features were also analyzed across programs, showing that programs often described job opportunities that differed from university teaching and research and had content areas that differed from general areas of educational psychology. Programs were less likely to have such innovative features as program application (e.g., internship, practica, or other research to practice opportunities), instructional delivery systems, and innovative systems of research. Journal publications range for educational psychology faculty from .8 to 7.7, with the mean being 2.82 journal publications per faculty member from 1994-June 1999. Faculties\u27 publication citation ranges were 0 to 27, with the mean being 7.19 journal publications per faculty member from 1994-June 1999. A citation analysis revealed that educational psychologists are diverse in their publication sources and that core educational psychology journals account for less than ten percent of the total publications by educational psychologists. Also, core joumals of educational psychology were identified via publication frequencies among all identified educational psychology faculties. Programs were identified as exemplary educational psychology doctoral programs based on size of faculty, scholarly productivity, innovativeness, and composite ratings of doctoral programs. These rankings were then compared to prior rankings of prestigious educational psychology programs. The University of California at Los Angeles was rated as the most exemplary educational psychology doctoral program among the top ten universities identified. In addition, doctoral program web sites were evaluated on-line, and a top-ten list of exemplary web sites was generated. The rankings of web sites identified Brigham Young University and Indiana University as the most exemplary web sites in educational psychology. Top ten programs having exemplary web sites differed considerably from the top-ten exemplary programs based on faculty size, scholarly productivity, and innovativeness
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