3 research outputs found

    Literature Review: Open Innovation in Software Engineering

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    Antud töö uurib, kuidas on avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid rakendatud tarkvaratehnika valdkonnas. Selleks, et asjakohast teaduskirjandust süstemaatiliselt otsida ja töödelda, lähtutakse süstemaatilise analüüsi meetodist. Kuna avatud innovatsioon on üsna uudne nähtus, siis on praegu puudus mudelitest ja tööriistadest, mis aitaksid avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid rakendada sellistes spetsiifilistes tarkvaratehnika protsessides, nagu seda on näiteks tarkvara testimine. Need tarkvaraprojektid, kus avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid on rakendatud, on põhiliselt koostööd suurettevõtete ja kõrgkoolide vahel; aga ka väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtted ja riigiasutused kohandavad vähehaaval avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid. Üldiselt on täheldada puudust teadustööst, mis annaks selgesõnalise ülevaate avatud innovatsiooni rakendamise võimalustest tarkvaraprojektides.This thesis explores how the principles of open innovation have been applied in the software engineering domain. To methodically gather and analyze studies, the systematic literature review approach is adopted. The relative novelty of open innovation means that there is a lack of models and tools that adopt the principles of open innovation according to different activities of software engineering, such as software testing. Software projects that do employ open innovation are mostly fostered by partnerships between large enterprises and higher education institutions, but small-medium enterprises and government institutions are slowly adopting the open innovation approach as well. All in all, it seems there is need of research that would clearly establish the possibilities of adopting open innovation in software engi-neering projects

    Toward Using Games to Teach Fundamental Computer Science Concepts

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    Video and computer games have become an important area of study in the field of education. Games have been designed to teach mathematics, physics, raise social awareness, teach history and geography, and train soldiers in the military. Recent work has created computer games for teaching computer programming and understanding basic algorithms. We present an investigation where computer games are used to teach two fundamental computer science concepts: boolean expressions and recursion. The games are intended to teach the concepts and not how to implement them in a programming language. For this investigation, two computer games were created. One is designed to teach basic boolean expressions and operators and the other to teach fundamental concepts of recursion. We describe the design and implementation of both games. We evaluate the effectiveness of these games using before and after surveys. The surveys were designed to ascertain basic understanding, attitudes and beliefs regarding the concepts. The boolean game was evaluated with local high school students and students in a college level introductory computer science course. The recursion game was evaluated with students in a college level introductory computer science course. We present the analysis of the collected survey information for both games. This analysis shows a significant positive change in student attitude towards recursion and modest gains in student learning outcomes for both topics