6,020 research outputs found

    21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs

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    Joint Agency Report21stCenturySkillsJobs.pdf: 8198 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020


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    Magazine for alumni and friends of the Boston University dental school

    Posibilidad de educación en ciudadanía global en China: una perspectiva para el currículo de la escuela secundaria

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    This article explores the rapidly growing trend of Global Citizenship Education in the Chinese context and examines the possibility of global citizenship learning in China’s centralized education system from a secondary school curriculum perspective. Global citizenship elements, although not explicitly addressed, can be found in related policies and curriculum standards, thus providing opportunities for global citizenship education through secondary schooling in China.Este artículo explora la tendencia en rápido crecimiento de la Educación para la ciudadanía global en el contexto chino y examina la posibilidad de éste aprendizaje en el sistema de educación centralizada de China desde una perspectiva curricular de la escuela secundaria. Los elementos de ciudadanía global, aunque no se abordan explícitamente, se pueden encontrar en políticas educativas relacionadas y estándares curriculares, proporcionando así oportunidades para la educación de ciudadanía global a través de la educación secundaria en China


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    Intellectual character education began to develop until now based on an imbalance between intellectual ability and the application of the values of goodness and morality in life. Virtue values should guide intellectual ability so as to form an open person, wanting to keep on finding out, being humble, honest and polite in speaking. These conditions provide the basis for this paper to design a study to test the effectiveness of personal-social guidance programs as an educational effort to instill the values of intellectual character. Previous research studies on social-personal guidance interventions only deal with general or equivalent character conditions. The issue of intellectual character in particular is more discussed in theoretical reviews. Although some methods and learning techniques for instilling the values of intellectual character have been proven by research trials, but not in the development of personal-social guidance programs. The design of this study began the product of a personal-social guidance program to instill the values of students' intellectual character with a quantitative research approach and a quasi-experimental design. The expected results are in accordance with the objectives of the research design as an effective product to improve intellectual character. As an introduction, this paper aims to strengthen and deepen the literature review before research is conducted

    Social Problems of Tobacco Marketing in Southwestern Nigeria: A Behavioral Study

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    Tobacco industries has always shown much interest in marketing their line of products and have been very successful in portraying smoking as a socially acceptable behavior to billions of people throughout the world. Studies have shown in developed nations that tobacco marketing leads to the onset of smoking among adolescents; in Nigeria no such study has been done. The purpose of this research is to assess the potential influence of tobacco marketing on tobacco consumption and its effects on the society and among residents in the southwestern region of Nigeria. The survey was designed in which thirty-six items, self-administered questionnaire was administered to six hundred people in southwestern Nigeria using a cross-sectional design. The study involved 436 males (72.7%) and 164 females (27.3%). Of these, 336 came from rural areas and 264 came from urban areas respectively. Some 337 respondents (56.2%), indicated that they were influenced by tobacco marketing to smoke, while 263 (43.8%) indicated that they were not influenced. Chi square statistic was used to test the null hypotheses. The result shows a positive significant relationship that supports the notion that tobacco marketing has a positive influence on tobacco consumption in the study areas. This study also revealed that more males in the urban area are being influenced by tobacco marketing to smoke


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    In recent decades, global security has seriously been threatened by negatively unprecedented situations, arising from natural disasters, global warming, pollution, financial crises, and new epidemics. It is becoming increasingly evident that maintaining the stability of security has become a global mission. In other words, it is crucial to have global strategies and appropriate actions through the cooperative conversations of all countries in the world. To reach the purpose of sustainable development students as future citizens need to be trained with essential skills that help them effectively deal with an increasingly interconnected and complex world. To do this they need global thinking and creative ideas to coordinate efforts to solve global issues. Consequently, to develop global thinking has become an educational necessity in a multicultural globalized world. A review of the multidisciplinary literature on global thinking reveals the lack of a comprehensive theoretical concept for understanding global thinking and its implications in maintaining the stability of global security. Little attention is paid to the study of pedagogical approaches to develop global thinking skills of students as future specialists. That’s why the authors claim that global thinking of a modern specialist is a condition for security. The paper aims to study the opportunities of education in developing the global thinking of modern students. The concept of global thinking and its roles in maintaining the stability of global security were given. Literature analysis let the authors shed light on the concepts related to global thinking and give the rationales for global thinking. The possibilities of the education in developing global thinking were analyzed and systemized: global thinking as a competence and aim of education; international education; education for sustainable development; problem solving methods of instruction.В последние десятилетия негативные ситуации, возникающие в результате стихийных бедствий, глобального потепления, загрязнения окружающей среды, финансовых кризисов или новых эпидемий, серьезно угрожают глобальной безопасности. Становится все более очевидным, что поддержание устойчивой безопасности стало глобальной миссией человечества. Становятся необходимыми глобальные стратегии и действия по их реализации на основе договоренностей между всеми странами мира. Одним из реальных действий для обеспечения глобальной безопасности и перспективной цели устойчивого развития мира является обучение студентов основным навыкам, которые помогут им эффективно справляться со все более взаимосвязанным и сложным миром. Среди них необходимыми составляющими являются глобальное мышление и креативность для координации усилий по решению глобальных проблем. Следовательно, понимание глобального мышления и его последствий в значительной степени становится необходимостью для развития образования в мультикультурном мире. Обзор литературы по вопросам глобального мышления показывает отсутствие всеобъемлющей теоретической концепции для понимания этого феномена и его значения для поддержания глобальной безопасности. Относительно мало внимания уделяется педагогическим подходам к развитию навыков глобального мышления у студентов как будущих специалистов, которые эффективно готовили бы их к работе в постоянно усложняющемся глобальном мире. Авторская позиция состоит в том, что глобальное мышление современного специалиста является условием мировой безопасности. Целью статьи является исследование возможностей образования в развитии глобального мышления современных студентов. Дается определение глобального мышления и его роли в поддержании глобальной безопасности. С помощью анализа и синтеза междисциплинарных источников дается и обосновывается авторское понимание концепций, связанных с глобальным мышлением и являющихся предпосылками проведенного исследования. Анализируются и систематизируются возможности образования и педагогики в развитии глобального мышления: глобальное мышление как компетенция и цель образования; международное образование; образование для устойчивого развития; проблемные методы обучения

    Badlands Agriculture and Environmental Research Center

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    This project, titled Badlands Agriculture and Environmental Research Center, is an examination of local agriculture and how it can be reconnected to a larger community. This project fits into a research/living/learning center typology that is more agriculture urban, rather than urban agriculture. The idea behind this investigation is that we have lost a connection with food production. There is more concern in recent times about food sourcing and contamination. This investigation seeks to bridge that gap on how communities can reconnect with farmers in the area and source and learn about initiatives, such as farm to table and value added agriculture. The primary clients of this facility are the researchers and students that will live there. The community at large also benefits from this facility. This facility is situated in western North Dakota, with proximity to Dickinson, but amongst the prairie. The building is also roughly 200,000 square feet. The emphasis of this project is reconnecting people to the source of their food and educating them along the way. This project will proceed by pursuing farm to table agriculture and healthy building environments that foster a sustainable lifestyle and nurture human health. Documentation of this process will be accomplished through research notes and photography at major developments of the project

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