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    The 30th WALC and 10th LAG Conference

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    Under the auspices of the West African Linguistic Society (WALS), the University of Education, Winneba in association with the Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG) announces that the joint 30th West African Languages Congress (WALC 2017) and 10th Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG) Conference will be held from 31st July-5th August 2017 at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. The conference will focus on all aspects of West African linguistics (descriptive, theoretical and applied) and Literature. The conference theme is:THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN THE INTEGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF WEST AFRIC


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    As an eventful year ends, it is natural to reflect on what has been done and what is planned for the future. This passing year we have been gratified to have been sent a constant stream of work for consideration from authors seeking to publish in the ABAC Journal. We are pleasedto have been granted funds from NRCT (the National Research Council of Thailand) to support a joint publication ABAC/NRCT due in January of 2018 and pleased also to have enjoyed continuing support from TCI and our Editorial Board.The priority for the coming year is to move the ABAC Journal into SCOPUS, an international database, with guidance and assistance from TCI. The move will bring renewed focus on language, and increased international exposure for our authors.With the Royal cremation on the 26th of November Thai people marked the end of an era but the late King Bhumibol remains in our hearts as we resolve to work together to sustain an uncertain future. We recognize anew the importance of his philosophy of sustainability, expressedas the principle of the self-sufficient economy with a call for papers reflecting the Buddhist principle of the Middle Way.We publish the December Edition with eight papers representing diverse interests


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    Special Issue-Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Business, Sport, Tourism, Recreation, Education, and Language Studie


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    Since it was onlined in 2011, Journal of Harmonia has been accessed by thousands of visitors from all over the world. International index institutions, such as the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Mendely, Citeulike, and Worldcat, have been making Harmonia as one of the journals linked there. Likewise, national index institutions, such as the Indonesia Publication Index (IPI/Portal Garuda), Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD) that make Harmonia a national indexed journal.Based on the facts above, Harmonia needs to adjust while enhancing the quality and quantity to be more tangible to facilitate the readers and the authors of the article. The change of journal subtitle originally named Harmonia: Jurnal Pengetahuan dan Pemikiran Seni to become Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, with the entire contents of English articles from Volume 14 Number 1 in 2014 is an effort towards the dissemination of the content of Harmonia articles broadly. A manuscript writing guide is adjusted by using one of the standards of writing in the world of publication, namely the American Psychology Association (APA), though it is not entirely adopted. The addition of subtitles ‘education\u27 in the name of the journal affirms that the scope of the journal focuses on the content of the article about art studies and education.Our great appreciation to all the readers, writers and observers of art and art educators who have been supporting the publication of Harmonia. The expectation is that the presence of Harmonia in a new edition can complete the art literature that can contribute to the development of the science of art and art education


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    It’s never be too late to wish our readers Happy New Year for 2021. May you all have strong willpower to pull through this challenging year with courage, the right consciousness and a balanced mindset!Among the uncertainties are issues of vaccination safety and accessibility, and thus how long the intense economic effects of the pandemic will be with us, impacting people around the globe? One prediction made by Bloomberg is a K-shaped recovery resulting in a widening gap between rich and poor (www.bloomberg.com).In a way, however, COVID-19 has been and is a great equalizer. Among the most affected countries are well-developed, world leading countries! while others, in the majority, are still the poor, underdeveloped nations. In some societies, the virus has uncovered what has been hidden under the carpet, issues of illegal gambling, and illegal immigrant workers. Now, in Thailand there is a call for migrant workers to be among the highest prioritized groups for vaccination, second only to health professionals, as they are the backbone of the country’s economy and live in poor over-crowded housing.A promising sign is the recent inauguration of the new US president, which seems to bring a new hope to democracy, unity, and a returned focus on global & social inequality and environmental issues.A special note before we get into what we have in this issue, is our new submissions platform for authors, which opened on January 15, 2021. I wish to thank the TCI – Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre and TSRI – Thailand Science Research and Innovation – for their kind support. We hereby express our deep empathy to all authors who experienced difficulty in their submissions using the new platform. We do hope the new EM platform [www.editorialmanger.com/abacj/] will soon offer a better system for submissions and for the journal review process


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    Note From the Editor

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    India’s geographical breadth and reach, have ensured an extensive and extended neighborhood which has provided the policymakers with a complex range of difficulties that are almost a microcosm of the challenges confronting the global community as a whole. As a result, India’s foreign policy toward its extended neighborhood, like that of any other country must embrace the goals of improving opportunities for its citizens to maintain and enrich their life by providing them with a safe and secure environment. Keeping this in the background, the CLAWS Journal 2022 Summer issue has selected the theme—“India’s Strategic Neighbourhood”.The phrase “strategic neighborhood” can be defined in a variety of ways. Apart from Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh, nations sharing land and maritime borders with India include China, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives, and this goes beyond the geographical description of South Asia. Several countries outside of this list are also linked to India through close economic and diasporic ties, as well as developments perceived by Indian policymakers as having strategic implications; this category includes countries along the Indian Ocean, the East African coast, the Gulf region, Afghanistan, the Central Asian region, and countries in Southeast Asi


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