5 research outputs found

    Edge-weighted contact representations of planar graphs

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    On Semantic Word Cloud Representation

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    We study the problem of computing semantic-preserving word clouds in which semantically related words are close to each other. While several heuristic approaches have been described in the literature, we formalize the underlying geometric algorithm problem: Word Rectangle Adjacency Contact (WRAC). In this model each word is associated with rectangle with fixed dimensions, and the goal is to represent semantically related words by ensuring that the two corresponding rectangles touch. We design and analyze efficient polynomial-time algorithms for some variants of the WRAC problem, show that several general variants are NP-hard, and describe a number of approximation algorithms. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate that our theoretically-sound algorithms outperform the early heuristics

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for Box Contact Representations ⋆

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    Abstract. We study the following geometric representation problem: Given a graph whose vertices correspond to axis-aligned rectangles with fixed dimensions, arrange the rectangles without overlaps in the plane such that two rectangles touch if the graph contains an edge between them. This problem is called CONTACT REPRESENTATION OF WORD NETWORKS (CROWN) since it formalizes the geometric problem behind drawing word clouds in which semantically related words are close to each other. CROWN is known to be NP-hard, and there are approximation algorithms for certain graph classes for the optimization version, MAX-CROWN, in which realizing each desired adjacency yields a certain profit. We present the first O(1)-approximation algorithm for the general case, when the input is a complete weighted graph, and for the bipartite case. Since the subgraph of realized adjacencies is necessarily planar, we also consider several planar graph classes (namely stars, trees, outerplanar, and planar graphs), improving upon the known results. For some graph classes, we also describe improvements in the unweighted case, where each adjacency yields the same profit. Finally, we show that the problem is APX-hard on bipartite graphs of bounded maximum degree.

    Graph Embeddings Motivated by Greedy Routing

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    Edge-Weighted Contact Representations of Planar Graphs

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    We study contact representations of edge-weighted planar graphs, where vertices are rectangles or rectilinear polygons and edges are polygon contacts whose lengths represent the edge weights. We show that for any given edge-weighted planar graph whose outer face is a quadrangle, that is internally triangulated and that has no separating triangles we can construct in linear time an edge-proportional rectangular dual if one exists and report failure otherwise. For a given combinatorial structure of the contact representation and edge weights interpreted as lower bounds on the contact lengths, a corresponding contact representation that minimizes the size of the enclosing rectangle can be found in linear time.If the combinatorial structure is not fixed, we prove NP-hardness of deciding whether a contact representation with bounded contact lengths exists. Finally, we give a complete characterization of the rectilinear polygon complexity required for representing biconnected internally triangulated graphs: For outerplanar graphs complexity 8 is sufficient and necessary, and for graphs with two adjacent or multiple non-adjacent internal vertices the complexity is unbounded