19 research outputs found

    Problems and memories

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    I state some open problems coming from joint work with Paul Erd\H{o}sComment: This is a paper form of the talk I gave on July 5, 2013 at the centennial conference in Budapest to honor Paul Erd\H{o}

    Coloring triple systems with local conditions

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    We produce an edge-coloring of the complete 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with eO(loglogn)e^{O(\sqrt {log log n})} colors such that the edges spanned by every set of five vertices receive at least three distinct colors. This answers the first open case of a question of Conlon-Fox-Lee-Sudakov [1] who asked whether such a coloring exists with (logn)o(1)(log n)^{o(1)} colors

    Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs

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    We consider mm-colorings of the edges of a complete graph, where each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The case m=2m = 2 was first studied by Alon et al., who applied this framework to obtain surprisingly strong Ramsey-type results for intersection graphs of geometric objects and for other graphs arising in computational geometry. Considering larger values of mm is relevant, e.g., to problems concerning the number of distinct distances determined by a point set. For p3p\ge 3 and m2m\ge 2, the classical Ramsey number R(p;m)R(p;m) is the smallest positive integer nn such that any mm-coloring of the edges of KnK_n, the complete graph on nn vertices, contains a monochromatic KpK_p. It is a longstanding open problem that goes back to Schur (1916) to decide whether R(p;m)=2O(m)R(p;m)=2^{O(m)}, for a fixed pp. We prove that this is true if each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The order of magnitude of this bound is tight. Our proof is based on the Cutting Lemma of Chazelle {\em et al.}, and on a Szemer\'edi-type regularity lemma for multicolored semi-algebraic graphs, which is of independent interest. The same technique is used to address the semi-algebraic variant of a more general Ramsey-type problem of Erd\H{o}s and Shelah

    On generalized Ramsey numbers in the non-integral regime

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    A (p,q)(p,q)-coloring of a graph GG is an edge-coloring of GG such that every pp-clique receives at least qq colors. In 1975, Erd\H{o}s and Shelah introduced the generalized Ramsey number f(n,p,q)f(n,p,q) which is the minimum number of colors needed in a (p,q)(p,q)-coloring of KnK_n. In 1997, Erd\H{o}s and Gy\'arf\'as showed that f(n,p,q)f(n,p,q) is at most a constant times np2(p2)q+1n^{\frac{p-2}{\binom{p}{2} - q + 1}}. Very recently the first author, Dudek, and English improved this bound by a factor of logn1(p2)q+1\log n^{\frac{-1}{\binom{p}{2} - q + 1}} for all qp226p+554q \le \frac{p^2 - 26p + 55}{4}, and they ask if this improvement could hold for a wider range of qq. We answer this in the affirmative for the entire non-integral regime, that is, for all integers p,qp, q with p2p-2 not divisible by (p2)q+1\binom{p}{2} - q + 1. Furthermore, we provide a simultaneous three-way generalization as follows: where pp-clique is replaced by any fixed graph FF (with V(F)2|V(F)|-2 not divisible by E(F)q+1|E(F)| - q + 1); to list coloring; and to kk-uniform hypergraphs. Our results are a new application of the Forbidden Submatching Method of the second and fourth authors.Comment: 9 pages; new version extends results from sublinear regime to entire non-integral regime; new co-author adde

    On locally rainbow colourings

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    Given a graph HH, let g(n,H)g(n,H) denote the smallest kk for which the following holds. We can assign a kk-colouring fvf_v of the edge set of KnK_n to each vertex vv in KnK_n with the property that for any copy TT of HH in KnK_n, there is some uV(T)u\in V(T) such that every edge in TT has a different colour in fuf_u. The study of this function was initiated by Alon and Ben-Eliezer. They characterized the family of graphs HH for which g(n,H)g(n,H) is bounded and asked whether it is true that for every other graph g(n,H)g(n,H) is polynomial. We show that this is not the case and characterize the family of connected graphs HH for which g(n,H)g(n,H) grows polynomially. Answering another question of theirs, we also prove that for every ε>0\varepsilon>0, there is some r=r(ε)r=r(\varepsilon) such that g(n,Kr)n1εg(n,K_r)\geq n^{1-\varepsilon} for all sufficiently large nn. Finally, we show that the above problem is connected to the Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'arf\'as function in Ramsey Theory, and prove a family of special cases of a conjecture of Conlon, Fox, Lee and Sudakov by showing that for each fixed rr the complete rr-uniform hypergraph Kn(r)K_n^{(r)} can be edge-coloured using a subpolynomial number of colours in such a way that at least rr colours appear among any r+1r+1 vertices.Comment: 12 page

    Edge-coloring a graph GG so that every copy of a graph HH has an odd color class

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    Recently, Alon introduced the notion of an HH-code for a graph HH: a collection of graphs on vertex set [n][n] is an HH-code if it contains no two members whose symmetric difference is isomorphic to HH. Let DH(n)D_{H}(n) denote the maximum possible cardinality of an HH-code, and let dH(n)=DH(n)/2(n2)d_{H}(n)=D_{H}(n)/2^{n \choose 2}. Alon observed that a lower bound on dH(n)d_{H}(n) can be obtained by attaining an upper bound on the number of colors needed to edge-color KnK_n so that every copy of HH has an odd color class. Motivated by this observation, we define g(G,H)g(G,H) to be the minimum number of colors needed to edge-color a graph GG so that every copy of HH has an odd color class. We prove g(Kn,K5)no(1)g(K_n,K_5) \le n^{o(1)} and g(Kn,n,C4)t2(t1)n+o(n)g(K_{n,n}, C_4) \le \frac{t}{2(t-1)}n+o(n) for all odd integers t5t\geq 5. The first result shows dK5(n)1no(1)d_{K_5}(n) \ge \frac{1}{n^{o(1)}} and was obtained independently in arXiv:2306.14682

    A new variant of the Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'{a}rf\'{a}s problem on K5K_{5}

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    Motivated by an extremal problem on graph-codes that links coding theory and graph theory, Alon recently proposed a question aiming to find the smallest number tt such that there is an edge coloring of KnK_{n} by tt colors with no copy of given graph HH in which every color appears an even number of times. When H=K4H=K_{4}, the question of whether no(1)n^{o(1)} colors are enough, was initially emphasized by Alon. Through modifications to the coloring functions originally designed by Mubayi, and Conlon, Fox, Lee and Sudakov, the question of K4K_{4} has already been addressed. Expanding on this line of inquiry, we further study this new variant of the generalized Ramsey problem and provide a conclusively affirmative answer to Alon's question concerning K5K_{5}.Comment: Note added: Heath and Zerbib also proved the result on K5K_{5} independently. arXiv:2307.0131