8,564 research outputs found

    Efficient VVC Intra Prediction Based on Deep Feature Fusion and Probability Estimation

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    The ever-growing multimedia traffic has underscored the importance of effective multimedia codecs. Among them, the up-to-date lossy video coding standard, Versatile Video Coding (VVC), has been attracting attentions of video coding community. However, the gain of VVC is achieved at the cost of significant encoding complexity, which brings the need to realize fast encoder with comparable Rate Distortion (RD) performance. In this paper, we propose to optimize the VVC complexity at intra-frame prediction, with a two-stage framework of deep feature fusion and probability estimation. At the first stage, we employ the deep convolutional network to extract the spatialtemporal neighboring coding features. Then we fuse all reference features obtained by different convolutional kernels to determine an optimal intra coding depth. At the second stage, we employ a probability-based model and the spatial-temporal coherence to select the candidate partition modes within the optimal coding depth. Finally, these selected depths and partitions are executed whilst unnecessary computations are excluded. Experimental results on standard database demonstrate the superiority of proposed method, especially for High Definition (HD) and Ultra-HD (UHD) video sequences.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Reducing Complexity on Coding Unit Partitioning in Video Coding: A Review

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    In this article, we present a survey on the low complexity video coding on a coding unit (CU) partitioning with the aim for researchers to understand the foundation of video coding and fast CU partition algorithms. Firstly, we introduce video coding technologies by explaining the trending standards and reference models. They are High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), Joint Exploration Test Model (JEM), and VVC, which introduce novel quadtree (QT), quadtree plus binary tree (QTBT), quadtree plus multi-type tree (QTMT) block partitioning with expensive computation complexity, respectively. Secondly, we present a comprehensive explanation of the time-consuming CU partitioning, especially for researchers who are not familiar with CU partitioning. The newer the video coding standard, the more flexible partition structures and the higher the computational complexity. Then, we provide a deep and comprehensive survey of recent and state-of-the-art researches. Finally, we include a discussion section about the advantages and disadvantage of heuristic based and learning based approaches for the readers to explore quickly the performance of the existing algorithms and their limitations. To our knowledge, it is the first comprehensive survey to provide sufficient information about fast CU partitioning on HEVC, JEM, and VVC

    Saliency-Enabled Coding Unit Partitioning and Quantization Control for Versatile Video Coding

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    The latest video coding standard, versatile video coding (VVC), has greatly improved coding efficiency over its predecessor standard high efficiency video coding (HEVC), but at the expense of sharply increased complexity. In the context of perceptual video coding (PVC), the visual saliency model that utilizes the characteristics of the human visual system to improve coding efficiency has become a reliable method due to advances in computer performance and visual algorithms. In this paper, a novel VVC optimization scheme compliant PVC framework is proposed, which consists of fast coding unit (CU) partition algorithm and quantization control algorithm. Firstly, based on the visual saliency model, we proposed a fast CU division scheme, including the redetermination of the CU division depth by calculating Scharr operator and variance, as well as the executive decision for intra sub-partitions (ISP), to reduce the coding complexity. Secondly, a quantization control algorithm is proposed by adjusting the quantization parameter based on multi-level classification of saliency values at the CU level to reduce the bitrate. In comparison with the reference model, experimental results indicate that the proposed method can reduce about 47.19% computational complexity and achieve a bitrate saving of 3.68% on average. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm has reasonable peak signal-to-noise ratio losses and nearly the same subjective perceptual quality

    Quality of Experience (QoE)-Aware Fast Coding Unit Size Selection for HEVC Intra-prediction

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    The exorbitant increase in the computational complexity of modern video coding standards, such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), is a compelling challenge for resource-constrained consumer electronic devices. For instance, the brute force evaluation of all possible combinations of available coding modes and quadtree-based coding structure in HEVC to determine the optimum set of coding parameters for a given content demand a substantial amount of computational and energy resources. Thus, the resource requirements for real time operation of HEVC has become a contributing factor towards the Quality of Experience (QoE) of the end users of emerging multimedia and future internet applications. In this context, this paper proposes a content-adaptive Coding Unit (CU) size selection algorithm for HEVC intra-prediction. The proposed algorithm builds content-specific weighted Support Vector Machine (SVM) models in real time during the encoding process, to provide an early estimate of CU size for a given content, avoiding the brute force evaluation of all possible coding mode combinations in HEVC. The experimental results demonstrate an average encoding time reduction of 52.38%, with an average Bjøntegaard Delta Bit Rate (BDBR) increase of 1.19% compared to the HM16.1 reference encoder. Furthermore, the perceptual visual quality assessments conducted through Video Quality Metric (VQM) show minimal visual quality impact on the reconstructed videos of the proposed algorithm compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Towards visualization and searching :a dual-purpose video coding approach

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    In modern video applications, the role of the decoded video is much more than filling a screen for visualization. To offer powerful video-enabled applications, it is increasingly critical not only to visualize the decoded video but also to provide efficient searching capabilities for similar content. Video surveillance and personal communication applications are critical examples of these dual visualization and searching requirements. However, current video coding solutions are strongly biased towards the visualization needs. In this context, the goal of this work is to propose a dual-purpose video coding solution targeting both visualization and searching needs by adopting a hybrid coding framework where the usual pixel-based coding approach is combined with a novel feature-based coding approach. In this novel dual-purpose video coding solution, some frames are coded using a set of keypoint matches, which not only allow decoding for visualization, but also provide the decoder valuable feature-related information, extracted at the encoder from the original frames, instrumental for efficient searching. The proposed solution is based on a flexible joint Lagrangian optimization framework where pixel-based and feature-based processing are combined to find the most appropriate trade-off between the visualization and searching performances. Extensive experimental results for the assessment of the proposed dual-purpose video coding solution under meaningful test conditions are presented. The results show the flexibility of the proposed coding solution to achieve different optimization trade-offs, notably competitive performance regarding the state-of-the-art HEVC standard both in terms of visualization and searching performance.Em modernas aplicações de vídeo, o papel do vídeo decodificado é muito mais que simplesmente preencher uma tela para visualização. Para oferecer aplicações mais poderosas por meio de sinais de vídeo,é cada vez mais crítico não apenas considerar a qualidade do conteúdo objetivando sua visualização, mas também possibilitar meios de realizar busca por conteúdos semelhantes. Requisitos de visualização e de busca são considerados, por exemplo, em modernas aplicações de vídeo vigilância e comunicações pessoais. No entanto, as atuais soluções de codificação de vídeo são fortemente voltadas aos requisitos de visualização. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma solução de codificação de vídeo de propósito duplo, objetivando tanto requisitos de visualização quanto de busca. Para isso, é proposto um arcabouço de codificação em que a abordagem usual de codificação de pixels é combinada com uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada em features visuais. Nessa solução, alguns quadros são codificados usando um conjunto de pares de keypoints casados, possibilitando não apenas visualização, mas também provendo ao decodificador valiosas informações de features visuais, extraídas no codificador a partir do conteúdo original, que são instrumentais em aplicações de busca. A solução proposta emprega um esquema flexível de otimização Lagrangiana onde o processamento baseado em pixel é combinado com o processamento baseado em features visuais objetivando encontrar um compromisso adequado entre os desempenhos de visualização e de busca. Os resultados experimentais mostram a flexibilidade da solução proposta em alcançar diferentes compromissos de otimização, nomeadamente desempenho competitivo em relação ao padrão HEVC tanto em termos de visualização quanto de busca