43,567 research outputs found

    Color Dipole Moments for Edge Detection

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    Dipole and higher moments are physical quantities used to describe a charge distribution. In analogy with electromagnetism, it is possible to define the dipole moments for a gray-scale image, according to the single aspect of a gray-tone map. In this paper we define the color dipole moments for color images. For color maps in fact, we have three aspects, the three primary colors, to consider. Associating three color charges to each pixel, color dipole moments can be easily defined and used for edge detection.Comment: 8 page

    Edge-Magnetoplasmon Wave-Packet Revivals in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    The quantum Hall effect is necessarily accompanied by low-energy excitations localized at the edge of a two-dimensional electron system. For the case of electrons interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction, these excitations are edge magnetoplasmons. We address the time evolution of localized edge-magnetoplasmon wave packets. On short times the wave packets move along the edge with classical E cross B drift. We show that on longer times the wave packets can have properties similar to those of the Rydberg wave packets that are produced in atoms using short-pulsed lasers. In particular, we show that edge-magnetoplasmon wave packets can exhibit periodic revivals in which a dispersed wave packet reassembles into a localized one. We propose the study of edge-magnetoplasmon wave packets as a tool to investigate dynamical properties of integer and fractional quantum-Hall edges. Various scenarios are discussed for preparing the initial wave packet and for detecting it at a later time. We comment on the importance of magnetoplasmon-phonon coupling and on quantum and thermal fluctuations.Comment: 18 pages, RevTex, 7 figures and 2 tables included, Fig. 5 was originally 3Mbyte and had to be bitmapped for submission to archive; in the process it acquired distracting artifacts, to upload the better version, see http://physics.indiana.edu/~uli/publ/projects.htm

    Non-linear spin Seebeck effect due to spin-charge interaction in graphene

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    The abilities to inject and detect spin carriers are fundamental for research on transport and manipulation of spin information. Pure electronic spin currents have been recently studied in nanoscale electronic devices using a non-local lateral geometry, both in metallic systems and in semiconductors. To unlock the full potential of spintronics we must understand the interactions of spin with other degrees of freedom, going beyond the prototypical electrical spin injection and detection using magnetic contacts. Such interactions have been explored recently, for example, by using spin Hall or spin thermoelectric effects. Here we present the detection of non-local spin signals using non-magnetic detectors, via an as yet unexplored non-linear interaction between spin and charge. In analogy to the Seebeck effect, where a heat current generates a charge potential, we demonstrate that a spin current in a paramagnet leads to a charge potential, if the conductivity is energy dependent. We use graphene as a model system to study this effect, as recently proposed. The physical concept demonstrated here is generally valid, opening new possibilities for spintronics

    Fractional Spin Josephson Effect and Electrically Controlled Magnetization in Quantum Spin Hall Edges

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    We explore a spin Josephson effect in a system of two ferromagnets coupled by a tunnel junction formed of 2D time-reversal invariant topological insulators. In analogy with the more commonly studied instance of the Josephson effect for charge in superconductors, we investigate properties of the phase-coherent {\it spin} current resulting from the misalignment of the in-plane magnetization angles of the two ferromagnets. We show that the topological insulating barrier offers the exciting prospect of hosting a {\it fractional} spin Josephson effect mediated by bound states at the ferromagnet-topological insulator interface. We provide multiple perspectives to understand the 4Ď€4\pi periodic nature of this effect. We discuss several measurable consequences, such as, the generation of a transverse voltage signal which allows for purely electrical measurements, an inverse of this effect where an applied voltage gives rise to a transverse spin-current, and a fractional AC spin-Josephson effect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (v2:fixed typo, added reference

    Electrical writing, deleting, reading, and moving of magnetic skyrmioniums in a racetrack device

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    A magnetic skyrmionium (also called 2Ď€\pi-skyrmion) can be understood as a skyrmion - a topologically non-trivial magnetic whirl - which is situated in the center of a second skyrmion with reversed magnetization. Here, we propose a new optoelectrical writing and deleting mechanism for skyrmioniums in thin films, as well as a reading mechanism based on the topological Hall voltage. Furthermore, we point out advantages for utilizing skyrmioniums as carriers of information in comparison to skyrmions with respect to the current-driven motion. We simulate all four constituents of an operating skyrmionium-based racetrack storage device: creation, motion, detection and deletion of bits. The existence of a skyrmionium is thereby interpreted as a '1' and its absence as a '0' bit.Comment: This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientific Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at [DOI

    Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection

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    The operation of solid-state qubits often relies on single-shot readout using a nanoelectronic charge sensor, and the detection of events in a noisy sensor signal is crucial for high fidelity readout of such qubits. The most common detection scheme, comparing the signal to a threshold value, is accurate at low noise levels but is not robust to low-frequency noise and signal drift. We describe an alternative method for identifying charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection. The technique is convenient to use and we show that, with realistic signals and a single tunable parameter, wavelet detection can outperform thresholding and is significantly more tolerant to 1/f and low-frequency noise.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    The chiral anomaly in real space

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    The chiral anomaly is based on a non-conserved chiral charge and can happen in Dirac fermion systems under the influence of external electromagnetic fields. In this case, the spectral flow leads to a transfer of right- to left-moving excitations or vice versa. The corresponding transfer of chiral particles happens in momentum space. We here describe an intriguing way to introduce the chiral anomaly into real space. Our system consists of two quantum dots that are formed at the helical edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator on the basis of three magnetic impurities. Such a setup gives rise to fractional charges which we show to be sharp quantum numbers for large barrier strength. Interestingly, it is possible to map the system onto a quantum spin Hall ring in the presence of a flux pierced through the ring where the relative angle between the magnetization directions of the impurities takes the role of the flux. The chiral anomaly in this system is then directly related to the excess occupation of particles in the two quantum dots. This analogy allows us to predict an observable consequence of the chiral anomaly in real space.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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