1,745 research outputs found

    Cyber Infrastructure Protection: Vol. III

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    Despite leaps in technological advancements made in computing system hardware and software areas, we still hear about massive cyberattacks that result in enormous data losses. Cyberattacks in 2015 included: sophisticated attacks that targeted Ashley Madison, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the White House, and Anthem; and in 2014, cyberattacks were directed at Sony Pictures Entertainment, Home Depot, J.P. Morgan Chase, a German steel factory, a South Korean nuclear plant, eBay, and others. These attacks and many others highlight the continued vulnerability of various cyber infrastructures and the critical need for strong cyber infrastructure protection (CIP). This book addresses critical issues in cybersecurity. Topics discussed include: a cooperative international deterrence capability as an essential tool in cybersecurity; an estimation of the costs of cybercrime; the impact of prosecuting spammers on fraud and malware contained in email spam; cybersecurity and privacy in smart cities; smart cities demand smart security; and, a smart grid vulnerability assessment using national testbed networks.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1412/thumbnail.jp

    Networked world: Risks and opportunities in the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) – devices that are connected to the Internet and collect and use data to operate – is about to transform society. Everything from smart fridges and lightbulbs to remote sensors and cities will collect data that can be analysed and used to provide a wealth of bespoke products and services. The impacts will be huge - by 2020, some 25 billion devices will be connected to the Internet with some studies estimating this number will rise to 125 billion in 2030. These will include many things that have never been connected to the Internet before. Like all new technologies, IoT offers substantial new opportunities which must be considered in parallel with the new risks that come with it. To make sense of this new world, Lloyd’s worked with University College London’s (UCL) Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) and the PETRAS IoT Research Hub to publish this report. ‘Networked world’ analyses IoT’s opportunities, risks and regulatory landscape. It aims to help insurers understand potential exposures across marine, smart homes, water infrastructure and agriculture while highlighting the implications for insurance operations and product development. The report also helps risk managers assess how this technology could impact their businesses and consider how they can mitigate associated risks

    Adoption of cybersecurity policies by local governments 2020

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    This paper should be of interest to the readers of this journal because it addresses a subject that has received little scholarly attention; namely, local government cybersecurity. The U.S. has over 90,000 units of local government, of which almost 39,000 are “general purpose” units (i.e., municipalities, counties, towns and townships). On average, these governments do not practice cybersecurity effectively (Norris, et al., 2019 and 2020). One possible reason is that they do not adopt and/or implement highly recommended cybersecurity policies. In this paper, we examine local government adoption or lack of adoption of cybersecurity policies using data from three surveys. Norris, et al, 2019 & 2020; Hatcher, et al., 2020; and Norris and Mateczun, 2023. It will probably not be surprising that our first finding is that, by and large, local governments still do a poor good job of adopting and implementing cybersecurity policies. Thus, our first recommendation is that these governments must take whatever actions are needed to ensure high levels of cybersecurity. If they do not, the consequences will be painful and costly, as demonstrated by examples presented in the text. Among these actions, we next recommend that local governments adopt and effectively implement the highly recommended cybersecurity policies discussed in the concluding section. Last, as we have recommended previously, we again call upon local governments to create and maintain within their organizations a culture of cybersecurity – one in which all parties in these governments fully understand and support cybersecurity at the highest levels in their governments

    Toward a sustainable cybersecurity ecosystem

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Cybersecurity issues constitute a key concern of today’s technology-based economies. Cybersecurity has become a core need for providing a sustainable and safe society to online users in cyberspace. Considering the rapid increase of technological implementations, it has turned into a global necessity in the attempt to adapt security countermeasures, whether direct or indirect, and prevent systems from cyberthreats. Identifying, characterizing, and classifying such threats and their sources is required for a sustainable cyber-ecosystem. This paper focuses on the cybersecurity of smart grids and the emerging trends such as using blockchain in the Internet of Things (IoT). The cybersecurity of emerging technologies such as smart cities is also discussed. In addition, associated solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning frameworks to prevent cyber-risks are also discussed. Our review will serve as a reference for policy-makers from the industry, government, and the cybersecurity research community

    The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What are the Implications?

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    Despite wide concern about cyberattacks, outages and privacy violations, most experts believe the Internet of Things will continue to expand successfully the next few years, tying machines to machines and linking people to valuable resources, services and opportunities

    Cyber Threats and NATO 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis

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    The book includes 13 chapters that look ahead to how NATO can best address the cyber threats, as well as opportunities and challenges from emerging and disruptive technologies in the cyber domain over the next decade. The present volume addresses these conceptual and practical requirements and contributes constructively to the NATO 2030 discussions. The book is arranged in five short parts...All the chapters in this book have undergone double-blind peer review by at least two external experts.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/asbook/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Global Risks 2014, Ninth Edition.

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    The Global Risks 2014 report highlights how global risks are not only interconnected but also have systemic impacts. To manage global risks effectively and build resilience to their impacts, better efforts are needed to understand, measure and foresee the evolution of interdependencies between risks, supplementing traditional risk-management tools with new concepts designed for uncertain environments. If global risks are not effectively addressed, their social, economic and political fallouts could be far-reaching, as exemplified by the continuing impacts of the financial crisis of 2007-2008

    Smart Cities in Asia

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    This open access book examines different aspects of smart cities, including technology, urban development, sustainable development, finance, and privacy and data protection. It also covers a wide range of jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The book consists of two main parts. The first part includes general chapters that conceptualize smart cities and provide an overview of these cities’ problems such as privacy and data protection concern. The general chapters also discuss the role of public and private sectors in developing and governing smart cities. The second part encompasses country-specific chapters that examine the concepts addressed in the general chapters in practice by analyzing several specific smart city projects. This book provides researchers and practitioners with some knowledge of a smart city and its implication in the Asia context. The book is designed with some general chapters updating the literature on smart cities for readers who are interested in an overview of this concept. Audiences who are curious about how smart cities are perceived and implemented in some Asian jurisdictions are benefited from country-specific chapters. The book is also helpful to general audiences whose interests lay at the intersection of law, governance, and technology

    Investigation of Afghanistan network infrastructure for cyber security

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Siber güvenlik, siber saldırılar, siber savaşlar, güvenlik açığı, gizlilik, bütünlük, ağ altyapısı, iletişim ve bilgi sistemleri. Global endüstriler büyük ölçüde bilgi ve veri güvenliğine yatırım yapıyor. Sanal iletişim zamanında, herhangi bir topolojisinde, öncelikle geçerlik ve güvenliği garanti altına almalı. Aksi takdirde bu tür iletişim karmaşık sorunlara ve kaynakların ağlar üzerinde zarar görmesine neden olur. Halbuki iletişim sistemleri savunmasızdır, Ülkenin bilgi bütünlüğüne, gizliliğine ve kullanılabilirliğine güvenmesi, siber güvenliğinin yetersizliğinden tam tersidir. Aslında, iletişim sistemleri veya internet öncelikle odaklı veya insan zihnindeki güvenlikle tasarlanmamıştır. Diğer bir deyişle, çok sayıda ağ bileşeninin koordinasyonu, öncelikle hava-arayüzü üzerinden kurulan veya ağ üzerinden önceden tanımlanmış protokoller altında fiziksel olarak entegre edilmiş güvenli bir bağlantıya ihtiyaç duyar. Ayrıca, bir hükümetin gerçekleştirme sorumluluğundan biri, siber ortamda ya da gerçekçi saldırı ve tehditlerle mücadele etmek için bir caydırma ekibi ya da teşkilatı oluşturmaktır. Modern iletişim sistemlerinde, siber saldırılar casusluk açısından gittikçe artmaktadır ve bilgi sistemlerine ciddi zarar vermek suretiyle siber alanın geleceğinde büyük bir sorun çıkarmaktadır. Öte yandan, Afganistan hükümeti, herhangi bir dışa bağımlı siber saldırılara karşı iyi tanımlanmış bir stratejiye sahip değilken, casusluktan sorumlu olan ve Afganistan'daki siber alanda katastrofik sorunlar çıkaran ülkelerden aktarılan değiştirilebilir verilerin büyük bir çoğunluğu bulunmaktadır. Bu sorunlar dikkate alındığında, bu çalışma Afganistan'da siber saldırılar ve siber istismar, bilgi güvenliği ile ilgili zorluklar, siber saldırıların mevcut Afganistan ağ altyapıları üzerindeki etkileri ve analizleri de dahil olmak üzere siber tehditlerle ilgilidir. Siberayla ilgili belirgin ve belirgin olmayan siber saldırılar için bir şekilde çözümün yanı sıra, mevcut ve gelecekteki siber krizin, modellerin ve simülasyon özelliklerinin bu raporun kısmen bir bölümünde analizi tanımlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, güvenlik açısından Afganistan'ın mevcut siber durumuna, yaygın gelecekteki siber güvenlik ve siber güvenlik zorluklarına ilişkin sorunlar da bu raporda gösterilmektedir.Global industries are investing heavily in information and data security. At the time of virtual communication under any types of topologies, firstly, the validity and security must be guaranteed. Otherwise, such communication cause complex problems and resources damage over the networks. However, communication systems are vulnerable, the nation's reliance on the integrities, confidentialities, and availabilities of information stand in stark contrast to the inadequacy of their cybersecurity. In fact, communication systems or internet was not primarily designed with security in oriented or human minds. On the other word, coordinating of huge numbers of network components, first of all, need to a secure connection, either such connection established via air-interface or integrated physically under predefined protocols over the network. Additionally, one of the accomplishment responsibility of a government is creating a deterrence team or military to combat any types of attack and threat either on cyberspace or on realistic. In modern communication systems cyber-attacks becoming increasingly in terms of espionage, and it would make a big challenge in the future of cyberspace by causing serious damage to information systems. From the other hand, the government of Afghanistan does not have a well-defined strategy against any types of outsider cyberattacks while the huge amount of the exchangeable data transferring from the countries who are in charge of espionage and attempt to make catastrophic problems on Afghanistan's cyberspace. In consideration to these issues, this study concerned in Afghanistan's cyber-threats including cyber-attacks and cyber-exploit, information security challenges, analysis and effects of cyber-attacks on current Afghanistan network infrastructures. Definition of somewhat solution for distinctive and non-distinctive cyber-attacks over cyberspace, as well as the analysis of current and future cyberspace crisis, models and simulations aspect in some partial part of this report, has been also covered. However, current cyberspace status of Afghanistan in term of security, challenges of prevalent future cyber security and cyber security difficulties have also illustrated in this report