19 research outputs found

    On the Testability of Graph Partition Properties

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    In this work we study the testability of a family of graph partition properties that generalizes a family previously studied by Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron (Journal of the ACM, 1998 ). While the family studied by Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron includes a variety of natural properties, such as k-colorability and containing a large cut, it does not include other properties of interest, such as split graphs, and more generally (p,q)-colorable graphs. The generalization we consider allows us to impose constraints on the edge-densities within and between parts (relative to the sizes of the parts). We denote the family studied in this work by GPP. We first show that all properties in GPP have a testing algorithm whose query complexity is polynomial in 1/epsilon, where epsilon is the given proximity parameter (and there is no dependence on the size of the graph). As the testing algorithm has two-sided error, we next address the question of which properties in GPP can be tested with one-sided error and query complexity polynomial in 1/epsilon. We answer this question by establishing a characterization result. Namely, we define a subfamily GPP_{0,1} of GPP and show that a property P in GPP is testable by a one-sided error algorithm that has query complexity poly(1/epsilon) if and only if P in GPP_{0,1}

    Efficient Removal Lemmas for Matrices

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    The authors and Fischer recently proved that any hereditary property of two-dimensional matrices (where the row and column order is not ignored) over a finite alphabet is testable with a constant number of queries, by establishing an (ordered) matrix removal lemma, which states the following: If a matrix is far from satisfying some hereditary property, then a large enough constant-size random submatrix of it does not satisfy the property with probability at least 9/10. Here being far from the property means that one needs to modify a constant fraction of the entries of the matrix to make it satisfy the property. However, in the above general removal lemma, the required size of the random submatrix grows very fast as a function of the distance of the matrix from satisfying the property. In this work we establish much more efficient removal lemmas for several special cases of the above problem. In particular, we show the following: If an epsilon-fraction of the entries of a binary matrix M can be covered by pairwise-disjoint copies of some (s x t) matrix A, then a delta-fraction of the (s x t)-submatrices of M are equal to A, where delta is polynomial in epsilon. We generalize the work of Alon, Fischer and Newman [SICOMP\u2707] and make progress towards proving one of their conjectures. The proofs combine their efficient conditional regularity lemma for matrices with additional combinatorial and probabilistic ideas

    A polynomial regularity lemma for semi-algebraic hypergraphs and its applications in geometry and property testing

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    Fox, Gromov, Lafforgue, Naor, and Pach proved a regularity lemma for semi-algebraic kk-uniform hypergraphs of bounded complexity, showing that for each ϵ>0\epsilon>0 the vertex set can be equitably partitioned into a bounded number of parts (in terms of ϵ\epsilon and the complexity) so that all but an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the kk-tuples of parts are homogeneous. We prove that the number of parts can be taken to be polynomial in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon. Our improved regularity lemma can be applied to geometric problems and to the following general question on property testing: is it possible to decide, with query complexity polynomial in the reciprocal of the approximation parameter, whether a hypergraph has a given hereditary property? We give an affirmative answer for testing typical hereditary properties for semi-algebraic hypergraphs of bounded complexity

    Efficient Testing without Efficient Regularity

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    The regularity lemma of Szemeredi turned out to be the most powerful tool for studying the testability of graph properties in the dense graph model. In fact, as we argue in this paper, this lemma can be used in order to prove (essentially) all the previous results in this area. More precisely, a barrier for obtaining an efficient testing algorithm for a graph property P was having an efficient regularity lemma for graphs satisfying P. The problem is that for many natural graph properties (e.g. triangle freeness) it is known that a graph can satisfy P and still only have regular partitions of tower-type size. This means that there was no viable path for obtaining reasonable bounds on the query complexity of testing such properties. In this paper we consider the property of being induced C_4-free, which also suffers from the fact that a graph might satisfy this property but still have only regular partitions of tower-type size. By developing a new approach for this problem we manage to overcome this barrier and thus obtain a merely exponential bound for testing this property. This is the first substantial progress on a problem raised by Alon in 2001, and more recently by Alon, Conlon and Fox. We thus obtain the first example of an efficient testing algorithm that cannot be derived from an efficient version of the regularity lemma