372,044 research outputs found

    The Role Of Earth System Literacy In Sustainability Education For Engineers

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    Engineers should be able to demonstrate sustainability competencies transcending their specialised discipline. But all cross-disciplinary sustainability competencies are not targeted adequately in engineering education and are often mismatched with competencies required by engineers in their professional roles. Future engineers should have an understanding of the environment alongside technical knowledge, with all engineering design and product showing consideration to sustainability. The study of the Earth system is relevant to the understanding of environmental issues and the interplay between the sub-systems of the Earth (atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere) . Yet, integration of Earth system literacy in the engineering curriculum has received minimal attention. This paper discusses the sustainability competencies in engineering education and, investigates if they can be addressed through Earth system literacy where weak or lacking. Based on two geology courses delivered to engineering students focusing on the sustainable management of different Earth resources with an understanding of their formation and extraction, it is evident that Earth system literacy can strengthen system thinking and, strategic and normative competencies in engineers. Most importantly it can target anticipatory competency that is not addressed adequately in conventional engineering courses

    The Role Of Earth System Literacy In Sustainability Education For Engineers

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    Engineers should be able to demonstrate sustainability competencies transcending their specialised discipline. But all cross-disciplinary sustainability competencies are not targeted adequately in engineering education and are often mismatched with competencies required by engineers in their professional roles. Future engineers should have an understanding of the environment alongside technical knowledge, with all engineering design and product showing consideration to sustainability. The study of the Earth system is relevant to the understanding of environmental issues and the interplay between the sub-systems of the Earth (atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere) . Yet, integration of Earth system literacy in the engineering curriculum has received minimal attention. This paper discusses the sustainability competencies in engineering education and, investigates if they can be addressed through Earth system literacy where weak or lacking. Based on two geology courses delivered to engineering students focusing on the sustainable management of different Earth resources with an understanding of their formation and extraction, it is evident that Earth system literacy can strengthen system thinking and, strategic and normative competencies in engineers. Most importantly it can target anticipatory competency that is not addressed adequately in conventional engineering courses

    Medical System Concept of Operations for Mars Exploration Mission-11: Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) Element - Human Research Program

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    NASAs exploration missions to Mars will have durations of 2-3 years and will take humans farther away from Earth than ever before. This will result in a paradigm shift for mission planning, spacecraft design, human systems integration, and in-flight medical care. Constraints on real-time communication, resupply, and medical evacuation are major architectural drivers. These constraints require medical system development to be tightly integrated with mission and vehicle design to provide crew autonomy and enable mission success. This concept of operations provides a common vision of medical care for developing a medical system for Mars exploration missions. It documents an overview of the stakeholder needs and goals of a medical system and provides examples of the types of activities the system will be used for during the mission. Development of the concept of operations considers mission variables such as distance from Earth, duration of mission, time to definitive medical care, communication protocols between crewmembers and ground support, personnel capabilities and skill sets, medical hardware and software, and medical data management. The information provided in this document informs the ExMC Systems Engineering effort to define the functions to be provided by the medical system. In addition, this concept of operations will inform the subsequent systems engineering process of developing technical requirements, system architectures, interfaces, and verification and validation approaches for the medical system. This document supports the closure of ExMC Gap Med01: We do not have a concept of operations for medical care during exploration missions, corresponding to the ExMC-managed human system risk: Risk of Adverse Health Outcomes & Decrements in Performance due to Inflight Medical Conditions. This document is applicable to the ExMC Element Systems Engineering process and may be used for collaboration within the Human Research Program

    Autonomous Agents and Intelligent Assistants for Exploration Operations

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    Human exploration of space will involve remote autonomous crew and systems in long missions. Data to earth will be delayed and limited. Earth control centers will not receive continuous real-time telemetry data, and there will be communication round trips of up to one hour. There will be reduced human monitoring on the planet and earth. When crews are present on the planet, they will be occupied with other activities, and system management will be a low priority task. Earth control centers will use multi-tasking "night shift" and on-call specialists. A new project at Johnson Space Center is developing software to support teamwork between distributed human and software agents in future interplanetary work environments. The Engineering and Mission Operations Directorates at Johnson Space Center (JSC) are combining laboratories and expertise to carry out this project, by establishing a testbed for hWl1an centered design, development and evaluation of intelligent autonomous and assistant systems. Intelligent autonomous systems for managing systems on planetary bases will commuicate their knowledge to support distributed multi-agent mixed-initiative operations. Intelligent assistant agents will respond to events by developing briefings and responses according to instructions from human agents on earth and in space

    Research and technology annual report, FY 1990

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    Given here is the annual report of the John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC), a NASA center responsible for testing NASA's large propulsion systems, developing supporting test technologies, conducting research in a variety of earth science disciplines, and facilitating the commercial uses of NASA-developed technologies. Described here are activities of the Earth Sciences Research Program, the Technology Development Program, commercial programs, the Technology Utilization Program, and the Information Systems Program. Work is described in such areas as forest ecosystems, land-sea interface, wetland biochemical flux, thermal imaging of crops, gas detectors, plume analysis, synthetic aperture radar, forest resource management, applications engineering, and the Earth Observations Commercial Applications Program

    Role of hydrogeological mapping in groundwater practice: back to basics

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    Maps are of key importance in groundwater professional practice and hydrogeology research, mainly in field data synthesis and communication related to a number of fields: regional hydrogeology, explorationhydrogeology, groundwater engineering, hydrogeophysics, hydrogeomorphology, urban groundwater, military geology/engineering,thermal water resources, planning, management and decision making on thewater resources. This paper highlights the importance and necessity of accurate ground field surveys at several scales, water resources inventory and an integrated groundwater mapping as useful tools to support hydrogeological conceptualisation. Selected sites are highlighted to demonstrate the importance of groundwater mapping for assessment of water resources. Conceptualisation of groundwater systems must be grounded on Earth-based models and mathematical modelling to outline predicting scenarios. Thus, going back to basics is important to create a reliable conceptualisation on groundwater systems establishedon cartographic reasoning

    Earth Sciences Data and Information System (ESDIS) program planning and evaluation methodology development

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    An Earth Sciences Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Management Plan (PMP) is prepared. An ESDIS Project Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) consistent with the developed PMP is also prepared. ESDIS and related EOS program requirements developments, management and analysis processes are evaluated. Opportunities to improve the effectiveness of these processes and program/project responsiveness to requirements are identified. Overall ESDIS cost estimation processes are evaluated, and recommendations to improve cost estimating and modeling techniques are developed. ESDIS schedules and scheduling tools are evaluated. Risk assessment, risk mitigation strategies and approaches, and use of risk information in management decision-making are addressed

    NASA’s New Wildland Fire Earth Observation Science & Applications Programmatic Developments

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    In 2021, the U.S. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) initiated new programmatic elements within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) focused on supporting wildland fire science and applications improvements, employing the vast array of NASA scientific knowledge, airborne and space-borne Earth Observations (EO) capabilities, technology development (sensor systems, etc.), and large framework modeling efforts. Within the Science Mission Directorate, the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) will focus on improving our understanding of wildland fire through EO tools and applying rigorous-tested modeling and results of that research into operational use. The ESD Wildfire strategy is to invest in new technology and to better integrate NASA’s satellite, airborne, and ground-based observations with wildfire models to provide the wildfire stakeholders with the information they need to make informed decisions about the pre-, active-, and post-fire conditions. The Applied Science Program has restarted the Wildland Fire Applications Program with a focus on engaging wildland fire management and the fire science community in transitioning EO science efforts into routine use by land management entities at the local, state, national and international level. The NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate will focus on arenas where their aeronautics science and engineering outcomes can benefit the fire management community as well, specifically in the innovative development of Uncrewed Aircraft systems, congested mixed-use platform airspace management issues, new platform configurations supporting wildland fire missions, and other aeronautics-related science/engineering capabilities which may benefit the fire management community. In total, these developments represent a major thrust forward, supporting the goals of utilizing NASA science to benefit humankind. This presentation will highlight the various wildland fire science focus areas identified through collaborations with the wildland fire science and management community and highlight the plans of this new NASA focus area

    Management Approach for NASA's Earth Venture-1 (EV-1) Airborne Science Investigations

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    The Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) Program Office (PO) is responsible for programmatic management of National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Science Mission Directorate's (SMD) Earth Venture (EV) missions. EV is composed of both orbital and suborbital Earth science missions. The first of the Earth Venture missions is EV-1, which are Principal Investigator-led, temporally-sustained, suborbital (airborne) science investigations costcapped at $30M each over five years. Traditional orbital procedures, processes and standards used to manage previous ESSP missions, while effective, are disproportionally comprehensive for suborbital missions. Conversely, existing airborne practices are primarily intended for smaller, temporally shorter investigations, and traditionally managed directly by a program scientist as opposed to a program office such as ESSP. In 2010, ESSP crafted a management approach for the successful implementation of the EV-1 missions within the constructs of current governance models. NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements form the foundation of the approach for EV-1. Additionally, requirements from other existing NASA Procedural Requirements (NPRs), systems engineering guidance and management handbooks were adapted to manage programmatic, technical, schedule, cost elements and risk. As the EV-1 missions are nearly at the end of their successful execution and project lifecycle and the submission deadline of the next mission proposals near, the ESSP PO is taking the lessons learned and updated the programmatic management approach for all future Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS) missions for an even more flexible and streamlined management approach

    Carbon Dioxide Observational Platform System (CO-OPS), feasibility study

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    The Carbon Dioxide Observational Platform System (CO-OPS) is a near-space, geostationary, multi-user, unmanned microwave powered monitoring platform system. This systems engineering feasibility study addressed identified existing requirements such as: carbon dioxide observational data requirements, communications requirements, and eye-in-the-sky requirements of other groups like the Defense Department, the Forestry Service, and the Coast Guard. In addition, potential applications in: earth system science, space system sciences, and test and verification (satellite sensors and data management techniques) were considered. The eleven month effort is summarized. Past work and methods of gathering the required observational data were assessed and rough-order-of magnitude cost estimates have shown the CO-OPS system to be most cost effective (less than $30 million within a 10 year lifetime). It was also concluded that there are no technical, schedule, or obstacles that would prevent achieving the objectives of the total 5-year CO-OPS program