19,121 research outputs found

    Skylab earth resources data catalog

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    An index of EREP photographs is provided along with information on how EREP data can be obtained. Suggestions are presented for possible utilization of the data in the following areas: land resource management; water resources; marine resources; landform surveys, geologic mapping, and mineral resources; agriculture, forest, and range resources; and environmental applications. It is intended to stimulate potential users to apply the data to their respective fields of interest

    Multispectral photography for earth resources

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    A guide for producing accurate multispectral results for earth resource applications is presented along with theoretical and analytical concepts of color and multispectral photography. Topics discussed include: capabilities and limitations of color and color infrared films; image color measurements; methods of relating ground phenomena to film density and color measurement; sensitometry; considerations in the selection of multispectral cameras and components; and mission planning

    Summer Workshop on Near-Earth Resources

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    The possible large scale use of extraterrestrial resources was addressed, either to construct structures in space or to return to Earth as supplements for terrestrial resources. To that end, various specific recommendations were made by the participants in the summer study on near-Earth resources, held at La Jolla, California, 6 to 13 August, 1977. The Moon and Earth-approaching asteroids were considered. Summaries are included of what is known about their compositions and what needs to be learned, along with recommendations for missions designed to provide the needed data. Tentative schedules for these projects are also offered

    Aviation's role in earth resources surveys

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    The role of satellites designed to make a wide variety of earth observations is discussed along with the renewed interest in the use of aircraft as platforms for similar and complementary earth resources surveys. Surveys covering the areas of forestry, agriculture, hydrology, oceanography, geology, and geography are included. Aerials surveys equipped for nonphotographic remote sensing and aircraft flights synchronized with satellite observations to provide correlated data are discussed. Photographs are shown to illustrate preliminary results from several of the test sites

    Earth Resources Laboratory research and technology

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    The accomplishments of the Earth Resources Laboratory's research and technology program are reported. Sensors and data systems, the AGRISTARS project, applied research and data analysis, joint research projects, test and evaluation studies, and space station support activities are addressed

    Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources

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    This website contains information about the geology of Washington State, provided by the Division of Natural Resources (DNR). It includes details about geologic hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis, and coal mine subsidence; geologic mapping, including a geologic map of the state; mine reclamation programs and energy regulation; downloadable publications; geology of the state by region, and by major geologic events from the Precambrian to Cenozoic; and information about the library with a Digital Bibliography of the Geology and Mineral Resources of Washington. The education section contains the Earth Connections series with lessons and experiments relating to geology within Washington state. There are many links provided for more information. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, High school, Intermediate elementary, Middle school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division

    Selected imagery from Earth Resources Survey Program

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    Preparation of LACIE documents for data base entry and indexing of imagery from selected Earth Resources Survey Program sources is described

    NASA plans for future earth resources missions

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    Development activities underway to improve LANDSAT sensors and observing systems are reported. Data cover high resolution imagery of surface temperatures for improving crop and other vegetation and soil classifications, and heat capacity mapping for recording surface temperatures at hours of maximum and minimum heating. Automatic identification and classification methods designed to extract information such as crop and forage acreages, amounts of water run-off, and types of land use directly from the satellite observations were also studied. A number of applications verification tests were conducted, particularly in the areas of crop and land use inventory and water run-off prediction, to demonstrate the direct transfer of space acquired information to end users

    Earth resources-regional transfer activity contracts review

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    A regional transfer activity contracts review held by the Earth Resources Office was summarized. Contracts in the earth resources field primarily directed toward applications of satellite data and technology in solution of state and regional problems were reviewed. A summary of the progress of each contract was given in order to share experiences of researchers across a seven state region. The region included Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. Research in several earth science disciplines included forestry, limnology, water resources, land use, geology, and mathematical modeling. The use of computers for establishment of information retrieval systems was also emphasized

    Earth resources data analysis program, phase 3

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    Tasks were performed in two areas: (1) systems analysis and (2) algorithmic development. The major effort in the systems analysis task was the development of a recommended approach to the monitoring of resource utilization data for the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE). Other efforts included participation in various studies concerning the LACIE Project Plan, the utility of the GE Image 100, and the specifications for a special purpose processor to be used in the LACIE. In the second task, the major effort was the development of improved algorithms for estimating proportions of unclassified remotely sensed data. Also, work was performed on optimal feature extraction and optimal feature extraction for proportion estimation