960,175 research outputs found

    Skylab earth resources data catalog

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    An index of EREP photographs is provided along with information on how EREP data can be obtained. Suggestions are presented for possible utilization of the data in the following areas: land resource management; water resources; marine resources; landform surveys, geologic mapping, and mineral resources; agriculture, forest, and range resources; and environmental applications. It is intended to stimulate potential users to apply the data to their respective fields of interest

    Multispectral photography for earth resources

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    A guide for producing accurate multispectral results for earth resource applications is presented along with theoretical and analytical concepts of color and multispectral photography. Topics discussed include: capabilities and limitations of color and color infrared films; image color measurements; methods of relating ground phenomena to film density and color measurement; sensitometry; considerations in the selection of multispectral cameras and components; and mission planning

    Assessment on the feasibility of future shepherding of asteroid resources

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    Most plausible futures for space exploration and exploitation require a large mass in Earth orbit. Delivering this mass requires overcoming the Earth's natural gravity well, which imposes a distinct obstacle to any future space venture. An alternative solution is to search for more accessible resources elsewhere. In particular, this paper examines the possibility of future utilisation of near Earth asteroid resources. The accessibility of asteroid material can be estimated by analysing the volume of Keplerian orbital element space from which Earth can be reached under a certain energy threshold and then by mapping this analysis onto an existing statistical near Earth asteroid (NEA) model. Earth is reached through orbital transfers defined by a series of impulsive manoeuvres and computed using the patched-conic approximation. The NEA model allows an estimation of the probability of finding an object that could be transferred with a given Δv budget. For the first time, a resource map provides a realistic assessment of the mass of material resources in near Earth space as a function of energy investment. The results show that there is a considerable mass of resources that can be accessed and exploited at relatively low levels of energy. More importantly, asteroid resources can be accessed with a entire spectrum of levels of energy, unlike other more massive bodies such as the Earth or Moon, which require a minimum energy threshold implicit in their gravity well. With this resource map, the total change of velocity required to capture an asteroid, or transfer its resources to Earth, can be estimated as a function of object size. Thus, realistic examples of asteroid resource utilisation can be provided

    Harvesting Near Earth Asteroid Resources Using Solar Sail Technology

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    Near Earth asteroids represent a wealth of material resources to support future space ventures. These resources include water from C-type asteroids for crew logistic support; liquid propellants electrolytically cracked from water to fuel crewed vehicles and commercial platforms; and metals from M-type asteroids to support in-situ manufacturing. In this paper the role of solar sail technology will be investigated to support the future harvesting of near Earth asteroid resources. This will include surveying candidate asteroids though in-situ sensing, efficiently processing asteroid material resources and returning such resources to near-Earth space. While solar sailing can be used directly as a low cost means of transportation to and from near Earth asteroids, solar sail technology itself offers a number of dual-use applications. For example, solar sails can in principle be used as solar concentrators to sublimate material. If a metal-rich M-type asteroid is processed through solar heating, then the flow of metal resources made available could be manufactured into further reflective area. The additional thermal power generated would then accelerate the manufacturing process. Such a strategy could enable rapid in-situ processing of asteroid resources with exponential scaling laws. It is proposed that solar sailing therefore represents a key technology for harvesting near Earth asteroids, using sunlight both as heat for asteroid processing and radiation pressure for resource transportation

    Accessibility of the resources of near Earth space using multi-impulse transfers

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    Most future concepts for exploration and exploitation of space require a large initial mass in low Earth orbit. Delivering this mass requires overcoming Earth's natural gravity well, which imposes a distinct obstacle to space-faring. An alternative for future space progress is to search for resources in-situ among the near Earth asteroid population. This paper examines the scenario of future utilization of asteroid resources. The near Earth asteroid resources that could be transferred to a bound Earth orbit are determined by integrating the probability of finding asteroids inside the Keplerian orbital element space of the set of transfers with an specific energy smaller than a given threshold. Transfers are defined by a series of impulsive maneuvers and computed using the patched-conic approximation. The results show that even moderately low energy transfers enable access to a large mass of resources

    Resources of Near-Earth Space: Abstracts

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    The objectives are by theory, experiment, and bench-level testing of small systems, to develop scientifically-sound engineering processes and facility specifications for producing propellants and fuels, construction and shielding materials, and life support substances from the lithospheres and atmospheres of lunar, planetary, and asteroidal bodies. Current emphasis is on the production of oxygen, other usefull gases, metallic, ceramic/composite, and related byproducts from lunar regolith, carbonaceous chrondritic asteroids, and the carbon dioxide rich Martian atmosphere

    Summer Workshop on Near-Earth Resources

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    The possible large scale use of extraterrestrial resources was addressed, either to construct structures in space or to return to Earth as supplements for terrestrial resources. To that end, various specific recommendations were made by the participants in the summer study on near-Earth resources, held at La Jolla, California, 6 to 13 August, 1977. The Moon and Earth-approaching asteroids were considered. Summaries are included of what is known about their compositions and what needs to be learned, along with recommendations for missions designed to provide the needed data. Tentative schedules for these projects are also offered

    Aviation's role in earth resources surveys

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    The role of satellites designed to make a wide variety of earth observations is discussed along with the renewed interest in the use of aircraft as platforms for similar and complementary earth resources surveys. Surveys covering the areas of forestry, agriculture, hydrology, oceanography, geology, and geography are included. Aerials surveys equipped for nonphotographic remote sensing and aircraft flights synchronized with satellite observations to provide correlated data are discussed. Photographs are shown to illustrate preliminary results from several of the test sites

    Earth Resources Laboratory research and technology

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    The accomplishments of the Earth Resources Laboratory's research and technology program are reported. Sensors and data systems, the AGRISTARS project, applied research and data analysis, joint research projects, test and evaluation studies, and space station support activities are addressed

    Asteroid resource map for near-Earth space

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    Most future concepts for the exploration and exploitation of space require a large initial mass in low Earth orbit. Delivering this required mass from the Earth’s surface increases cost due to the large energy input necessary to move mass out of the Earth’s gravity well. An alternative is to search for resources in-situ among the near Earth asteroid population. The near Earth asteroid resources that could be transferred to a bound Earth orbit are determined by integrating the probability of finding asteroids inside the Keplerian orbital element space of the set of transfers with an specific energy smaller than a given threshold. Transfers are defined by a series of impulsive maneuvers and computed using the patched-conic approximation. The results show that even moderately low energy transfers enable access to a large mass of resources
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