18 research outputs found

    Using socio-ecological model to inform the design of persuasive applications

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    Diverse persuasive applications that aim for behavioural changes have been developed. However, the method in which particular persuasive design principles are chosen over others remains unclear. Meanwhile, the use of socio-ecological model has been widely utilized in clinical research, as a basis to understand the factors in the entire ecological system that influences behavioural patterns. Because persuasive technology aims to change the behaviour and attitudes of users, we believe that the use of socio- ecological model would be beneficial to inform the design of persuasive applications. Accordingly, in this paper, we attempt to demonstrate the mapping of the socio-ecological factors and persuasive design principles by conducting interviews and expert reviews. Based on our approach, 12 socio-ecological factors that influence physical activity behaviour, and corresponding relevant persuasive design principles to deal with these factors, are identified

    A conceptual model of interactive persuasive learning system for elderly to encourage computer-based learning process

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    Over the past few years, new and improved learning techniques and technologies have been introduced.Among them, interactive media holds a lot of potential in learning.This technology highly promotes self-directed and active learning approaches and has capabilities to foster the learning process. Furthermore, the emergence of persuasive technology increased the capability of the media features to be used in learning field within variety of ways. Persuasive technology is the attempts of several researchers and its founder to proof the power of persuasion through the computer technology in changing peoples’ behavior and attitude.Even though previous studies have highlighted the various features of interactive media contribute to learning, our preliminary study indicated that most of elderly prefers conventional learning approach over computer approach.It is evident that elderly choose the use of computer applications as their last resort in learning.In order to highlight an interactive media system with persuasion elements, this study attempt to propose a conceptual model of interactive persuasive learning system for elderly that can be used in encouraging them to learn using computer-based learning tools. Thus this paper reviews the introduction of persuasive technology and interactive media. Then, we propose the conceptual model of interactive persuasive learning system for elderly that can be used in encouraging them to learn using computer-based learning tools. The proposed model will be helpful in designing and developing interactive media systems that can encourage and engage a learning process among elderly

    Process-based Guidance for Designing Behavior Change Support Systems: Marrying the Persuasive Systems Design Model to the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change

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    Behavior change is a highly relevant and studied topic in the psychology discipline. Through integrating technologies into everyday life, behavior change support systems (BCSS) have gained attention in information systems discipline. Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa (2009) have offered a persuasive systems design (PSD) model, a leading framework to provide a generic technical design process including 28 design principles. However, the model lacks a clear picture about which among these 28 design principles one should select for specific implementations. Consequently, researchers and developers who implement BCSS lack structured and evidence-based guidance. They need to invest time and cognitive resources to analyze different design principles. Because the influence of persuasive systems links strongly to processual state of behavior change, we combine the PSD model with Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1983) transtheoretical model (TTM) and posit a model that recommends appropriate design principles for the five transitions along the behavior-change stages. We refined the model using a systematic literature review. The results specify the PSD model and guidelines to select effective design principles for developing BCSS

    Smartphone Apps for Food Purchase Choices: Scoping Review of Designs, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    Background: Smartphone apps can aid consumers in making healthier and more sustainable food purchases. However, there is still a limited understanding of the different app design approaches and their impact on food purchase choices. An overview of existing food purchase choice apps and an understanding of common challenges can help speed up effective future developments.Objective: We examined the academic literature on food purchase choice apps and provided an overview of the design characteristics, opportunities, and challenges for effective implementation. Thus, we contribute to an understanding of how technologies can effectively improve food purchase choice behavior and provide recommendations for future design efforts.Methods: Following the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines, we considered peer-reviewed literature on food purchase choice apps within IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. We inductively coded and summarized design characteristics. Opportunities and challenges were addressed from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. From the quantitative perspective, we coded and summarized outcomes of comparative evaluation trials. From the qualitative perspective, we performed a qualitative content analysis of commonly discussed opportunities and challenges.Results: We retrieved 55 articles, identified 46 unique apps, and grouped them into 5 distinct app types. Each app type supports a specific purchase choice stage and shares a common functional design. Most apps support the product selection stage (selection apps; 27/46, 59%), commonly by scanning the barcode and displaying a nutritional rating. In total, 73% (8/11) of the evaluation trials reported significant findings and indicated the potential of food purchase choice apps to support behavior change. However, relatively few evaluations covered the selection app type, and these studies showed mixed results. We found a common opportunity in apps contributing to learning (knowledge gain), whereas infrequent engagement presents a common challenge. The latter was associated with perceived burden of use, trust, and performance as well as with learning. In addition, there were technical challenges in establishing comprehensive product information databases or achieving performance accuracy with advanced identification methods such as image recognition.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that designs of food purchase choice apps do not encourage repeated use or long-term adoption, compromising the effectiveness of behavior change through nudging. However, we found that smartphone apps can enhance learning, which plays an important role in behavior change. Compared with nudging as a mechanism for behavior change, this mechanism is less dependent on continued use. We argue that designs that optimize for learning within each interaction have a better chance of achieving behavior change. This review concludes with design recommendations, suggesting that food purchase choice app designers anticipate the possibility of early abandonment as part of their design process and design apps that optimize the learning experience

    The Power of Live Stream Commerce: A Case Study of How Live Stream Commerce Can Be Utilised in the Traditional British Retailing Sector

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    As e-commerce continues to grow on a rapid scale, the rise of new technological innovations has come about, such as that of live stream commerce, which has risen rapidly throughout China through the successful case of Taobao Live. Therefore, this research project is focused on live stream retailing as an e-commerce innovation to understand how the key aspects, such as usability, functionality, interaction, and, in general, how its success can be transferred into Western society. A mixed methods approach is taken to collect the crucial data that are needed to understand the current behaviours of British consumers and to understand their preferred methods of shopping and why. This study presents robust recommendations from the collected data, providing strategic insight into the adoption of live stream retailing in the West and incorporating the development of a live stream commerce plug-in prototype that has the potential to be transferred compatibility into any business model

    Designing behavior change support systems in the context of knowledge documentation: development of theory and practical implementation

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    Although innovation and operating efficiently require creating, transferring, and applying knowledge, successful knowledge documentation remains a challenge for organizations. While knowledge management systems support knowledge management activities, the missing link to applying knowledge management relies on human actions and their behaviors. This dissertation extends prior design knowledge about designing Behavior Change Support Systems in the context of knowledge documentation by developing theory and showing practical implementation. Combining technical and psychological models within information systems frameworks based on the principles of abstraction, originality, justification, and benefit, this dissertation draws on design science to propose prescriptive knowledge, for example, in the form of design principles and a specific artifact

    A Review of Resonant Converter Control Techniques and The Performances

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    paper first discusses each control technique and then gives experimental results and/or performance to highlights their merits. The resonant converter used as a case study is not specified to just single topology instead it used few topologies such as series-parallel resonant converter (SPRC), LCC resonant converter and parallel resonant converter (PRC). On the other hand, the control techniques presented in this paper are self-sustained phase shift modulation (SSPSM) control, self-oscillating power factor control, magnetic control and the H-∞ robust control technique


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    This paper presents a state space control technique for inverted pendulum system. The system is a common classical control problem that has been widely used to test multiple control algorithms because of its nonlinear and unstable behavior. Full state feedback based on pole placement and optimal control is applied to the inverted pendulum system to achieve desired design specification which are 4 seconds settling time and 5% overshoot. The simulation and optimization of the full state feedback controller based on pole placement and optimal control techniques as well as the performance comparison between these techniques is described comprehensively. The comparison is made to choose the most suitable technique for the system that have the best trade-off between settling time and overshoot. Besides that, the observer design is analyzed to see the effect of pole location and noise present in the system