75 research outputs found

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease

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    The role of major dietary omega-3 fatty acids (Ω-3; α-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) in human health has generated enormous scientific interest and many controversies in recent years. Due to a growing number of studies with conflicting or even negative clinical results, the former “hype” of Ω-3 thought to be beneficial in many aspects of human health regardless of the physiological and clinical preconditions is now being critically re-evaluated, especially with respect to the potential role of Ω-3 fatty acid supplementation in preventing a variety of diseases and clinical conditions. This critical view reflects the complex interaction of Ω-3 with cell membranes and their integrated proteins mediating signal transduction, transport systems, and other processes. Moreover, Ω-3 are precursors of bioactive metabolites, such as eicosanoids, lipoxins, resolvins, protectins, maresins, and nitrolipids that influence several physiological and pathophysiological processes and their full spectrum of effects are only beginning to be defined. Finally, physiological and pathophysiological conditions as well as concomitant pharmacological treatments may influence the specific and non-specific actions of Ω-3 supplementation. This Special Issue of the Journal of Clinical Medicine will emphasize the role and biological interactions of Ω-3 with regard to cancer, psychiatric disorders, metabolic disorders and nutrition and will also reflect on some basic molecular and cellular mechanisms

    Fatty Acids and Cardiometabolic Health

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    The impact of fat intake on hypercholesterolemia and related atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases has been studied for decades. However, the current evidence base suggests that fatty acids also influences cardiometabolic diseases through other mechanisms including effects on glucose metabolism, body fat distribution, blood pressure, inflammation, and heart rate. Furthermore, studies evaluating single fatty acids have challenged the simplistic view of shared health effects within fatty acid groups categorized by degree of saturation. In addition, investigations of endogenous fatty acid metabolism, including genetic studies of fatty acid metabolizing enzymes, and the identification of novel metabolically derived fatty acids have further increased the complexity of fatty acids’ health impacts. This Special Issue aims to include original research and up-to-date reviews on genetic and dietary modulation of fatty acids, and the role and function of dietary and metabolically derived fatty acids in cardiometabolic health

    Precision Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome Management

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    Precision nutrition is an emerging concept encompassing an integrated action considering not only the genetic/epigenetic makeup and ethnic aspects of individuals, but other personalized phenotypical features, such as family and individual clinical issues, previous diseases and therapeutic treatments, perinatal nutrition, food likes/dislikes, allergies/intolerances, lifestyle attitudes and patterns, social and cultural circumstances or religious beliefs, etc. In this context, chronic disease prevalence is a global public health problem itself, which is also accompanied by a number of complications, including insulin resistance, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver, inflammation, oxidative status and immunocompetence disturbances, and other adverse manifestations related to metabolic syndrome, which may need individualized nutritional approaches. Therefore, the current Special Issue attempts to provide specific nutritional strategies to prevent or treat the complications associated with metabolic syndrome features concerning diabetes, vascular events, liver diseases, dyslipemia, and cancer with a precision nutrition scope

     Egg Consumption and Human Health

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    The purpose of this Special Issue, “Egg Consumption and Human Health,” is two-fold: 1) to address the lack of effect of eggs in increasing heart disease risk (this discussion will be based on what is known from epidemiological analysis and clinical interventions) and 2) to focus on the role of eggs in protecting against chronic disease. Eggs are more than just a cholesterol-containing food. They possess numerous nutritional benefits. This Special Issue will discuss eggs as a source of high-quality protein for individuals across the life spectrum, as a substantial source of choline (a known neurotransmitter involved in cognitive function), and as a source of highly bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin (two carotenoids well-recognized for their major role in protecting against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, as well as for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties). Finally, the potential of incorporating eggs for weight loss interventions, due to their low glycemic index and their satiety effects, will also be discussed

    Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

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    In the biochemical reactions that take place within all living beings, species called free radicals are generated. Denham Harman, in his study on the origin and evolution of life (Harman, 2001), proposes that these species are amongst the causes of the origin of life on our planet. Oxygen is a molecule that provides the primary source of energy in aerobic organisms and therefore is key to the development and evolution of life. On the one hand, it gives rise to life; on the other, due to its ability to form different free radicals, it is capable of damaging essential structures for development. To combat these radicals, our biological systems have developed antioxidant defenses. However, when the balance between free radicals and antioxidant defenses is broken in favor of the former, a phenomenon called oxidative stress occurs, which ends up damaging molecules such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids (Sies, 1983) (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1985). This phenomenon is implicated both in the development of diseases and in their progression. In addition, inflammation phenomena are also involved in most pathologies, which, although they are essential for tissue repair and immunity, turn against our bodies when they become excessively active. For these reasons, in this special edition we showcase an extensive knowledge of the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation both in diseases such as aging, or for its role in health

    Continuing professional development - challenge for professional organization

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    Professions, as one of key sectors of social systems, bear a leading role in the existing social work organization. Free professions take up a special place and significance, all the way from Roman artes liberales to our times. Pharmaceutical profession, as one of the oldest, led by ethical principles, is regulated by postulates accepted by the profession members, and in modern times established through legislations. Typical determinants of the regulated professions, which also refer to pharmacists, as chamber members, are as follows: following ethical principles, specific skills and knowledge, professional development, autonomy at work, continuing improvement, competencies development, professional associations, licensing

    Novel Strategies in Ischemic Heart Disease

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    The first edition of this book will provide a comprehensive overview of ischemic heart disease, including epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, treatment, complications and prognosis. Also discussed are current treatment options, protocols and diagnostic procedures, as well as the latest advances in the field. The book will serve as a cutting-edge point of reference for the basic or clinical researcher, and any clinician involved in the diagnosis and management of ischemic heart disease. This book is essentially designed to fill the vital gap existing between these practices, to provide a textbook that is substantial and readable, compact and reasonably comprehensive, and to provide an excellent blend of "basics to bedside and beyond" in the field of ischemic heart disease. The book also covers the future novel treatment strategies, focusing on the basic scientific and clinical aspects of the diagnosis and management of ischemic heart disease

    Health-Promoting Components of Fruits and Vegetables in Human Health

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    Diet and lifestyle choices can substantially predispose an individual to, or protect against, many age- and obesity-related chronic diseases. According to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, dietary bioactives arecompounds in foodsnot needed for basic human nutrition but responsible for changes in health status.1 These compounds are safe at normal food consumption levels (e.g., anthocyanins in berries) and their biological activities may come from a single compound (e.g., lutein in spinach) or a class of compounds (e.g., avenanthramides in oats) even if the exact identity and composition are unknown. Bioactive compounds of plants; can vary significantly in their ratios and relative concentrations depending onfactors such as cultivation, soil, altitude, and weather conditions. Substantial scientific evidence is available for some health promoting phytochemicals, such as dose-response relations, for performance and/or reduction in the risk of chronic disease. However, several limitations relating to absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of many dietary bioactives still exist and must be better understood This Special Issue compiles recent discoveries that advance our understanding of how dietary bioactive, particularly from fruits and vegetables, influence long-term health maintenance and disease prevention
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