175 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of a Generalized Subset-Sum Pseudorandom Generator

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    We present attacks on a generalized subset-sum pseudorandom generator, which was proposed by von zur Gathen and Shparlinski in 2004. Our attacks rely on a sub-quadratic algorithm for solving a vectorial variant of the 3SUM problem, which is of independent interest. The attacks presented have complexities well below the brute-force attack, making the generators vulnerable. We provide a thorough analysis of the attacks and their complexities and demonstrate their practicality through implementations and experiments

    Weakened Random Oracle Models with Target Prefix

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    Weakened random oracle models (WROMs) are variants of the random oracle model (ROM). The WROMs have the random oracle and the additional oracle which breaks some property of a hash function. Analyzing the security of cryptographic schemes in WROMs, we can specify the property of a hash function on which the security of cryptographic schemes depends. Liskov (SAC 2006) proposed WROMs and later Numayama et al. (PKC 2008) formalized them as CT-ROM, SPT-ROM, and FPT-ROM. In each model, there is the additional oracle to break collision resistance, second preimage resistance, preimage resistance respectively. Tan and Wong (ACISP 2012) proposed the generalized FPT-ROM (GFPT-ROM) which intended to capture the chosen prefix collision attack suggested by Stevens et al. (EUROCRYPT 2007). In this paper, in order to analyze the security of cryptographic schemes more precisely, we formalize GFPT-ROM and propose additional three WROMs which capture the chosen prefix collision attack and its variants. In particular, we focus on signature schemes such as RSA-FDH, its variants, and DSA, in order to understand essential roles of WROMs in their security proofs

    A tight security reduction in the quantum random oracle model for code-based signature schemes

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    Quantum secure signature schemes have a lot of attention recently, in particular because of the NIST call to standardize quantum safe cryptography. However, only few signature schemes can have concrete quantum security because of technical difficulties associated with the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). In this paper, we show that code-based signature schemes based on the full domain hash paradigm can behave very well in the QROM i.e. that we can have tight security reductions. We also study quantum algorithms related to the underlying code-based assumption. Finally, we apply our reduction to a concrete example: the SURF signature scheme. We provide parameters for 128 bits of quantum security in the QROM and show that the obtained parameters are competitive compared to other similar quantum secure signature schemes

    Post-quantum cryptography

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    Cryptography is essential for the security of online communication, cars and implanted medical devices. However, many commonly used cryptosystems will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist. Post-quantum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain secure even in this scenario. This relatively young research area has seen some successes in identifying mathematical operations for which quantum algorithms offer little advantage in speed, and then building cryptographic systems around those. The central challenge in post-quantum cryptography is to meet demands for cryptographic usability and flexibility without sacrificing confidence.</p

    Improvement of algebraic attacks for solving superdetermined MinRank instances

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    The MinRank (MR) problem is a computational problem that arises in many cryptographic applications. In Verbel et al. (PQCrypto 2019), the authors introduced a new way to solve superdetermined instances of the MinRank problem, starting from the bilinear Kipnis-Shamir (KS) modeling. They use linear algebra on specific Macaulay matrices, considering only multiples of the initial equations by one block of variables, the so called ''kernel'' variables. Later, Bardet et al. (Asiacrypt 2020) introduced a new Support Minors modeling (SM), that consider the Pl{\"u}cker coordinates associated to the kernel variables, i.e. the maximal minors of the Kernel matrix in the KS modeling. In this paper, we give a complete algebraic explanation of the link between the (KS) and (SM) modelings (for any instance). We then show that superdetermined MinRank instances can be seen as easy instances of the SM modeling. In particular, we show that performing computation at the smallest possible degree (the ''first degree fall'') and the smallest possible number of variables is not always the best strategy. We give complexity estimates of the attack for generic random instances.We apply those results to the DAGS cryptosystem, that was submitted to the first round of the NIST standardization process. We show that the algebraic attack from Barelli and Couvreur (Asiacrypt 2018), improved in Bardet et al. (CBC 2019), is a particular superdetermined MinRank instance.Here, the instances are not generic, but we show that it is possible to analyse the particular instances from DAGS and provide a way toselect the optimal parameters (number of shortened positions) to solve a particular instance

    Lattice Attacks on Pairing-Based Signatures

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    International audiencePractical implementations of cryptosystems often suffer from critical information leakage through side-channels (such as their power consumption or their electromagnetic emanations). For public-key cryptography on embedded systems, the core operation is usually group exponentiation – or scalar multiplication on elliptic curves – which is a sequence of group operations derived from the private-key that may reveal secret bits to an attacker (on an unprotected implementation).We present lattice-based polynomial-time (heuristic) algorithms that recover the signer’s secret in popular pairing-based signatures when used to sign several messages under the assumption that blocks of consecutive bits of the corresponding exponents are known by the attacker. Our techniques relies upon Coppersmith method and apply to all signatures in the so-called exponent-inversion framework in the standard security model (i.e. Boneh-Boyen and Gentry signatures) as well as in the random oracle model (i.e. Sakai-Kasahara signatures)

    The Extended Autocorrelation and Boomerang Tables and Links Between Nonlinearity Properties of Vectorial Boolean Functions

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    Given the links between nonlinearity properties and the related tables such as LAT, DDT, BCT and ACT that have appeared in the literature, the boomerang connectivity table BCT seems to be an outlier as it cannot be derived from the others using Walsh-Hadamard transform. In this paper, a brief unified summary of the existing links for general vectorial Boolean functions is given first and then a link between the autocorrelation and boomerang connectivity tables is established

    On the Security of the PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Scheme

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    The RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature algorithm is the most widely used digital signature scheme in practice. Its two main strengths are its extreme simplicity, which makes it very easy to implement, and that verification of signatures is significantly faster than for DSA or ECDSA. Despite the huge practical importance of RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures, providing formal evidence for their security based on plausible cryptographic hardness assumptions has turned out to be very difficult. Therefore the most recent version of PKCS#1 (RFC 8017) even recommends a replacement the more complex and less efficient scheme RSA-PSS, as it is provably secure and therefore considered more robust. The main obstacle is that RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures use a deterministic padding scheme, which makes standard proof techniques not applicable. We introduce a new technique that enables the first security proof for RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures. We prove full existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen-message attacks (EUF-CMA) under the standard RSA assumption. Furthermore, we give a tight proof under the Phi-Hiding assumption. These proofs are in the random oracle model and the parameters deviate slightly from the standard use, because we require a larger output length of the hash function. However, we also show how RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures can be instantiated in practice such that our security proofs apply. In order to draw a more complete picture of the precise security of RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures, we also give security proofs in the standard model, but with respect to weaker attacker models (key-only attacks) and based on known complexity assumptions. The main conclusion of our work is that from a provable security perspective RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 can be safely used, if the output length of the hash function is chosen appropriately
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