4 research outputs found

    Children challenging the design of half-baked games: Expressing values through the process of game modding

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    In this paper we look at the potential educational value of placing children in a dual role of identifying and changing rules and values embedded in digital games by hacking them. Children’s participation in the design of learning technologies is a difficult challenge to address, due to limitations in children’s domain-knowledge around which these technologies are developed. Their role in the design process is thus usually limited to that of a user or tester. In this paper we discuss the role of children as “hackers” of what we call ‘half-baked’ games. By hacking a pedagogically engineered half-baked game in order to improve or change it, children are expected to challenge the values, the mechanics and the rules of a fully functioning, but faulty, or inappropriate game originally designed to provoke students to modify it. This discussion uses an example of children modding such a game provocatively called ‘PerfectVille’, which was specially designed to raise problems around the issue of urban sustainability. The game itself was designed with the use of a GIS rule-based authoring tool for game design called ‘sus-x’. The children grappled with both value-laden issues and concepts embedded in the tool they used. The issue of taking children’s values into account but also of helping them to build understandings of wider contested societal values can be addressed by studying the process by which children design and change games affording such experiences. It also illuminated their own perspective and values, which they embedded in the games

    A milestone in the health governance of France - the construction of a health information system

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsAlthough France is recognized as one of the countries with the best care support, it is also a country far behind on the integration of health data and the constitution of an HIS. Yet, in some aspects, France is not an entirely autonomous country in its government. Indeed, since the integration in the European Union, certain subjects - of which health - are subjects of common agreement, for a common application that can - at this scale - be qualified as a quasi-continental application. And in its goal of global HIS, the European Union is pressuring France to build its own HIS, which will then be absorbed by the HIS of the 27 countries. It is in this scheme that France's gave full authority since ten years to the Regional Health Agencies (and through them, to Keyrus, one of the leaders in business intelligence in France) to build this information system. This is not easy because the French administration is complex and has been solidly and strictly structured for several decades. Building this decisional model is long and will take many more years. But with projects as DIAMANT and GCS, the country is in the process of building a complete HIS taking into account the innovations of the practice of medicine today

    Human resources analytics module at Quidgest: One more step for human resources to become a true strategic partner

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    Analytics has been a source of competitive advantage due to improved decision-making processes in several business areas. Organizations have reported gains in efficiency and effectiveness based on the implementation of data-driven strategies. However, Human Resources (HR) professionals have been struggling to implement Analytics processes and are missing out on the opportunity of using data to improve organizational performance and truly become a Business Strategic Partner. This Enterprise Project aims to contribute to shortening that gap. It sets out to gather and elicit business, user, functional, and nonfunctional requirements for a new Human Resources Analytics Module (HRAM) at Quidgest, a Portuguese Technological Consultancy company that develops Human Resources Information Systems. The gathering and elicitation of requirements were done through Interviews, a Questionnaire, and 2 Joint Application Development (JAD) Sessions. A Value Proposition Canvas was developed to convey a fit between the system’s main functionalities and HR Professionals’ needs based on those requirements. The relevance of this project is two-folded: First, when developed, the new Analytics Module can become a new revenue stream for Quidgest and a way to maintain and improve its competitiveness in the market; Second, HR Professionals may find a new tool that meets their needs towards implementing Analytics processes and take a step forward in becoming a Strategic Partner. The conclusion of this project also sets out to suggest the next steps for the Module Development and implementation.O uso de Analytics tem sido uma fonte de vantagem competitiva devido à melhoria dos processos de tomada de decisão. As organizações relatam ganhos em eficiência e eficácia com base na implementação de estratégias baseadas em análise de dados. No entanto, os profissionais de Recursos Humanos (RH) têm se debatido para implementar processos analíticos e estão a perder a oportunidade de usar os seus dados para melhorar o desempenho organizacional e se tornarem realmente Strategic Business Partners. Este projeto em empresa visa colmatar essa lacuna. Pretende-se recolher e clarificar requisitos de negócio, utilizador, funcionais e não funcionais para um novo Módulo de Human Resources (HR) Analytics na Quidgest, uma constultora tecnológica portuguesa que desenvolve Sistemas de Informação de RH. A recolha e a clarificação de requisitos foi feita através de entrevistas, um questionário, e 2 Joint Application Development Sessions. De seguida, foi desenvolvido um Value Proposition Canvas, que mostra como há um fit entre as principais funcionalidades do sistema e as necessidades dos profissionais de RH nesta área. A relevância deste projeto prende-se em dois aspetos: primeiro, o novo Módulo de Analytics pode tornar-se uma nova fonte de receita para a Quidgest e uma forma de manter e melhorar sua competitividade; Em segundo lugar, os profissionais de RH podem encontrar uma nova ferramenta que responda às suas necessidades de implementação de processos analíticos e dar um passo em frente para se tornarem um Business Partner. A conclusão deste projeto sugere os próximos passos para o Desenvolvimento do Módulo de Analytics

    2019 EC3 July 10-12, 2019 Chania, Crete, Greece

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