6 research outputs found

    Commuting matrices in the sojourn time analysis of MAP/MAP/1 queues

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    Queues with Markovian arrival and service processes, i.e., MAP/MAP/1 queues, have been useful in the analysis of computer and communication systems and different representations for their sojourn time distribution have been derived. More specifically, the class of MAP/MAP/1 queues lies at the intersection of the class of QBD queues and the class of semi-Markovian queues. While QBD queues have an order N2N^2 matrix exponential representation for their sojourn time distribution, where NN is the size of the background continuous time Markov chain, the sojourn time distribution of the latter class allows for a more compact representation of order NN. In this paper we unify these two results and show that the key step exists in establishing the commutativity of some fundamental matrices involved in the analysis of the MAP/MAP/1 queue. We prove, using two different approaches, that the required matrices do commute and identify several other sets of commuting matrices. Finally, we generalize some of the results to queueing systems with batch arrivals and services

    ETAQA Truncation Models for the MAP/MAP/1 Departure Process

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    We propose a family of finite approximations for the departure process of a MAP/MAP/1 queue. The departure process approximations are derived via an exact aggregate solution technique (called ETAQA) applied to Quasi-BirthDeath processes (QBDs) and require only the computation of the frequently sparse fundamental-period matrix . The approximations are indexed by a parameter , which determines the size of the output model as QBD levels. The marginal distribution of the true departure process and the lag correlations of the interdeparture times up to lag are preserved exactly. Via experimentation we show the applicability of the proposed approximation in traffic-based decomposition of queueing networks and investigate how correlation propagates through tandem queues

    An Application of Matrix Analytic Methods to Queueing Models with Polling

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    We review what it means to model a queueing system, and highlight several components of interest which govern the behaviour of customers, as well as the server(s) who tend to them. Our primary focus is on polling systems, which involve one or more servers who must serve multiple queues of customers according to their service policy, which is made up of an overall polling order, and a service discipline defined at each queue. The most common polling orders and service disciplines are discussed, and some examples are given to demonstrate their use. Classic matrix analytic method theory is built up and illustrated on models of increasing complexity, to provide context for the analyses of later chapters. The original research contained within this thesis is divided into two halves, finite population maintenance models and infinite population cyclic polling models. In the first half, we investigate a 2-class maintenance system with a single server, expressed as a polling model. In Chapter 2, the model we study considers a total of C machines which are at risk of failing when working. Depending on the failure that a machine experiences, it is sorted into either the class-1 or class-2 queue where it awaits service among other machines suffering from similar failures. The possible service policies that are considered include exhaustive, non-preemptive priority, and preemptive resume priority. In Chapter 3, this model is generalized to allow for a maintenance float of f spare machines that can be turned on to replace a failed machine. Additionally, the possible server behaviours are greatly generalized. In both chapters, among other topics, we discuss the optimization of server behaviour as well as the limiting number of working machines as we let C go to infinity. As these are systems with a finite population (for a given C and f), their steady-state distributions can be solved for using the algorithm for level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes without loss of accuracy. When a class of customers are impatient, the algorithms covered in this thesis require their queue length to be truncated in order for us to approximate the steady-state distribution for all but the simplest model. In Chapter 4, we model a 2-queue polling system with impatient customers and k_i-limited service disciplines. Finite buffers are assumed for both queues, such that if a customer arrives to find their queue full then they are blocked and lost forever. Finite buffers are a way to interpret a necessary truncation level, since we can simply assume that it is impossible to observe the removed states. However, if we are interested in approximating an infinite buffer system, this inconsistency will bias the steady-state probabilities if blocking probabilities are not negligible. In Chapter 5, we introduce the Unobserved Waiting Customer approximation as a way to reduce this natural biasing that is incurred when approximating an infinite buffer system. Among the queues considered within this chapter is a N-queue system with exhaustive service and customers who may or may not be impatient. In Chapter 6, we extend this approximation to allow for reneging rates that depend on a customer's place in their queue. This is applied to a N-queue polling system which generalizes the model of Chapter 4