210 research outputs found

    Give old books new life!

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    New digitization workflow of the National Technical Library in theory and practice

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    This paper describes recent activities in the area of digitization processes at the National Technical Library, Prague (Czech Republic), in particular a new schema of digitization workflow, its outputs and its impact on services provided to the National Technical Library´s users. Furthermore, it presents System Kramerius and cooperation oportunities in eBooks on Demand project for the Czech libraries

    New digitization workflow of the National Technical Library in theory and practice

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    This paper describes recent activities in the area of digitization processes at the National Technical Library, Prague (Czech Republic), in particular a new schema of digitization workflow, its outputs and its impact on services provided to the National Technical Library´s users. Furthermore, it presents System Kramerius and cooperation oportunities in eBooks on Demand project for the Czech libraries

    Korona õpetus : ühes täielikkude üksik- ja paarismängu määruste, seletuste ja joonistega

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    Služba „eBooks on Demand“ v České republice: „eBooks on Demand“ Service in the Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce představuje evropský kooperativní projekt Elektronické knihy na objednávku – Evropská knihovní síť (eBooks on Demand – A European Library Network, EOD) a stejnojmennou službu, jejímž cílem je digitalizace historických tisků na objednávku. První část práce přináší obecný vhled do historie projektu, popisuje cíle, klíčové aktivity projektu a technologické postupy služby. Dále se práce zaměřuje na popis současného stavu služby EOD v České republice. Poslední část představuje nástroje propagace služby EOD a jejich případné rozšíření o nové možnosti.This Bachelor thesis introduces European cooperative project Elektronické knihy na objednávku – Evropská knihovní síť (eBooks on Demand – A European Library Network, EOD) and homonymous service which aims to digitize rare books on customer's demand. customer's demand. The first part of thesis describes the project in generally way regarding its history, describing goals, key activities, and technological workflow of EOD service. Furthermore the thesis focuses on describing current situation of EOD service in the Czech Republic. The last part presents the promotional tools of EOD service and their possible new opportunities

    Make it Available – EODOPEN, a Project Focusing on User Needs

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    What’s Next for Digital Outreach and Archives: A Swedish Perspective

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    Many archives today are not fully utilizing available technologies to best display collection materials online. In the days of “Archives 2.0,” we have the tools to assist users by providing greater access, context, and engagement with our collections, yet many archives are falling short of incorporating these tools. In the summer of 2014, I traveled to Sweden to see what Swedish libraries, archives, and museums were doing to facilitate online engagement with their collection materials. I found that while many organizations are following the old build-it-and-they-will-come model of digital projects, some are moving beyond this. These organizations are providing users with tools to provide feedback on digital projects and have a voice in what items are digitized. I also spoke with forward-thinking innovators about this idea of “what’s next” for digital outreach and archives. These individuals had ideas for moving beyond simply providing access to collections to providing methods for insight and interpretation. This is a call to action that we, as archivists, need to take more risks, ask users what they want to see, and think creatively about providing new platforms for facilitating engagement with our resources