84,817 research outputs found

    Heredity and environment

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    Relative Importance of Heredity and Environment

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    The most interesting and educational topic of discussion today is, I think, that on Environment and Heredity, in which many questions arise such as Which has the greatest force in man\u27s life, Heredity or Environment? Does his training or environment influence his attainment?? or What is the relative importance of nature and nurture? My attention is centered mainly on the relative importance of each as such in the life of the organism

    Konsep Hereditas dan Lingkungan Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    Tujuan artikel ini adalah mengkaji konsep hereditas dan lingkungan pendidikan dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an dan menulusuri bagaimana pengaruh dan implementasinya dalam pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian riset pustaka (library research), yaitu serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca, dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Melalui analisis deskriptif-interpretatif, hasil kajian menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak dipengaruhi oleh hereditas dan lingkungan. Hereditas dan lingkungan mempunyai hubungan yang erat. Keduanya saling melengkapi. Di era modern diperlukan adanya implementasi dari teori hereditas dan lingkungan untuk dapat membentuk karakter yang baik pada anak. Di antara yang bisa dilakukan yaitu melalui pendidikan pra-konsepsi, pendidikan pre-natal, revitalisasi peran orang tua di lingkungan keluarga, penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah, dan membangun lingkungan berkarakter.   Kata Kunci: Hereditas, Lingkungan, Pendidikan Islam   Abstract [The Concept of Heredity and the Educational Environment in the Perspective of the Qur'an]. The purpose of this article is to examine the concept of heredity and the educational environment in the perspective of the Qur'an and explore how it influences and implements it in Islamic education. This research is a type of library research, which is a series of activities related to the methods of collecting library data, reading, and taking notes and processing research materials. Through descriptive-interpretative analysis, the results of the study show that the growth and development of children is influenced by heredity and the environment. Heredity and environment have a close relationship. The two complement each other. In the modern era, it is necessary to implement the theory of heredity and the environment to be able to form good character in children. Among the things that can be done are through pre-conception education, pre-natal education, revitalizing the role of parents in the family environment, strengthening character education in schools, and building a character environment.   Keywords: Heredity, Environment, Islamic Educatio

    Genetic, epigenetic and exogenetic information

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    We describe an approach to measuring biological information where ‘information’ is understood in the sense found in Francis Crick’s foundational contributions to molecular biology. Genes contain information in this sense, but so do epigenetic factors, as many biologists have recognized. The term ‘epigenetic’ is ambiguous, and we introduce a distinction between epigenetic and exogenetic inheritance to clarify one aspect of this ambiguity. These three heredity systems play complementary roles in supplying information for development. We then consider the evolutionary significance of the three inheritance systems. Whilst the genetic inheritance system was the key innovation in the evolution of heredity, in modern organisms the three systems each play important and complementary roles in heredity and evolution. Our focus in the earlier part of the paper is on ‘proximate biology’, where information is a substantial causal factor that causes organisms to develop and causes offspring to resemble their parents. But much philosophical work has focused on information in ‘ultimate biology’. Ultimate information is a way of talking about the evolutionary design of the mechanisms of development and inheritance. We conclude by clarifying the relationship between the two. Ultimate information is not a causal factor that acts in development or heredity, but it can help to explain the evolution of proximate information, which is

    Organic Selection and Social Heredity: The Original Baldwin Effect Revisited

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    The so-called “Baldwin Effect” has been studied for years in the fields of Artificial Life, Cognitive Science, and Evolutionary Theory across disciplines. This idea is often conflated with genetic assimilation, and has raised controversy in trans-disciplinary scientific discourse due to the many interpretations it has. This paper revisits the “Baldwin Effect” in Baldwin’s original spirit from a joint historical, theoretical and experimental approach. Social Heredity – the inheritance of cultural knowledge via non-genetic means in Baldwin’s term – is also taken into consideration. I shall argue that the Baldwin Effect can occur via social heredity without necessity for genetic assimilation. Computational experiments are carried out to show that when social heredity is permitted with high fidelity, there is no need for the assimilation of acquired characteristics; instead the Baldwin Effect occurs as promoting more plasticity to facilitate future intelligence. The role of mind and intelligence in evolution and its implications in an extended synthesis of evolution are briefly discussed

    A comparative study on accounting heredity: the case of ex soviet countries versus other eastern european countries

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    This paper aims at investigating the existence of accounting heredity in some of Eastern European countries. Accounting heredity assumes that at the time the economic paradigm changes, a new accounting system emerges, enclosing both genes from the existing accounting system, as well as genes from a new accounting system used as an inspiration. Data was gathered by sending questionnaires to academics in the respective countries. Studied countries fell into two categories: Ex Soviet countries (Republic of Moldova & Ukrane), and other Est European countries (Romania, Republic of Macedonia and the Czech Republic). It analyses the survival of communist accounting practices in the post-1990 accounting systems and identifies other eternal influences that shaped these accounting systems.Accounting Heredity, Accounting Change, Accounting Genes, Eastern European Countries, Accounting History

    Metode Pendidikan Ruhani Perspektif Al-qur\u27an

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    The Qur\u27an suggests the existence of several factorsthat influence the development of the soul: heredity,environment, and innate potential. Environment is notthe only factor affecting the development of the soul,as well as heredity. However, whole these factors alsoinfluence individual growth and mental development.Several methods offered the Qur\u27an in educating thesoul by strengthening faith and taqwa; assigningvarious religious obligation, giving encouragement tobe patient and remembering Allah (zikr) and repent toHim. This article tries to describe further about thisissue

    A Consideration of the Influence of Hereditary as Opposed to Environmental Factors in the Genesis of Asthma

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    It is proposed in this thesis to inquire into the parts played by heredity and environment respectively in the etiology of asthma, with the hope that the responsibility of each of these factors may be more correctly evaluated and treatment adopted accordingly; or in the instances where heredity is important, if, as Penrose 93) aptly remarks, "we can by artificial means neautralise the injurious hereditary effects, the importance of heredity from the medical point of view is very much diminished."

    Heredity and heritability

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    Journal ArticlePhilosophical discussions of heredity have focused on the sustainability of heritability analyses and more recently on the units of heredity. Here I introduce the concept of heritability and the problems associated with it. Next the units of heredity discussion is introduced. Here I consider alternatives to the view that DNA is the most important hereditary material. The information view of heredity is introduced and discussed and finally, several alternative or supplementary views of heredity are introduced

    Heredity and the Environment [8th grade]

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    This unit attempts to provide the connections for a four week unit that covers Ecosystems, Genetics, and Stresses (both internal and external). The unit first recaps the information that should have already been covered in 6th and 7th grade with respect to ecosystems. This includes the performance assessment which centers on using their knowledge to reconnect the concepts they already know with the ones they are still struggling to learn. Next, the unit draws connections to genetics, specifically traits and DNA. These are impacted by the ecosystem and human and environmental factors. These factors are focused on last, but are discussed in the ecosystems (including the performance assessment) and genetics sections as well. Thus, the cohesive unit highlights specific parts of the enclosed unit flow chart for defined amounts of time, but the connections are much more than originally meet the eye. This unit strives to be interactive and informative, yet is focused on getting students depth not just breadth. Deep understanding is the goal at every step and students should be encouraged to come up with all of the connections they can between the sections of the unit and their world. This unit aligns with the North East ISD scope and the TEKS: 8.6 (C), 8.11 (A-C), and 8.14 (B). The TAKS workbook also calls for DNA to be addressed (but its molecular structure to be left out), and thus this too has been added to the curriculum
