458,677 research outputs found

    Perception of Nigerian SMEs on electronic data interchange adoption

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    The wide adoption of electronic data interchange (EDI) by the SMEs is important for the success of the technology. A review of past EDI adoption literature indicates that past studies have focused mainly on large businesses. With the advance of technology, SMEs businesses are now able to enjoy the benefits of EDI. SMEs businesses are the backbone of the economy in Nigeria, despite these facts, there are relatively no identified studies on perception of EDI adoption among the Nigerian SMEs. A conceptual model is then proposed to address the above issues. The model may help Nigerians SMEs to achieve higher impacts on their businesses from the adoption of EDI and may also provide strategic roadmap for SMEs in other African countries. Using a technology, organization, and environment framework, this study tested a perception base model against the data collected from 204 SMEs firms in Nigeria. Four factors that were found to be significant in the SMEs EDI adoption were direct benefits, indirect benefits, financial resources, and external pressure to adopt EDI. The results of this study could provide insight into unique factors that drive EDI adoption by SMEs in Nigeria and serve as a guide to policy initiatives to the SMEs owner managers. Key words: Technology adoption, EDI technology, Nigerian SMEs

    An empirical investigation on EDI determinants and outcomes in Malaysian industry

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    Government involvement is the main cause for the EDI acceptance in Southeast Asian countries (United Nation of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific - UNESCAP, 1996). This is significantly different from the EDI developments in the western countries in which private sector involvement in EDI is substantial (UNESCAP, 1996). As an initial step to spur EDI implementation in private sector, the Malaysian Government has imposed all companies that engage in international trade to implement EDI by doing electronic customs declarations through CIS (Customs Information System) DagangNet. For this, the Government also spent over RM 300 million to fully implement EDI nationwide (Star, 2003 December 3). Nevertheless, such implementation is not successful and it has been claimed that “EDI is not yet fully implemented even though it had been initiated since late 1990s, besides electronic data is also still not recognized for legal customs declaration purposes even if it was meant for paperless and electronic customs declarations” (Star, 2003 December 3). To date, there are dual customs declarations, both electronic and manual, in practices where the sole typical electronic transaction is registration of the customs form (Jimmy, 2005; Star, 2005 July 11). This is in contrast with electronic customs declarations by other countries such as Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore where there is a full electronic declaration including electronic payment for declarations charges (Jimmy, 2005; Star, 2005 July 11; Chau, 2001)

    Determinants of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Adoption and Integration in the US and Japanese Automobile Suppliers

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    This paper examines determinants of EDI adoption and integration in the US and Japanese automobile suppliers. The paper constructs several hypotheses based on the transaction-cost and resource- dependence approaches, and tests these hypotheses by using data from the automobile suppliers. Our study shows: (1) the resource-dependence approach seemed more effective in explaining EDI adoption, while the transaction-cost approach seemed more effective in explaining EDI integration; (2) the transaction-cost approach seemed more suited to the US context, while the resource-dependence approach seemed more suited to the Japanese context; (3) EDI adoption and EDI integration had positive impacts on EDI performance in the US, suggesting the higher validity of our framework in the US.Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce, Automotive Industry, Automobile Suppliers, Technology Adoption

    Nanoparticle drug delivery systems for inner ear therapy: An overview

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    open7noembargoed_20180701Valente, Filippo; Astolfi, Laura; Simoni, Edi; Danti, Serena; Franceschini, Valeria; Chicca, Milvia; Martini, AlessandroValente, Filippo; Astolfi, Laura; Simoni, Edi; Danti, Serena; Franceschini, Valeria; Chicca, Milvia; Martini, Alessandr

    A nilpotent IP polynomial multiple recurrence theorem

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    We generalize the IP-polynomial Szemer\'edi theorem due to Bergelson and McCutcheon and the nilpotent Szemer\'edi theorem due to Leibman. Important tools in our proof include a generalization of Leibman's result that polynomial mappings into a nilpotent group form a group and a multiparameter version of the nilpotent Hales-Jewett theorem due to Bergelson and Leibman.Comment: v4: switch to TeXlive 2016 and biblate

    XML and Its Potential for Ecommerce

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    This paper reviews the origin and development of standards for Electronic Data Interchange, considering exceptions and variations that standards need to accommodate It examines cost factors that affect implementation and discusses conducting EDI over the Internet and the importance of metatags and data type definitions for interpreting data structures and improving functionality of business transactions. It looks at XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a proposal to broaden the applicability of transacting business over the Internet by bringing EDI to the desktop

    Economic Innovation Group (EIG) 2018 Distressed Communities Index (DCI): Nevada Counties

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    This Fact Sheet highlights the Economic Distress Indicators (EDI) for the 17 counties within Nevada. Using the Economic Innovations Group1 DCI (Distressed Communities Index),2 the Tables that follow report EDI for each of the 17 counties in Nevada, grouped within two time-frames (2007-2011 and 2012-2016), and showing change over time. The data provides the opportunity to compare how the Great Recession affected communities across the nation and how the ongoing recovery is reshaping the economies and social networks of our nation

    High-resolution broadband spectroscopy using externally dispersed interferometry at the Hale telescope: Part 1, data analysis and results

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    High-resolution broadband spectroscopy at near-infrared wavelengths (950 to 2450 nm) has been performed using externally dispersed interferometry (EDI) at the Hale telescope at Mt. Palomar. Observations of stars were performed with the “TEDI” interferometer mounted within the central hole of the 200-in. primary mirror in series with the comounted TripleSpec near-infrared echelle spectrograph. These are the first multidelay EDI demonstrations on starlight, as earlier measurements used a single delay or laboratory sources. We demonstrate very high (10×) resolution boost, from original 2700 to 27,000 with current set of delays (up to 3 cm), well beyond the classical limits enforced by the slit width and detector pixel Nyquist limit. Significantly, the EDI used with multiple delays rather than a single delay as used previously yields an order of magnitude or more improvement in the stability against native spectrograph point spread function (PSF) drifts along the dispersion direction. We observe a dramatic (20×) reduction in sensitivity to PSF shift using our standard processing. A recently realized method of further reducing the PSF shift sensitivity to zero is described theoretically and demonstrated in a simple simulation which produces a 350× times reduction. We demonstrate superb rejection of fixed pattern noise due to bad detector pixels—EDI only responds to changes in pixel intensity synchronous to applied dithering. This part 1 describes data analysis, results, and instrument noise. A section on theoretical photon limited sensitivity is in a companion paper, part 2

    High-resolution broadband spectroscopy using externally dispersed interferometry at the Hale telescope: part 2, photon noise theory

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    High-resolution broadband spectroscopy at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths (950 to 2450 nm) has been performed using externally dispersed interferometry (EDI) at the Hale telescope at Mt. Palomar, with the TEDI interferometer mounted within the central hole of the 200-in. primary mirror in series with the comounted TripleSpec NIR echelle spectrograph. These are the first multidelay EDI demonstrations on starlight. We demonstrated very high (10×) resolution boost and dramatic (20× or more) robustness to point spread function wavelength drifts in the native spectrograph. Data analysis, results, and instrument noise are described in a companion paper (part 1). This part 2 describes theoretical photon limited and readout noise limited behaviors, using simulated spectra and instrument model with noise added at the detector. We show that a single interferometer delay can be used to reduce the high frequency noise at the original resolution (1× boost case), and that except for delays much smaller than the native response peak half width, the fringing and nonfringing noises act uncorrelated and add in quadrature. This is due to the frequency shifting of the noise due to the heterodyning effect. We find a sum rule for the noise variance for multiple delays. The multiple delay EDI using a Gaussian distribution of exposure times has noise-to-signal ratio for photon-limited noise similar to a classical spectrograph with reduced slitwidth and reduced flux, proportional to the square root of resolution boost achieved, but without the focal spot limitation and pixel spacing Nyquist limitations. At low boost (∌1×) EDI has ∌1.4× smaller noise than conventional, and at >10× boost, EDI has ∌1.4× larger noise than conventional. Readout noise is minimized by the use of three or four steps instead of 10 of TEDI. Net noise grows as step phases change from symmetrical arrangement with wavenumber across the band. For three (or four) steps, we calculate a multiplicative bandwidth of 1.8:1 (2.3:1), sufficient to handle the visible band (400 to 700 nm, 1.8:1) and most of TripleSpec (2.6:1)

    EDI and intelligent agents integration to manage food chains

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    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a type of inter-organizational information system, which permits the automatic and structured communication of data between organizations. Although EDI is used for internal communication, its main application is in facilitating closer collaboration between organizational entities, e.g. suppliers, credit institutions, and transportation carriers. This study illustrates how agent technology can be used to solve real food supply chain inefficiencies and optimise the logistics network. For instance, we explain how agribusiness companies can use agent technology in association with EDI to collect data from retailers, group them into meaningful categories, and then perform different functions. As a result, the distribution chain can be managed more efficiently. Intelligent agents also make available timely data to inventory management resulting in reducing stocks and tied capital. Intelligent agents are adoptive to changes so they are valuable in a dynamic environment where new products or partners have entered into the supply chain. This flexibility gives agent technology a relative advantage which, for pioneer companies, can be a competitive advantage. The study concludes with recommendations and directions for further research
