41 research outputs found

    Using the redundant convolutional encoder–decoder to denoise QRS complexes in ECG signals recorded with an armband wearable device

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    Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings while performing normal daily routines are often corrupted with motion artifacts, which in turn, can result in the incorrect calculation of heart rates. Heart rates are important clinical information, as they can be used for analysis of heart-rate variability and detection of cardiac arrhythmias. In this study, we present an algorithm for denoising ECG signals acquired with a wearable armband device. The armband was worn on the upper left arm by one male participant, and we simultaneously recorded three ECG channels for 24 h. We extracted 10-s sequences from armband recordings corrupted with added noise and motion artifacts. Denoising was performed using the redundant convolutional encoder–decoder (R-CED), a fully convolutional network. We measured the performance by detecting R-peaks in clean, noisy, and denoised sequences and by calculating signal quality indices: signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), ratio of power, and cross-correlation with respect to the clean sequences. The percent of correctly detected R-peaks in denoised sequences was higher than in sequences corrupted with either added noise (70–100% vs. 34–97%) or motion artifacts (91.86% vs. 61.16%). There was notable improvement in SNR values after denoising for signals with noise added (7–19 dB), and when sequences were corrupted with motion artifacts (0.39 dB). The ratio of power for noisy sequences was significantly lower when compared to both clean and denoised sequences. Similarly, cross-correlation between noisy and clean sequences was significantly lower than between denoised and clean sequences. Moreover, we tested our denoising algorithm on 60-s sequences extracted from recordings from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH) arrhythmia database and obtained improvement in SNR values of 7.08 ± 0.25 dB (mean ± standard deviation (sd)). These results from a diverse set of data suggest that the proposed denoising algorithm improves the quality of the signal and can potentially be applied to most ECG measurement devices

    Arrhythmia ECG Noise Reduction by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    A novel noise filtering algorithm based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is proposed to remove artifacts in electrocardiogram (ECG) traces. Three noise patterns with different power—50 Hz, EMG, and base line wander – were embedded into simulated and real ECG signals. Traditional IIR filter, Wiener filter, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and EEMD were used to compare filtering performance. Mean square error between clean and filtered ECGs was used as filtering performance indexes. Results showed that high noise reduction is the major advantage of the EEMD based filter, especially on arrhythmia ECGs

    Recognition and Evaluation of Heart Arrhythmias via a General Sparse Neural Network

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    In clinical use, an electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential medical tool for assessing heart arrhythmias. Thousands of human beings worldwide are affected by different cardiac problems nowadays. As a consequence, studying the features of the ECG pattern is critical for detecting a wide range of cardiac diseases. The ECG is a test which assesses the intensity of the electrical impulses in the circulatory system. In the present investigation, detection and examination of arrhythmias in the heart on the  system using GSNNs (General sparsed neural network classifier) can be carried out[1]. In this paper, the methodologies of support vector regression(SVR), neural mode decomposition(NMD), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine(SVM) and are examined. To assess the suggested structure, three distinct ECG waveform situations are chosen from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia collection. The main objective of this assignment is to create a simple, accurate, and simply adaptable approach for classifying the three distinct heart diseases chosen. The wavelet transform Db4 is used in the present paper to obtain several features from an ECG signal. The suggested setup was created using the MATLAB programme. The algorithms suggested are 98% accurate for forecasting cardiac arrhythmias, which is greater than prior techniques

    Arrhythmia ECG Noise Reduction by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    [[abstract]]A novel noise filtering algorithm based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is proposed to remove artifacts in electrocardiogram (ECG) traces. Three noise patterns with different power—50 Hz, EMG, and base line wander – were embedded into simulated and real ECG signals. Traditional IIR filter, Wiener filter, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and EEMD were used to compare filtering performance. Mean square error between clean and filtered ECGs was used as filtering performance indexes. Results showed that high noise reduction is the major advantage of the EEMD based filter, especially on arrhythmia ECGs

    A Comprehensive Survey on Generative Diffusion Models for Structured Data

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    In recent years, generative diffusion models have achieved a rapid paradigm shift in deep generative models by showing groundbreaking performance across various applications. Meanwhile, structured data, encompassing tabular and time series data, has been received comparatively limited attention from the deep learning research community, despite its omnipresence and extensive applications. Thus, there is still a lack of literature and its reviews on structured data modelling via diffusion models, compared to other data modalities such as visual and textual data. To address this gap, we present a comprehensive review of recently proposed diffusion models in the field of structured data. First, this survey provides a concise overview of the score-based diffusion model theory, subsequently proceeding to the technical descriptions of the majority of pioneering works that used structured data in both data-driven general tasks and domain-specific applications. Thereafter, we analyse and discuss the limitations and challenges shown in existing works and suggest potential research directions. We hope this review serves as a catalyst for the research community, promoting developments in generative diffusion models for structured data.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    A Complete Pipeline for Heart Rate Extraction from Infant ECGs

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    We would like to express our gratitude to all the families who dedicated their time to donate data to the study. The authors would also like to thank Nicoleta Gavrila, Lauren Charters, Aastha Mishra, Emily Clayton, and Brigita Ceponyte for their additional help in the data collection, and David Mullineaux for his help in verifying the code used in the project.Peer reviewe

    REST: Robust and Efficient Neural Networks for Sleep Monitoring in the Wild

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    In recent years, significant attention has been devoted towards integrating deep learning technologies in the healthcare domain. However, to safely and practically deploy deep learning models for home health monitoring, two significant challenges must be addressed: the models should be (1) robust against noise; and (2) compact and energy-efficient. We propose REST, a new method that simultaneously tackles both issues via 1) adversarial training and controlling the Lipschitz constant of the neural network through spectral regularization while 2) enabling neural network compression through sparsity regularization. We demonstrate that REST produces highly-robust and efficient models that substantially outperform the original full-sized models in the presence of noise. For the sleep staging task over single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG), the REST model achieves a macro-F1 score of 0.67 vs. 0.39 achieved by a state-of-the-art model in the presence of Gaussian noise while obtaining 19x parameter reduction and 15x MFLOPS reduction on two large, real-world EEG datasets. By deploying these models to an Android application on a smartphone, we quantitatively observe that REST allows models to achieve up to 17x energy reduction and 9x faster inference. We open-source the code repository with this paper: https://github.com/duggalrahul/REST.Comment: Accepted to WWW 202

    A Complete Pipeline for Heart Rate Extraction from Infant ECGs

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    \ua9 2024 by the authors.Infant electrocardiograms (ECGs) and heart rates (HRs) are very useful biosignals for psychological research and clinical work, but can be hard to analyse properly, particularly longform (≥5 min) recordings taken in naturalistic environments. Infant HRs are typically much faster than adult HRs, and so some of the underlying frequency assumptions made about adult ECGs may not hold for infants. However, the bulk of publicly available ECG approaches focus on adult data. Here, existing open source ECG approaches are tested on infant datasets. The best-performing open source method is then modified to maximise its performance on infant data (e.g., including a 15 Hz high-pass filter, adding local peak correction). The HR signal is then subsequently analysed, developing an approach for cleaning data with separate sets of parameters for the analysis of cleaner and noisier HRs. A Signal Quality Index (SQI) for HR is also developed, providing insights into where a signal is recoverable and where it is not, allowing for more confidence in the analysis performed on naturalistic recordings. The tools developed and reported in this paper provide a base for the future analysis of infant ECGs and related biophysical characteristics. Of particular importance, the proposed solutions outlined here can be efficiently applied to real-world, large datasets

    An experimental method for bio-signal denoising using unconventional sensors

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    In bio-signal denoising, current methods reported in literature consider purely simulated envi-ronments, requiring high computational powers and signal processing algorithms that may in-troduce signal distortion. To achieve an efficient noise reduction, such methods require previous knowledge of the noise signals or to have certain periodicity and stability, making the noise es-timation difficult to predict. In this paper, we solve these challenges through the development of an experimental method applied for bio-signal denoising using a combined approach. This is based on the implementation of unconventional electric field sensors used for creating a noise replica required to obtain the ideal Wiener filter transfer function and achieve further noise reduction. This work aims to investigate the suitability of the proposed approach for the real-time noise reduction affecting bio-signal recordings. The experimental evaluation presented considers two scenarios: a) human bio-signals trials including electrocardiogram, electromyogram and elec-trooculogram; and b) bio-signal recordings from the MIT-MIH arrhythmia database. The per-formance of the proposed method is evaluated using qualitative (i.e. power spectral density) and quantitative criteria (i.e. signal-to-noise ratio and mean square error) followed by a comparison between the proposed methodology and state of the art denoising methods. The results indicate that the combined approach proposed in this paper can be used for noise reduction in electro-cardiogram, electromyogram and electrooculogram signals achieving noise attenuation levels of 26.4 dB, 21.2 dB and 40.8 dB, respectively