11 research outputs found


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    This article aims to examine the role of the E-procurement forms in the six phases of the purchasing process. The paper starts with an introductory part about the purchasing process. Next, based on a literature review we selected and defined the most important forms of E-procurement. Furthermore, we develop a theoretical framework that suggests what form of E-procurement is best to use in every phase of the purchasing process. At the end of the paper we draw conclusions and we set some ground rules for managers regarding to the implementation of an E-procurement form.purchasing, E-procurement; management, supply chain management, optimization


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    The concept of e-procurement has many different meanings ranging from shopping on theinternet (through reverse auction) to collaborative initiatives taking place in virtualmeetings. There are many forms of e-procurement that can be found in the literature. In thispaper we define the most important forms of e-procurement. Next, we present the mainbarriers of implementing an e-procurement found in the literature. Furthermore, we presenta matrix with the main barriers of e-procurement classified in four main categories. Finally,we elaborated for managers some guidelines in order to overcome the barriers ofimplementing e-procurement

    The empirical evidences of good governance in E-government procurement

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    This research presents the components of electronic government procurement (E-GP) that can create good governance in government procurement thorough e-auction. A survey was conducted with Thai government officers who are involved in e-government procurement. There are five major factors that enhance governance procurement: strict e-procurement process, public officer, political official, vendor, and policy and regulation requirements. A strict e-procurement process has positive effect on good governance practice in terms of enhancing cost effectiveness and transparency, and decreasing collusion among vendors. Vendor commitment has negative impact on collusion. Public officers had a negative impact on enhancing law enforcement. Policy and regulation requirements can enhance cost effectiveness, transparency, and law enforcement

    Investigating the Impact of Procurement Alignment on Supply Chain Management Performance

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    AbstractThe increasing emphasis that organizations are placing on purchasing and supply chain management over the past decade, has set the spotlight on the potential of procurement systems. However, the majority of studies still examine IT adoption enablers despite the fact that procurement systems are perceived as a commodity in modern enterprises. Studies that examine the post-adoption conditions that facilitate performance gains in the supply chain management domains still remain scarce. In this paper we investigate the effect of business/IT-alignment within the procurement domain in order to determine if it affects procurement performance. Additionally, we examine the impact that supply chain management governance centralization has in attaining procurement alignment. In order to answer these questions, a sample of 172 European companies was analyzed by means of Partial Least Squares (PLS) modeling. Our results empirical support our hypotheses that procurement alignment leads to increased performance over time and in relation with competitors, with the effect of the former being greater than the latter. Additionally, we find that contrary to empirical evidence supporting the statement that a decentralized structure enables e-procurement adoption, governance centralization of supply chain management decisions fosters procurement alignment

    Business alignment in the procurement domain: a study of antecedents and determinants of supply chain performance

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    With organizations now placing an increasing amount on attention on the management of their supply chain activities, the role of Information Technology (IT) in supporting these operations has been put in the spotlight. In spite of extensive research examining how IT can be employed in various activities of supply chain management, the majority of studies are limited in identifying enablers and inhibitors of adoption. Empirical studies examining post-adoption conditions that facilitate performance improvement still remain scarce. In this study we focus on procurement as part of the supply chain management activities. We apply the business-IT alignment perspective to the domain of procurement, and examine how certain organizational factors impact the attainment of this state. Additionally, we research the effect that procurement alignment has on supply chain management performance. In order to do so, we apply Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis on a sample of 172 European companies. We find that firms that opt for a centralized governance structure, as well as larger firms, are more likely to attain a state of procurement alignment. Furthermore, our results empirically support the statement that procurement alignment is positively correlated with operational efficiency and competitive performance of the supply chain

    E-Procurement Challenges & Supplier Enablement in California Counties

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    This research seeks to identify e-procurement features that enable suppliers to participate online in local government solicitations within California counties. This research also identifies the policies and regulations that California counties have enacted to ensure secure internet bidding. In doing so, commonly adopted web-features collected from California counties with similar characteristics are examined and serve as a foundation in developing supplier participation practices in government solicitations. To address existing challenges of e-procurement and expand the knowledge of e-procurement, this research provides researchers, developers, and practitioners with a theoretical model of supplier enablement practices through web-based features and policies collected from California counties

    The impact of user-perceived e-procurement quality on system and contract compliance

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    PurposeWhilst e‐procurement has significant potential to reduce the purchasing costs of an organisation, the realisation of these savings requires user compliance. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which user‐perceived e‐procurement quality (EPQ) (operationalised through the dimensions of professionalism, processing, training, specification, content, and usability) influences both system and contract compliance.Design/methodology/approachUser perceptions of EPQ were examined in four UK organisations using survey data from 274 respondents.FindingsStrong evidence was found of a positive relationship between user‐perceived EPQ and both system and contract compliance. System compliance was most strongly influenced by professionalism and content dimensions, whilst contract compliance was most strongly influenced by processing, specification, and content dimensions.Research limitations/implicationsData were collected from e‐procurement users in four organisations, which may limit the extent to which findings can be generalised.Practical implicationsUser perceptions of e‐procurement provision significantly influence system and contract adoption. Practitioners should pay attention to management of different dimensions of perceived quality as they may have different effects on both contract and system compliance.Originality/valueThis paper is the first to empirically assess the relationship between user‐perceived EPQ and compliance. Its findings challenge the assumption that the monopolistic dynamics common within internal services, such as e‐procurement provision, are sufficient to ensure compliance. Dissatisfied individuals invariably find ways to circumvent mandatory systems and contracts.</jats:sec

    Evaluasi Critical Success Factors Pada Implementasi E-Procurement Menggunakan Metode Dematel Analytical Network Process (DANP) Di PT.X

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    PT. X merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang airport service. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan bisnisnya, PT.X melakukan perubahan sistem pengadaan internal secara manual menjadi e-procurement sejak tanggal 1 Juli 2014. Pada masa awal implementasi e-procurement, perusahaan menghadapi beberapa hambatan terkait perubahan serta penggunaan teknologi baru. Untuk dapat mengurangi hambatan dan mencapai kesuksesan implementasi, PT.X perlu melaksanakan CSF dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana perusahaan melaksanakan CSF serta bagaimana hubungan keterkaitan antar CSF. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah gabungan antara ANP dan DEMATEL. Output penelitian berdasarkan hasil pengolahan DEMATEL menunjukkan bahwa indikator CSF yang memiliki jumlah hubungan pengaruh antar indikator terbanyak adalah Concentration on business, Identification and management of key stakeholders, dan Enthusiasm and ambition. Sedangkan hasil evaluasi CSF menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar CSF masih belum terlaksana dengan baik dan memerlukan perbaikan. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada pengelompokkan traffic light sebanyak delapan (8) indikator perlu mendapatkan perbaikan dan delapan (8) indikator yang harus segera dijalankan oleh perusahaan, serta hasil nilai GAP sebanyak 15 indikator CSF belum memenuhi target perusahaan.========== PT. X is a company focusing on airport service. In running its business activity, PT. X change its internal procurement from manual to e-procurement since 1st July 2014. Some obstacles appeared at the beginning of the e-procurement implementation related to adapting to changes and a new technology. In order to decrease those obstacles and achieve their goal, PT. X need to implement CSF in a proper way. Based on that problem, this research aiming for evaluating how PT. X implement CSF so far and relation among those CSF. This research combine ANP and DEMATEL as the main method. Based on DEMATEL, the result show that CSF indicators which have the most relation is Concentration on business, Identification and management of key stakeholders, dan Enthusiasm and ambition. While the CSF evaluation results show that most of the CSF still has not done well and need to improve on its implementation. Those results based on CSF evaluation that grouped into the traffic light, eight (8) i ndicators still need improvement and eight (8) indicators need to be implemented immediately, as well as the results of the GAP 15 indicators CSF has not met its targets