4,141 research outputs found

    Model Penerimaan Penggunaan E-Marketplace Dengan Technology Acceptance Model di Pusat Pembelanjaan Mentaya Kotawaringin Timur

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    Salah satu Model Bisnis dari E-Commerce yang berkembang adalah E-Marketplace. Persaingan antara E-marketplace satu dengan yang lain sangat ketat sehingga ada beberapa E-Marketplace lebih berhasil dari pada yang lain. Sebuah E-marketplace dikatakan berhasil jika diterima dengan baik oleh penggunanya. Oleh karena itu penelitian tentang penerimaan E-marketplace menjadi penting. Pada penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di salah satu pasar Indonesia yaitu Pusat Perbelanjaan Mentaya (PPM) mengenai penggunaan E-marketplace. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan adopsi teknologi Informasi. Model penerimaan teknologi informasi yang digunakan yaitu Model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan cara menyebar kuisioner atau survey. Data yang diperoleh berjumlah 240 yang berasal dari konsumen PPM yang menggunakan aplikasi E-marketpalce. Kemudian data akan digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar variable dari model yang diusulkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa presepsi kemudahan menggunakan layanan aplikasi E-marketplace berpengaruh terhadap presepsi manfaat. Ini disebabkan bahwa kemudahan dalam mengoperasikan layanan E-marketplace mempengaruhi pengguna sehingga transaksi penjualan dan pembelian menjadi lebih efektif dan efesien. Selain itu, di dapatkan juga presepsi kemudahan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap sikap penggunaan. Ini menunjukan pengguna layanan E-marketplace merasa bahwa menggunakan layanan tersebut meningkatkan efektifitas dan bermanfaat, maka mereka tidak akan menolak menggunakan layanan E-marketplace. Hasil dalam penelitian ini variable sikap penggunaan terhadap Behavioral Intention tidak diterima, karena sikap dalam menggunakan layanan E-marketplace tidak menentukan perilaku penggun dalam waktu yang akan datang. Penelitian ini fokus pada adopsi penerimaan teknologi informasi menggunakan TAM. Untuk kedepannya diharapkan adanya kombinasi model penerimaan teknologi yang lain seperti UTAUT dan TPB

    Planning E-Marketplace Business Model for Vehicle Rent

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    Technological advances and the internet are utilized by businesses to run electronic commerce or e-commerce businesses. The increase in Internet users from year to year is very significant, so that the application or migration of business into e-commerce is considered a good opportunity for business people. But the demand of vehicle rental is increasing especially in Bali. However, there have not been many e-marketplace businesses with vehicle rental services as evidenced by the name of e-marketplace vehicle rentals that are still foreign to the ears of the people of Indonesia. This research objective is to analyze and find business target in vehicle rental e-marketplace, create business plan for vehicle rental e-marketplace and create prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace. This research methodology is interview and questionnaires. This research resulting the business model for vehicle rental e-marketplace and prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace

    The Effects of Language Difference on Operational Performance and Satisfaction with B2B E-Marketplace Interface

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    This study integrated the user interface and information content of the business-to-business (B2B) electronic marketplace (e-marketplace) with language to analyze whether language differences affect the definition of good interface design and the information content that should be provided via an e-marketplace. An experimental design was adopted for collecting data from tasks, and then the Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS) was used to ascertain how satisfied subjects were with regard to using the B2B e-marketplace interfaces. Study results showed that the language, the e-marketplace interface the subject used, and a combination of the two predict a person’s operational performance and satisfaction with a B2B e-marketplace. This study’s results provide a better understanding of whether B2B e-marketplace service providers should develop interfaces based on specific languages

    Rekayasa Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak E-Marketplace Gerobak Kopi

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    E-marketplace merupakan salah satu pengembangan e-commerce dimana e-marketplace menjadi media perantara yang mempertemukan antara penjual dan pembeli. E-Marketplace memungkinkan pembeli untuk menemukan berbagai jenis barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan dari berbagai penjual yang berbeda. E-marketplace juga menyediakan fasilitas bertransaksi yang aman dan mudah bagi penjual maupun pembeli. Metode dan tahapan penelitian terdiri atas Pengumpulan data dan informasi, Perancangan sistem, dan selanjutnya dikembangkan dengan metode model Waterfall. Hasil dari perancangan e-marketplace ini dapat menampilkan semua informasi mengenai produk-produk kopi dan memberikan kemudahan bagi para pelaku USAha dalam memperluas jangkauan dalam melakukan pemasaran baik produk maupun jasa sehingga lebih tepat sasaran dan akan lebih cepat mendapatkan respon dari khalayak ramai. Selain itu, juga mempermudah pelanggan dalam pencarian produk, dikarenakan dalam e-marketplace terdapat banyak penjual. Sistem E-marketplace memiliki fitur-fitur yang memberikan kemudahan bagi pengunjung, mempunyai kontribusi dalam menyelesaikan masalah untuk memberikan jaminan layanan informasi yang lebih pada konsumen. Menampilkan informasi-informasi yang mengarahkan pengunjung, calon pembeli juga dapat melakukan pemesanan, pembayaran, dan konfirmasi pembayaran. Hal ini dapat memperluas pangsa pasar dan menumbuhkan daya saing karena sistem penjualannya tidak lagi terbatas pada ruang dan wakt

    The Investigation of E-Marketplace Adoption by Small Medium Enterprises Using Individual-Technology- Organization-Environment (ITOE) Framework: A Case Study in Yogyakarta Province Indonesia

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    Background: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia have been encouraged by the Indonesian government to adopt e-marketplace platforms. However, the rate of e-marketplace adoption is shown to be low. In an effort to address the underlying issues this paper reports on the application of a modified form of the Technology-Environment-Organization framework that includes attributes of individual SME owner-managers. The application of the Individual- Technology-Organization-Environment (ITOE) framework is considered necessary given the overwhelming number of micro-SMEs that have one owner-manager and employ less than ten employees. The study takes a case study approach by studying e-marketplace adoption of SMEs in the province of Yogyakarta, a major city of Indonesia. Method: Using a survey instrument, data were collected using randomized sampling from SMEs in Yogyakarta and analyzed using the partial least squares method. Results: The results confirm the validity of the ITOE framework to this study context. The results also indicate that the Individual construct positively affects the organization construct in predicting e-marketplace adoption. The suitability of the ITOE framework for further application to other locations in Indonesia when investigating e-marketplace adoption by SMEs is validated. Conclusion: This study validates use of the ITOE framework in investigating e- marketplace adoption by SMEs in Indonesia. The ITOE framework can be operationalized for e-marketplace adoption, particularly when the research context has relevant factors to the individual context namely, where a predominance of micro-SMEs exists. Future research is to conduct a full-scale study of e- marketplace adoption in Indonesia

    Designing an Android-Based E-Marketplace System as Pekalongan Batik Trade Facility

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    The development of online shop in this globalization era has progressed very rapidly, especially E-Marketplace. E-Marketplace is the most popular kind of online shop because of the guaranteed security by providing the intermediatery so customers do not need to be afraid to make a transaction without having to meet in person. International Batik Center (IBC) as one of the batik shopping areas in Pekalongan which provides place for more than 200 SMEs has a similar concept with E-Marketplace. IBC itself is not applying online business transactions at this moment so the marketing of SMEs products at IBC is limited in Pekalongan. To overcome this problem, an E-Marketplace system comprised of several sub systems will be designed. This research focuses on android-based sales sub-system. Design method used in this research is ICONIX Process. The purpose of this research is to build an android- based E-Marketplace system that can be used by customers as a medium to conduct online transactions. With E-Marketplace system, it is expected that all party in it, which are IBC, SMEs, and customers, will get a lot of benefits compared to the conventional market. In particular, this design is also expected to provide benefits for customers to simplify and speed up the transaction process.  Perkembangan online shop di era globalisasi sekarang ini memiliki kemajuan yang sangat pesat khususnya E-Marketplace. E-Marketplace merupakan tipe online shop yang paling populer dikarenakan keamanan yang terjamin dengan adanya perantara sehingga customer tidak perlu takut untuk bertransaksi tanpa harus bertatap muka secara langsung. International Batik Center (IBC) sebagai salah satu tempat perbelanjaan batik di Pekalongan menyediakan lahan untuk lebih dari 200 UKM memiliki konsep yang serupa dengan E-Marketplace. IBC sendiri saat ini belum menerapkan transaksi bisnis secara online sehingga membuat pemasaran produk-produk UKM di IBC hanya sebatas di daerah pekalongan saja. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dikembangkan suatu sistem E-Marketplace yang terdiri dari beberapa sub sistem. Penelitian ini berfokus pada sub sistem penjualan berbasis android. Metodologi perancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ICONIX Process. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun suatu sistem E-Marketplace berbasis android yang akan digunakan oleh customer sebagai media untuk melakukan transaksi secara online. Dengan adanya sistem E-Marketplace ini diharapkan seluruh pelaku di dalamnya baik IBC, UKM, dan customer akan memperoleh banyak manfaat dibandingkan dengan pasar konvensional. Secara khusus perancangan ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi customer untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat proses transaksi

    Information Technology Governance Design in DevOps-Based E-Marketplace Companies Using COBIT 2019 Framework

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    The E-Marketplace system is a digital place where sellers and buyers meet virtually, and transactions can be processed safely. E-Marketplace companies are oriented toward consumer-centric products and services and operate and have 24/7 non-stop transaction activities. E-Marketplace system development has become the digital transformation in Information Technology (IT) governance that meets the requirements of a system-based automated control with the application of DevOps principles. This study uses a mixed method approach through questionnaires, interviews, expert judgment, and relevant literature reviews related to the e-Marketplace system and IT governance concepts using the COBIT 2019 framework, which has 11 design factors with 40 IT processes to obtain the most appropriate governance model for e-Marketplace companies. The results were obtained in the form of 6 (six) methods in the IT governance model using the DevOps approach, namely the APO03 – Managed Enterprise Architecture, APO04 – Managed Innovation, BAI04 – Managed Availability and Capacity, BAI06 – Managed IT Changes, BAI11 – Managed Projects, and DSS03 – Managed Problems with a score ≥ 75 and the capability level target is at level 4.The E-Marketplace system is a digital place where sellers and buyers meet virtually, and transactions can be processed safely. E-Marketplace companies are oriented toward consumer-centric products and services and operate and have 24/7 non-stop transaction activities. E-Marketplace system development has become the digital transformation in Information Technology (IT) governance that meets the requirements of a system-based automated control with the application of DevOps principles. This study uses a mixed method approach through questionnaires, interviews, expert judgment, and relevant literature reviews related to the e-Marketplace system and IT governance concepts using the COBIT 2019 framework, which has 11 design factors with 40 IT processes to obtain the most appropriate governance model for e-Marketplace companies. The results were obtained in the form of 6 (six) methods in the IT governance model using the DevOps approach, namely the APO03 – Managed Enterprise Architecture, APO04 – Managed Innovation, BAI04 – Managed Availability and Capacity, BAI06 – Managed IT Changes, BAI11 – Managed Projects, and DSS03 – Managed Problems with a score ≥ 75 and the capability level target is at level 4

    The Asian Difference in B2B E-Marketplace

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    This study contends that the low rate of e-marketplace acceptance by Asian firms cannot be fully understood without analyzing the context within which technology is exploited. Current IOS (Inter-Organizational Systems) studies emphasize the removal of barriers to e-marketplace acceptance in relation to technological, organizational, and inter-organizational factors. However, the contextual influences of IOS are largely ignored. We highlight three levels of contextual influences – structural, national/regional, and socio-cultural – that shape the adopters’ expectation of e-marketplace applications in three Asian regions (India, Taiwan, and China). Our study formulates arguments that attempt to flesh out the constraint of context as one of the most significant, but often neglected, dimensions of e-marketplace acceptance

    Types of business-to-business e-marketplaces: The role of a theory-based, domain-specific model

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    In this study, we seek to further our knowledge of e-marketplaces by exploring empirically the existence of different types of business-to-business e-marketplaces. We used the reference model for electronic markets [Schmid & Lindemann 1998] as the theoretical foundation for a domain-specific model that we used to develop a set of coherent types of e-marketplaces, based on data from 24 German e-marketplaces. Analysis using multi-dimensional scaling identified three types of e-marketplaces that differed on whether they were horizontal or vertical in nature, the services they provide, and whether they erect market barriers. Interestingly, these factors are those that managers can control most readily and that they can therefore vary to produce an e-marketplace tailored to their business. We present a theoretical analysis of our e-marketplace types based in the literature on managerial control. Our theoretical analysis, the three types of e-marketplace we determined, and the domain-specific e-marketplace model we derived to conduct our investigation, provide a foundation for creating a cumulative tradition in e-marketplace research


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    Peramalan merupakan hal sangat penting dalam dunia usaha untuk mengetahui kelajutan diwaktu mendatang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Bagaimana pola data penjualan produk suplemen Green World pada e-marketplace dari Januari 2016 - Juli 2017, untuk mengetahui metode peramalan kuantitatif apakah yang paling sesuai untuk meramalkan jumlah penjualan produk suplemen Green World pada e-marketplace dari Januari 2016 sampai Juli 2017, dan untuk mengetahui peramalan penjualan produk suplemen Green World pada e-marketplace untuk 15 bulan mendatang dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif terbaik. Metode penelitian yaitu metode survei. Hasil penelitian yaitu pola data penjualan tren naik. Analisis penjualan keseluruhan penjualan pada e-marketplace lebih sesuai dengan metode peramalan Penghalusan Eksponensial Ganda (Double Exponentian Smoothing) yang memiliki nilai MSE terkecil (50,0011) dibandingkan dengan metode peramalan lainnya. Hasil peramalan penjualan produk suplemen Green World pada e-marketplace dari Januari 2016 sampai Juli 2017 cukup bervariasi. Peramalan penjualan pada tokopedia dan bukalapak mengalami peningkatan dimana hasil ramalan tertinggi terdapat pada periode 15 dengan penjualan 31 produk di tokopedia dan 28 produk di bukalapak. Ramalan penjualan di blibli menunjukkan angka yang tetap dari periode 1 hingga 15 yaitu 17 produk. Hasil ramalan penjualan secara keseluruhan pada e-marketplace mengalami peningkatan dimana hasil ramalan tertinggi terdapat pada periode 15 dengan penjualan 81 produk.Kata kunci: Eksponensial Ganda, pola dat
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